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Everything posted by RuneBrush

  1. One thing I'll chip in, is don't forget that this book is very clearly written with AoS3 in mind. Based on the leaks, points are now in multiples of 5, we've reduced max unit sizes and no horde discounts. We don't know what changes AoS3 will bring to the game and certainly don't know what changes we might get for existing battletomes so we may find that Gravelords becomes a solid middle of the road army
  2. Funnily enough my local group are predicting the same. If it's true it's a bit frustrating as it'll likely invalidate the book - however does give hope that we'll get some more replacement models (please be black knights) and endless spells and scenery I think we're going to see loads more point changes coming in AoS3. Not only are we getting 5 point increments (finally), but according to the leaked points there are no horde discounts! Skeletons are also a max unit of 30, so it's possible this may be the beginning of a shift in playstyle. I think the writing was on the cards for morghasts and Arkhan when it came out that Arkhan was responsible for the bonereapers creation. Grimghast and hexwraiths don't surprise me, but spirit hosts and chainrasps do.
  3. If you subscribed to them you get the story via email around a week in advance. That link will likely contain a reference to the email that it got sent out in too 😉
  4. +++ MOD HAT +++ A reminder to older members and a note to new members. TGA has a strictly "no leaked photo" policy. As excited as we all are for the new battletome please refrain from posting poor photos where somebody has likely broken their NDA
  5. +++ MOD HAT +++ A reminder to older members and a note to new members. TGA has a strictly "no leaked photo" policy. As excited as we all are for the new battletome please refrain from posting poor photos where somebody has likely broken their NDA
  6. I'll be genuinely shocked if the 3.0 starter isn't push fit - 40k Indomitus was (and was just as good as Cursed City). Quite often there's a sprue breakdown when models go up for preorder so we should find out about the skeletons and zombies then (20 in a box too). I'm not sure much of the rest of the range will be push fit, but you never know - Reikenor being push fit still surprises me.
  7. +++ MOD HAT +++ Please can we focus on talking about toy soldiers, specifically Age of Sigmar. I have attempted to tidy up the thread and the mods will review the various posts removed and take any action necessary.
  8. I think you've identified most of the push fit models already. Underworlds is certainly a good one to look into as they're great little standalone projects and the game can actually be played over zoom/skype etc. Nighthaunt currently have the largest range of push fit models as far as I can recall - I get the impression that they were a bit of an experiment to see how popular push fit are. There isn't a list that I'm aware of, but I think we're going to see push fit become the standard. Pretty confident that the new AoS3 box will be push fit and the new Skeletons and Zombies look like they may be too. I would imagine ebay will also have a few of the original AoS armies about (Stormcast & Khorne) which was also a push fit box - failing that they did release them as separate boxes I believe. Silver Tower was another one, although that's likely going to be like gold dust to find. I'd be tempted to email GW directly too - a two pronged attack could reveal some we didn't know existed!
  9. Probably worth throwing my usual comment in. The WarCom website is notorious for giving us slightly incorrect rules. We also don't know the exact interaction until we get the battletome in front of us, it may be there's an additional clarification text or examples that we've not seen yet. It's always worth waiting for the FAQ for clarifications (give them a month rather than 2 weeks). The term "replacement unit" is a new one for us. The way I read it is that I replace a destroyed unit with a new half strength one - that means I cannot summon it a second time because it's been replaced (also being pedantic the destroyed unit has one model in because the rest are dead and it doesn't clarify to use the starting size 🤣). I'm hoping to see abilities and artefacts that can boost the dice roll and possible summon bonus units.
  10. Although Alan was the driving force behind much, Neil Green is still there who worked with Alan pretty much from the start. Alan also left a mass of notes behind mapping out pretty much the whole of the black book arc. Genuinely an amazing bloke in truth! I'm inclined to agree that I don't think we're going to get all the way to 15, but I do think we're going to see them get up to the Siege of Terra in some form. Afterwards - who knows! At one point there was a line of thinking to do the Siege of Terra as an independent ruleset (more akin to 8th ed 40k). Bringing it back on topic, The Old World has it's own pool of resources and is being written as a separate project to AoD and although plans may have changed in the last year, AoD was still considered an active project too.
  11. I think you're misreading this one. There's still plans for a number of more black books (think they worked out up to book 15) and The Old World has a separate design team to Age of Darkness.
  12. Just to clarify a point that you've both missed - my comment was talking about new players to AoS, not experienced players picking up a new army. For a new player all you require is models, the core rules and warscrolls (probably dice and a ruler/tape could be useful too!). Get the core rules nailed down and then look at adding allegiance abilities and other bits once they've grasped things like moving, charging and combat. Look at it in the same way as a child learning to ride a bike - you wouldn't stick them at the top of a hill without any stabilisers and give them a shove... I would hope that most players would be happy to give a new player an introductory game without using points and allegiance abilities too.
  13. The group I'm gaming with completed our second test journey yesterday - scavenger journey this time (first one was a hunt). The thing that we've worked out is that it's really important to actually work out a plan of action, if each player blindly goes off doing their own thing then they'll run into trouble pretty quickly. Looking at how the encounters level up as the game goes on suggests that the journeys will actually increase in difficulty quite a bit, especially if you're unlucky and get Gorslav with zombies on the board or the watch captain with skeletons. More things to kill also means longer missions which means a higher chance of getting into night. What currently feels good is that the game is dependent upon dice rolls. I know that sounds silly, but getting a good destiny & activation roll really makes a difference. Equally we had a blood born that took an amazing amount of punishment as we were rolling high on our D12 ignore damage rolls! From our limited play, the game feels "completable". Am sure that as people play we're going to see a real variety of little tweaks - locked doors is a great idea (some board tiles are rooms after all). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we may get a pack of additional encounter cards and models - purely for variety rather than anything else. A dire wolf would be pretty scary to face!
  14. I think the original hope may have been 2022 (possibly taking that specialist games November slot), but we don't know the impact that the pandemic has had on the design team. I don't think I'm on my own being happy to wait an extra few years for a ruleset that's polished rather than rushed. I fear you may well be waiting for this one! A new player doesn't have to buy the generals handbook or even the battletome to play either. There's free battleplans available and all of the points and warscrolls are available for free. The battletome will add additional rules and things like artefacts (which you certainly don't need for your first games) along with providing lots of information and lore on your chosen army. The generals handbook you only realistically need if you're starting to do organised events. Yes both books are really nice to have, but far from essential for your first runs into AoS.
  15. There are various trade agreements in place that prevent GW from picking and choosing where they sell products. It also covers that (almost*) every single plastic product needs to be made available to third parties, even limited edition ones. * This excludes store exclusives such as the birthday minis which are only available in store and not online
  16. Because Sigmar took so long creating the Stormcast that Chaos was able to get more reps in down the gym 😉
  17. +++ MOD HAT +++ OK, I'm going to come across as a right sourpuss here. I've just removed a number of posts relating to to the 40k preview. I've done this because TGA is an Age of Sigmar forum! There are plenty of other places to discuss 40k out on the internet, but it was decided that TGA should stick firmly to the mortal realms at the forums inception 😊 k thx bye!
  18. I reckon that there has to have been multiple problems that cumulatively meant it wasn't cost effective to sort out. Most of the rumours we've heard on their own aren't show stoppers, but if you combine them together, that's where you start getting issues that are a lot more problematic to resolve.
  19. I'll insert the usual disclaimer here - we don't know what units will/won't be included until the Battletome actually lands in people's hands. The picture shown is just one image likely taken for the book - it doesn't even show the new Wight King which we know it part of the range. The mortarch models are something like 5 to 6 years old and originally created for WHFB back when GW didn't really have the technology or capacity to do huge centrepiece miniatures. If we're lucky we may get a resculpt at some point in the future. The different atheistic is really trying to bring home that the mortal realms are huge places with a real diversity of culture. Black Library have been doing this fairly well in books, so it was only a matter of time before the miniature range caught up. That classic gothic look is still there in the way of Blood Knights, but the Vykros miniatures have that Kislev-esq look with a heavy fur / wolf style if that's your thing (and it's a style you could easily replicate with some simple conversions too). I did find releasing new skeletons a bit strange. As you point out the new ones (of which the Cursed City ones were a bliss to assemble) are more of a Grave Guard replacement. I'm wondering if Gravelords will only have the option of 1 skeleton type and we'll see Grave Guard ultimately being removed as an option/model longer term.
  20. Couple of reasons I've heard. The playtesting cycle involves quite a few rounds of testing & changes going back and forth. On a few occasions a last minute change results in something going in that's not been tested (yay to deadlines) and causes something broken to get included. The other thing (that I encounter during my work) is that you can try to think of all the broken combinations you can dream up, but once that book hits the public you can be sure that they'll spot something you've missed - it's the same as somebody looking over your shoulder and working out the answer to a crossword clue! I know GW have been advertising for additional staff recently, so hopefully a bit more resource will help them nail it a bit more regularly.
  21. Probably just worth saying this. Having spoken to various members over the years, the AoS devs are very aware that competitive gaming only accounts for a small portion of all games played. Although it may feel like it on occasion, competitive players don't have a special line to GW and playtesters don't ignore combos so that they can leap into a tournament with a broken army.
  22. Going to be honest and say that I'd not be putting too much credence over some of those rumours. The fact that somebody is talking about charge reactions that wouldn't work with the current charge mechanic, without also talking about a rewritten charge phase doesn't particularly fill me with confidence they've got it right!
  23. I'm not 100% sure of this because the game is called "Warhammer Quest: Cursed City". It's entirely possible that something else within the box has a copyright infringement, but I don't believe it's the name of the game. Could be wrong though!
  24. There's a huge amount of speculation going round on the situation of Cursed City at the moment which has been compounded by the almost complete radio silence from GW. In truth all of these rumours have an element of plausibility. What we do know is that there is now an official line that Cursed City is now out of print and no longer coming back in stock. We also know that we've had no articles/videos on Cursed City since it went on release. What we don't know is the long term implications - are the models/rules being made available at some point? Are we going to see any expansions? etc Thinking back to when GW withdrew the Forge World paint range without any notice, it was a number of months before we saw those paints incorporated into the main Citadel range and I wouldn't be surprised at a solution being six months away. As a suggestion, GW do have a complaints page which you can fill in to register a complaint. I'd probably focus on the lack of communication rather than the fact you might not have picked up the game. A company that prides itself on it's customer service will likely be closely monitoring the complaints it receives, especially if they're about something they have control of (they can't control a supplier going bust, but can control how they handle that news). I did hear a rumour that this is being looked into. Years ago GW did produce all of their own card but it became cost prohibitive to continue and it was better to have it produced in China which has a monstrous paper/card manufacturing potential.
  25. I think you could actually have a much more interesting mechanic than mortal wounds for heavy artillery 😊
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