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Everything posted by Ahriman

  1. I'll preface this by saying I'm a narrative player really, and have never built super (or even close to!) optimised lists. The Wolf Rats I love largely due to their speed. I use them to flank quickly and tie up artillery and shooting units, or kill a lonely wizard if possible. The immunity to battleshock is a god send for taking that return damage when out on their own. As for the giant rats (@Baron Wastelands) i tried the large units of giant rats when i first started the army, and even with all their buffs found them underwhelming. The footprint of the unit was huge as well and I found they could get in the way of my heavier hitting units. But with the units of 10 I find they're perfect for screening my Rat Ogors from charges, I can spread them out a lot more to prevent deepstrike shenanigans, and leave them on various objectives. The only time they get in combat is charging in with the Rat Ogors, at the opposite end of a unit, to restrict units pilling in and hurting the Ogors. Hope that makes sense!
  2. Can do: Master Moulder, moulder supreme, stonehorn blade Master Moulder, rabid crown Master Moulder 3 x 4 Rat Ogors 5 x 10 Giant Rats 2 x 5 Wolf Rats 2 x Hell Pit Abominations Flesh Menagerie 2,000pts I usually do the Moulder Supreme on a Hell Pit Abomination, then 2 rat ogors in different units.
  3. After a few games trying out Master Moulders and Packmasters, I agree there is little use in the Packmasters for my Moulder army - unless you can't spare the 40pts. The main reason is their prized creation rule, getting to add D3 wounds to a rat ogos or HPA is cool, but the reroll 1s is deadly. And they do have a slightly extended aura, but I've got 3 Master Moulders around the board, so things are almost always covered.
  4. @Skritt i've not played with large units of giant rats since the new book came out, but they'll be largely the same as they were before. Short answer: they're crazy good in 10s. Essay answer: I honestly think 10 rat units is the only way to go with them. Even with a max unit and all the buffs the giants rats do very little damage, and they're too easy to kill to take the buffs away. 5 units of 10 rats on the otherhand do no damage at all, but are phenomenal screeners for the rat ogors, and they need that desperately to survive. I also charge them in to combats with the rat ogors, at the opposite end of units, so people can't pile in towards the fragile ogors, and having 5 units to do that with instead of, maybe, 2 is really useful.
  5. With the release of the Skaven Battletome its time to get my Clans Moulder back of the tables! Firstly, I love the new book. I was quite happy with how my army played before hand, the only thing I didn't like was how flimsy packmasters were and the lack of command ability in the army - but fortunately that's been improved with the new Master Moulders. And having the option to pick command traits and relics for the army is ace. Here's the army I'm going to be using for the next few games, I've taken out my Stormfiends and will be trying out the Flesh Menagerie. Master Moulder (Throt the Unclean), with Stonehorn Blade and Moulder Supreme Master Moulder with Rabid Crown Master Moulder (in the menagerie) 3 x 4 Rat Ogors 5 x 10 Giant Rats 2 x Hell Pit Abomination 2 x Wolf Rats Flesh Menagerie battalion 2,000pts The day of the book release me and a friend had a clan war between my Clans Moulder and his Clans Pestilens to see what was what. Great games were had, awful photos are below (we were fighting an underground war so the lighting is dark). So yeah, very happy with the book. More to come.
  6. Incredible army, you've got it all! Great concept, conversions and paint job. Well deserved gold indeed.
  7. Wow! What a weekend that was! I managed to get the army sorted to the point where it was table legal, but it was still to far away from being finished for any sort of look in for best army, but I shall carry them on over the next few weeks to get them sorted. On the whole the army looked impressive model wise all amassed together, but there wasn't enough definition in the bases (they just looked black) and without highlights nothing popped. But onwards and upwards! The weekend told the story of the Necroquake's wake, how it affected the wars being fought and there was a host of endless spells in play. Over the weekend my Moulder took on my friends Stormcast Eternals, a mixed Order list of Khardron's and Stormcast, then some Idoneth Deepkin and finally Khorne Daemons to finish day one. Day two started off against Sylvaneth, before facing off an army of squigs and finishing with me charging into a Stormcast shieldwall! There were so many cool moments from the games its hard to remember them all: bringing down a bloodthister with charging Rat Ogors, my grey seer tracker getting caught in the explosion of his own melevolent maelstrom, an akhelian king flying over my Hell Pit Abomination to skewer Throt the Unclean (and then being eaten by the Hell Pit in return). Amazing weekend, amazing venue and a very fun army to play. And they came away with 3 wins, 3 loses and a draw too which I'm super happy with. Here are some awful shots from various games, and my army list I handed out to my opponents as souvenirs.
  8. The Soul Wars campaign deadline looms! Saturday is the kick off, a mere 4 days away, but I'm pretty happy with the progress that's been made so far and almost everything is playable - I just want to finish the army up with highlights and blood effects if there's time. But here's how the army looks at the moment, minus a Hell Pit Abomination which I left in work and the 50 giant rats. Let me know what you think!
  9. Ah right, I think I just followed exactly the recipe in that video, I was just a bit more heavy handed with the drybrushing to get it brighter.
  10. How odd, clicked on this thread thinking it would have some cool stuff in it, and its my thread before I forgot my login and made a new account! @NicolasLg its from the Thundertusk video, rather than the Ogor Skin one. Rakarth Flesh base. All over with Kislev Flesh Make Bugman's Glow into a shade and put all over Tidy up with Kislev Flesh Highlight Pallid Wych Flesh Hope that helps!
  11. What would your Moulder list look like @Oldmanlee? You should give it go though if you like them, the main difficulties were getting different weapons and arms of the right size, and sculpting fur is surprisingly easy. Some more WIP shots for today, bases are finished but don't photograph well (they're a dark jade) and the skin is on its way! Also a quick shot of a Giant Rat with a ludicrously oversized basing feature. And a model which is going to be my Grey Seer for the army. Concept is he's a huntsman or a tracker, the one who captures the monsters for Hell Pit using his magic, so I wanted him to look more wild than a typical Grey Seer. 10 days to go until the Soul Wars campaign weekend, its going to be a close one!
  12. Cheers guys! @Shearl l its from the warhammer TV video for the Thundertusk, the ogre flesh. But its a basecoat of rakarth, then basecoat of cadian flesh, make a shade from bugman's glow, the layer up cadian flesh then kislev flesh. @Thundercake I have changed it around a bit yeah: Throt the Unclean (packmaster) with Great Destroyer and Stonehorn Blade 3 x Packmaster Grey Seer 3 x 4 Rat Ogres 2 x 20 Giant Rats 10 Giant Rats Hell Pit Abomination 3 Stormfiends with Ratling Guns 2 x 5 Wolf Rats Soulsnare Shackles 2,000pts
  13. All 12 rat ogres are now built, and mostly green stuffed. Work on the bases has begun and then its onto the painting! With less than 3 weeks remaining I am glad my scheme is relatively quick and that there are rather few models to do it on. My plan is to get everything to tabletop standard within a week and then spend the rest of the time doing blood effects and bruising on the skin. I have also built and based my two endless spells, the Soulsnare Shackles and the Blessing of the Horned Rat (or Burning Skull...). Pics coming shortly of the Moulder Tracker who counts as my Grey Seer who casts them.
  14. Lots of progress has been made on the Rat Ogres, with the heat the UK has had I have avoided painting and ploughed on with building everything. Including a redo of my Throt the Unclean conversion. The original is posted in the page before and there was always something I didn't like about him. He was neither attacking nor standing still and as such a quick swap of which weapons were where and the position of his third arm and I'm much, much happier. Now he seems to be watching his creations run amok in battle, while his sword arm is at ease but ready to lash out. A coiled whip will be added to his left hand as well. Cheers, Ahrimanjjb
  15. Hello all! After a slight hiatus for me to work on my Thousand Sons I am back! 2.0 has landed with points drops across my army, making games much more fun with more Rat Ogres running around. Endless Spells are here so I'm looking to add a Grey Seer and some spells in too, all themed around Clans Moulder. I am also going to the Soul Wars campaign weekend in about 6 weeks, so need to finish a 2,000pts army by then! So better get a move on. On the docket at the moment: first of 10 Wolf Rats, Boneripper conversion and sculpting some fur onto my next set of Rat Ogres. More to come.
  16. Haha, they are spoken for I'm afraid!
  17. @Kirjava13 cheers matey, all of my rat ogres are made from the Stormfiend kit so i have loads spare from there
  18. Been a very busy time with my hobby recently so progress has been a bit jumpy! My main achievement is starting work on my Stormfiend's paint job as well as starting off their bases. These guys have some of the largest bases in my army so I had to make sure to use the space! I have also got distracted reading the Daughters of Khaine book and become really inspired by Ulgu, which prompted me to make a conversion for some Free People. I've also wanted to use the Orlock bodies for a long while and these seemed perfect for it.
  19. As promised some better pictures of my Skaven Harbinger. Still a WIP at the moment but he's getting there and should definitely be ready by March 3rd!
  20. Cheers Flemingmma and Lucio. I had not even thought about the troll arms! I shall definitely take a look. Yesterday I played my first game with the Moulder, and also my first Malign Portents game too. Ended in a very narrow loss but loved the way the army plays, completely different to my Nurgle Daemons and Death armies. The Portents were also a great addition to the game and made for a lot more decision making as the game went on which I love. There's also a picture of my opponent's Darkoath Warqueen dueling my conversion for Skaven Harbinger, more pics of him coming soon.
  21. Didn't quite get my army done in time for the Malign Portents painting event, but I was so close and will hopefully have it all done by Thursday for the start of the campaign. Some pics of my army all together anyhow!
  22. Loving the Sorcerer, so few parts changed but instantly recognisable as an aelf instead of chaos. And really great paintjob and scheme on the DoK, look forward to seeing more!
  23. Another update with some subpar photos today! I finally finished greestuffing my second Rat Ogre last week ready for painting. Which is then how I spent most of yesterday. Still some more left to do, like the cloth, bandages, adding some more depth to the skin and then some details, but he's getting there.
  24. Cheers Aereides! Yeah I have thought about blood splatter for him, we shall see. Bit of a larger update today. After trying out 3 different flesh tones on my Hell Pit Abomination I finally settled on one, started painting, and then switched to a fourth scheme! This one much fleshier in colour with more emphasis on Bugman's Glow. Not long left now until Feb 10th and the first Malign Portents painting event so I need to get this chap and my second Rat Ogre done!
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