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Armies on Parade 2017

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So, GW have set the dates for Armies on Parade 2017!  23rd October ~ 5th November


And it appears to be being run over a 2 week period.  More details to appear at the end of next month (29th July) but it looks like you'll need to leave your army in a GW store for a fortnight.  There's going to be an increased number of prize categories too.


From October 23rd to November 5th, Warhammer and Games Workshop stores across the world will play host to Armies on Parade – a global celebration of your Warhammer collections.

Armies on Parade is a worldwide event held in every Warhammer and Games Workshop store. This is your chance to paint an army to the best of your ability, and show it off for the world to see.

Armies on Parade has some changes this year. Now running across two weeks, the event gives you all time to show off and display your newly-painted forces in store. More than that, as well as a prize for Best Painted Army, every store will also be awarding Best Theme, Best Youngblood, Best Board sand Scenery, and more besides, giving you loads of ways to compete for a prize. The best of the armies we get in stores, we’ll even look to host on this very website, so your hobby can be on show for the world to see!

Of course, it’s not all about the winning Armies on Parade also gives you a great chance to set a personal goal of completing a painting project to a deadline and sticking to it. Your reward? A gloriously painted army to be proud of.

We’ll have more details on this year’s Parade Day, coming soon.

For now, mark your calendars and start planning…

More details on this year’s Armies on Parade, coming July 29th


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I have an army I've been working on for a few months and should be done with by then. Here's my conundrum: a few of the pieces in my army were purchased on E-bay already painted. They are not the centerpieces of my army by any means, in fact, I purchased them already painted precisely so that I could focus on painting the real centerpieces of my army. However, the army would be incomplete without them and I have to admit they are painted with a level of skill above my own. On the other hand, those units were painted with skin tones slightly darker from the ones I painted myself, so in a sense if I had painted them myself the army as a whole may have looked better despite the lower painting skill. Would it be right to include those in my army? I feel that without them, the army would look too small and incomplete, particularly since one of those pieces is a block of battleline units. But the real centerpieces of my army are the behemoths that I did paint myself.


What do you guys think?

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54 minutes ago, 13on2D6 said:

I personally wouldn't display them, you still have plenty of time to strip them and paint them again dude! (Just my opinion)

I have more miniatures in need of painting than I have time to paint them. Re-painting something that already fits my army well is out of the question.

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@Trout, I would say go for it.  At worst, nothing happens, and you just can't access your army for that time.  At best, you have a chance at winning!

I would make sure that the army is all unified in some way though.  Basing really helps with that, as does standardized symbols and heraldry.  You play Free Peoples, right?  There does not have to be much in the way of consistency for that army, especially if your fluff is they are a more ragtag bunch or come from different regions.

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Personally, i wouldn't do it. If I was in someone else's shoes that entered the competition, painted everything myself, and lost to a guy that had models in his army he hadn't painted I would feel cheated. Back when I played in tournaments, I won a couple of best painted/best sports/best fluff (which always had a painting component in them), I would've felt like ****** if I had won based on someone else's painted models that I used.


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The fact that you ask the question suggests to me that you are not really happy with the situation. So I would suggest not to include them not only others might feel cheated (I would) but I have the feeling you would feel conflicted if you won. 

Since you mention the behemoths, maybe enter them in the behemoth category?

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Entering something which isn't your work just defeats the whole point of it.

There's no minimum model count for armies on parade.

perhaps just paint your centre peice one or two others and just concentrate on a nice board.  But please don't palm off someone else's work as your own however noble the intent- you might get very far and in doing so outdo some poor guy who poured his soul into his work - that and people will be commending you on the great job "you" did.

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To me its about sharing your imagination, or talents, or love for the hobby, or love for the store community. If you can create an amazing looking board (be it good painting, cool models, or just an imaginative way to display) to showcase your models, even if you didnt paint them all, then i dont see why you shouldnt be able to join in... BUT, you should tell the store manager and have them judge. As you say if they are not the centre piece and the board displays them in a low key way then he might be ok with it.  Equally, there is no hard and fast rule I dont think, for example i wouldnt expect a kid (or anybody) to be excluded because their parents/siblings/friends helped put models together or paint some parts.

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Gut feeling is that you really need to be entering an army that you've painted yourself.  If you read through the FAQ's (that only got added on Saturday), they say the following:


What do I need to do to enter?
It’s simple: you paint up a collection of Citadel Miniatures and bring them into the store during the Parade Weeks to show them off. You’ll have up to a 2’x2′ area to work with.

We're getting more information towards the end of the month so they may clarify (or not) that then.

Having entered last year I'd say that entries varied greatly in size and composition.  One person entered a 40k Kill Team and used Space Hulk board sections as their display board, so putting in a small entry isn't an issue.

On 30/06/2017 at 9:03 PM, Kramer said:

Since you mention the behemoths, maybe enter them in the behemoth category?

As I understand it (and this is me guessing and going on other years), all armies will be lumped together and the store will award prizes for best painted, best theme, young blood, best board and some new ones.  There may be a best behemoth category though - just not been announced yet :D 

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