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Everything posted by flemingmma

  1. Ennéal the broken, magister of tzeentch.
  2. I've got a pdf mostly ready for the matched play cards but i realised i forgot both indomitable will and the oblivion charm
  3. I upped the brightness and reduced the "warmth" of the hue which washed out the gold but brought out the green lighting
  4. Magister of tzeentch did some dodgy osl from the candles and brimstone horror that i can't quite photograph properly
  5. As usual -Paint at least one model -undercoat a bunch of stuff -Continue assembling/desprueing my collection of shame
  6. I'm thinking that if ogors aren't included in the mercenary armies that gw have missed a big ol opportunity
  7. Slaves to darkness traits and such is in the generals handbook but are trash compared to nighthaunt
  8. Art done for vaporous blade and tactical insight
  9. Not yet, skirmish isn't super big at my local store and i spend alot of my free time getting ready for this
  10. Last card for the core skirmish rules, now i need to do transmutation of lead and alot of the spoils of war
  11. Liberator torsos fit blood warrior legs and vice versa if the liberstors are too sleek
  12. Last art for the command traits is done as well as most of the last artifact
  13. Blood bowl started with roles for all the teams then brought in models later clips be the same thing here
  14. Cards are always fun and help prevent everyone from flipping back and forth through rule books all day. As such I have begun creating cards for the Skirmish rule set. These will hopefully eventually include all the allegiance abilities, command traits, artefacts and the campaign rewards but I promise nothing. Here are the first 3
  15. I'm going to put only completed projects in the aos 28 thread. As for WIP's and other sundry it shall all be it this thread here.
  16. I may have overtaken the thread again, I should probably make my own
  17. My chaos skirmish force 3 warriors a blightking, an exalted deathbringer and a beastlord
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