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Everything posted by EvDJ

  1. Once again the new friendly GW responding to leaks. https://www.facebook.com/Warhammer-40000-1575682476085719/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED#
  2. I wonder if we'll see a similar release format for slaanesh as we have did tzeentch. Human followers, Elves standing in for the tzaangors, and then demons. That way they could stick to the pattern of mortal and demon, and the new aelves when working out allegiances and such.
  3. I think we might be more likely to see a split. One part of the dark elves still in order with the now remade malakith/Malerion as their god/king, and the other part now dedicated to slaanesh with a remade morathi as the leader.
  4. I'm seeing a grudge match between an army of skinless undead against the skins wolves who killed them.
  5. That's fur enough (sorry), it why i was never a fan of the space wolves, to many animal pelts.
  6. Ah you see I don't think of these guys as scouts but more hunters, which when I think about the scale and dangerous nature of the mortals realms feels like a more natural fit.
  7. Yeah now imagining creating a mounted human/stormcast bird themed army...tzeentch should prepare to be trampled into the dust!
  8. I'm going to assume that the Gryph-Chargers are going to be Stormcast hunter cavalry, i think that would fit with one of the previous rumour pics we've seen. Which mean they prob won't replace the demigryph's as they are human cav...I hope.
  9. The new DoT book says that Tzeentch had something to do with Slannesh' disappearance. I would assume as they keep mentioning Slannesh, and keep dropping hints, that the god of pleasure will reappear at some point.
  10. Can I just say how pleased I am that they changed Nurgle's symbol!
  11. Also if you're thinking, in terms of the fluff, if you're trying to uncover a Tzeentch plot in a city stormcast don't really fit as the investigative type, it would also by hard for them to go undercover..for that you need witch hunters etc.
  12. Even better value if your still classed as a student (making the most of my last few months until graduation) as Prime is then only £39 a year.
  13. Love it, after these new kit bashes you've also given me the idea/desire to do an undead zombie beastmen army!
  14. Looks like something adeptus mechanicus to me, one of the keys is half a cog, also you can also make out what might be a rivet at the top of the arm.
  15. Why change a classic, its been a staple for as long as I've collected and its worked for me thus far : )
  16. Reminiscent of something very old school....hmmm.
  17. If this turns out to even half way true, with the re-release of White Dwarf monthly, all GW would need to do is bring back the Citadel Annual to make me the happiest hobbiest on earth.
  18. This is why I love Grots (and Skaven) because things like this would make perfect sense to the warped little minds of these hopped up lunatics..and the way you've modeled it shows so much of that character. love it!
  19. EvDJ


    Cheers, think i'm going to try and add a few different touches to the next unit, the odd tentacle emerging from below might work well.
  20. EvDJ


    My first unit of Stormcast finished.
  21. Really enjoying this thread, its great to see what other people are working on, it stokes my enthusiasm for painting, and is a great place to steal ideas find inspiration. Keep it up.
  22. EvDJ


    The first time i've picked up a paint brush in a while and although i'm decidedly rusty I really enjoyed painting this fella.
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