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Spiky Norman

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Everything posted by Spiky Norman

  1. I've seen some easy conversions of a basic savage orruk + a beast skull from GWs "Skullbox".
  2. This sounds like a very good idea, though I'd like a bit higher quality than the general GHB as others have mentioned.
  3. That's sad, as it's awesome models, and I'd love to field them. I guess the best option is to buy two packs and mix them with other Brutes units, to make a new Brute unit, and convert the left over orruk into a Warchanter.
  4. Have you considered running Bloodtoof to save the points and use the Hand through the artefact instead? It's one use only, but it's guaranteed. Of course you give up the -1 and such from Ironsuns, but also gain other benefits instead, so it's a muddy comparison perhaps.
  5. I hope they have the correct keywords, so they can be included in the appropriate battalion. They probably won't, but then maybe 2x of the new warband can become a regular brute unit. Plus an extra orruk to convert into a warchanter or something 🙂
  6. If we accept the notion of the new meta being one of super-casters, and we simply bow out of the magic game by not bringing any wizards, is it still worth it to bring a Rogue Idol in an Ironjawz (or Big Waaagh) army? It's 420 but still decent at punching things and have the Ironjawz keywords, so still gets all the Ironjaw buffs, especially Mighty Destroyers and Hand of Gork through Bloodtoof artefact if needs be. Also those new Blood Bowl Black Orcs look like they could easily be moved to a 40mm base and double as Brutes. Especially if their hands gets replaced by spare Brute weapons. 🙂
  7. That is true, but in the document itself, this line is above the list of points: So even though it was uploaded after the release of GHB2020, it seems that the list of points haven't been updated since March 2020, which is then perhaps nullify the argument that the 400 supersceeds the 420.
  8. If that's true, you should go post the points for the Mega-gargants in the Gargant thread. Pretty sure lots of people are wanting to know 🙂
  9. Better late than never right? I finally got around to converting and painting my own take on the Rogue Idol. Base model is the Glacier King I described earlier in the thread, and even if the pictures doesn't quite do the model justice, I think it gives a relatively decent idea of what it came out to be.
  10. I have been toying with an idea of both use my Rogue Idol and the Gitmob Gitz by focusing on grots wizards. The Rogue Idol will be counted as allies so the allegiance is intact and Skragrott is the general. Do you think this list is any good? If so, is it good tournament material? Thanks in advance and for all the good bits of advice in this thread 🙂
  11. I like the Bolter & Chainswords yearly donation drive as previously mentioned by others the best. If you want to put ads on the site, it would not bother me as I run with full ad and scriptblockers, so I wouldn't be exposed to them. But I wouldn't mind chipping in through other means, preferbly lump sums rather than monthly subscription, though.
  12. Finally! Can't wait to get my hands on all of it, and hope there are more goodies waiting to be revealed in the following days. Only thing is, that all of those new models would've been good options for the Xmas wishlist :-)
  13. The Mortis Engine/Coven throne kinda-sorta already fits the looks of what a ghostly flying pirate ship would, though.
  14. Neat but short. I guess we'll be seeing more to the Wraith fleet.
  15. Well, it is 40k Open Day.* So that can't come as too much of a disappointment. *I know some Necromunda and 30k was also revealed, but those are all in-universe games.
  16. Saw this on Bolter & Chainsword amongst other 40k rumours:
  17. You mean Cthulhu elves for sure, right? Stars align = Cthulhu | Arrows = Elves :-)
  18. Yea. Some other Dane won and reposted it on the Danish Warhammer Facebook group. I don't know how many winners they drew, but I've seen at least one.
  19. That's a pretty neat ether-squid, must be hell to transport though. Where did you get it? :-)
  20. Going over the strenghts and weaknesses of the current Nurgle Daemon/Rotbringers choices is going to be a lenghty discussion unfit for the rumour thread, but I just wanted to address one thing. Glottkin is not one guy. It is three brothers, the Glott brothers, hence Glottkin. So if the Blight kings or Rotbringer sorcerers are not daemons then I don't see why the two smaller brothers should be either. Still I can see why the bigger brother could be classified as a daemon for sure. Anyways I hope all these smaller pieces turn out to be a Nurgle daemon release after the Death Guard have had their hour to shine. This is the year of Nurgle after all, right? :-)
  21. When I read that part, I had to scroll back up to make sure I was actually reading an AoS article and not a 40k article. In 40k the Herald of Nurgle is actually a wizard and have a decent aura-buff (+1STR). Is this a mistake in the article or will we see the Daemons of Nurgle warscrolls more closely reflect their 40k counterparts? I hope so, because the Herald of Nurgle in 40k great compared to the very lackluster AoS version :-)
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