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pez5767 last won the day on July 16 2016

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About pez5767

  • Birthday 09/11/1976

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Prosecutor (3/10)



  1. @GRex yup there are regular games going on at all 3 Game Kastle locations. Check the Facebook group through the link above and there is always something going on. Also, there are a few of us here in Santa Cruz gaming on Wednesday nights.
  2. Are you kidding? I'm flattered that you think it's worth stealing, though to be honest, I stole the idea from James Wapple and my buddy Brian, so I'm just passing along the knowledge. Be sure to shoot me a picture of your results!
  3. pez5767


    I love it. Like a giant mutant elephant. In some way this makes a lot more sense.
  4. pez5767

    Blood Priest

  5. Wow, thank you for the kind words. I'll see what I can do about getting a tutorial together, as I do use quite a few "cheats" I can pass along to share with you. However, I'm currently invested in BloodBound for the Season of war, so it will be at least a few weeks until I come back around to Sigmar's Finest. Thanks again, and looking and commenting.
  6. pez5767


    Love that really deep red.
  7. pez5767


    Thank you. It's amazing what a few minutes with washes and highlights can do to enhance some airbrush work.
  8. More Hallowed Knights descend for the Season of War. These dual hammer Liberators were made from the starter set and the leftover bits from the prosecutors.
  9. Here is a quick video to clarify the painting process of the bases. Let me know if you'd like more details about any other steps! @Swan @MyGeekyPersona @Leviathus
  10. Everything about this is good. Must resist the urge to steal this idea and build another army... so, awesome....
  11. Hey, there are a group of us trying to grow and develop the Bay Area AoS community. Mostly we meet and play in Fremont, but maybe more events will come in the future. Here's the Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1680121682218901/
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