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Everything posted by bitchparty

  1. Thanks mate. Here is the Gnawbomb list that has done me well the last couple of tournaments. I placed 3rd and 5th with it. It's a really solid list but it does rely on dice rolls. For the most effective gnawbomb you need to cast MMMP, Dreaded Skitterleap and Skitterleap. The idea is that you cast MMMWP on the Stormfiends, then Dreaded Skitterleap the Deceiver to a piece of terrain then turn it into a Gnawhole. Then Skitterleap the Arch Warlock over to the Gnawbomb. In the movement phase send the Stormfiends through the Gnawhole. If you're facing a combat army, then pop up 40 clanrats as a screen around the fiends using the Warp Grinder. The Gutter Runners come in off the board edge to harass the flank. This can be done on the opposite side of the table to the Gnawbomb so your opponent has to divide his attention. If he doesn't take out the Gutter Runners they will cause trouble. That's the general idea, but it does require different tactics in some situations. Deployment generally has your heroes grouped together (and you need them all for the trick to work properly) so something like a Stormcast comet can ruin your day. Allegiance: SkaventideLeadersVerminlord Deceiver (320)- General- Command Trait: Shadowmaster- Artefact: GnawbombArch-Warlock (160)- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!Grey Seer (140)- Lore of Ruin: SkitterleapBattleline40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Blade- 2x Standard Bearers- 2x Standard Bell Ringers40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Blade- 2x Standard Bearers- 2x Standard Bell Ringers20 x Clanrats (120)- Rusty Blade- 2x Standard Bearers- 2x Standard Bell RingersUnits6 x Stormfiends (520)- 2x Windlaunchers- 2x Ratling Cannons- 2x Shock Gauntlets20 x Gutter Runners (200)1 x Warp-Grinder (80)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsBell of Doom (40)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 182 ---- Here's the list that did really well for me last year and consistently placed in the top 5 at events. It used to have 20 more clanrats in it but points increases put a stop to that. This one is less of a single strategy focused list and is designed to play the objectives with bodies while Thanquol and the Warbringer are the ones doing the damage. Allegiance: SkaventideLeadersVerminlord Warbringer (280)- General- Command Trait: Brutal Fury- Artefact: Things-BaneThanquol on Boneripper (400)- 4 Warpfire Braziers- Lore of Ruin: WarpgaleGrey Seer on Screaming Bell (240)- Lore of Ruin: Death FrenzyGrey Seer on Screaming Bell (240)Battleline40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Blade- 2x Standard Bearers- 2x Standard Bell Ringers40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty Blade- 2x Standard Bearers- 2x Standard Bell Ringers20 x Clanrats (120)- Rusty Blade- 2x Standard Bearers- 2x Standard Bell RingersUnits40 x Plague Monks (280)- Foetid BladesTotal: 1960 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 191
  2. https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-5kzfd-db8a04 https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/notorious-age-of-sigmar/id1394412385?fbclid=IwAR3rs5N8G8LuTV2o6L_5pJ2ma4GLlL--Vvx1fWrBQ4oLZYSIBzkxMryOAH8&mt=2 Hey guys I was on this podcast recently and talked about Skaven for 3 hours. Hope some of you enjoy it. FYI there is a bit of adult language so make the kids wear earmuffs.
  3. The battalion requires a Clawlord, not a CLAWLORD. The difference being that it requires the unit named 'Clawlord' and not a unit with the keyword CLAWLORD. It's not in capitals and bold, so it's referring to the unit rather than the keyword. So no, you cannot use the Skaven Clawlord on Brood Horror in Claw-Horde.
  4. Best way to use the Deathmaster is to have the unit he pops out of base locking (2 or more models in base to base contact with) the target, then place the Deathmaster 2.9" away from the target. That way, you can (hopefully) wait until the target has activated and they will more than likely not be able to hit the Deathmaster, then activate ol' sneaky boi and have him pile in and bop the target.
  5. Yes you can cast Death Frenzy and Dreaded Death Frenzy on the same unit and each model can pile in and attack twice when they are slain. Pretty sure it's the Khorne FAQ that confirms this.
  6. No. You get a triumph if your points total is lower than your opponent's. You get a command point for every 50 points you don't spend on units. They are separate rules and both will be in effect. e.g. If your list is 1900 points and your opponent's in 1940, you will get 2 CP and roll on the triumph table, your opponent will get 1CP.
  7. Warpseer and Deceiver should probably swap points. Warpseer would still be amazing at 300 points. Wouldn't surprise me if Plague Monks go up. Hopefully Stormvermin come down in cost to make them worth taking. I really hope there aren't many changes. Judging by the very small FAQ, GW seem to think they have gotten things right with this battletome. I am inclined to agree for the most part,
  8. You would have to re-roll all four dice. It comes into play for spell casting too, whenever it refers to casting something on a visible unit. If your Verminlord is significantly shorter than the official model you can gain an unfair advantage by being able to hide behind things that a standard Verminlord could not. Doing this deliberately is called modelling for advantage. I'm not saying you're doing this deliberately, but some opponents may take issue with it.
  9. Just make sure he's about the same height as a current Verminlord for line of sight purposes and you're golden
  10. Stormfiends or Acolytes can be battleline if everything in the army is Clans Skryre (Clanrats are not Clans Skryre). The only exception is that the general can be Masterclan.
  11. Yep, while the 2D6 MW Shooting is very good, it is also very limited range on a not very durable hero.
  12. In matched play (maybe other types as well) a wizard can only attempt to summon one Endless Spell a turn, so that lovely filthy combo would have to be spread over two turns.
  13. I played a doubles event over the weekend and ran Clan Verminus for the first time. Warlord (Crown of Conquest, Cunning Deceiver) Arch Warlock 40 Clanrats 40 Stormvermin Chronomatic Cogs My partner was running Ironjaws (Megaboss, 2 units of Brutes, 2 unites of Gore Gruntas, Warchanter, Weirdnob Shaman). Basically our plan was to run up and smash things before we got smashed. This worked exceptionally well against newer players, but against more experienced players it was a lot harder to pull off. 40 Stormvermin can absolutely chew through anything as long as they get to hit first. Target priority was key to success here, and since it was a doubles event we had to make sure that both our armies were in a position where the Stormvermin could strike first and the rest of our units that were in combat would be able to take a hit. Game 1 - Shifting Objectives vs Tzeench and Beasts of Chaos Major Victory We cast the cogs and sped up time then ran forward to try and swamp the objectives. A big grind fest in the middle where the Stormvermin's +1 to hit for outnumbering the enemy unit really showed its worth. It didn't help our opponents that their Herdstone affected the Tzeench units negatively. Arch Warlock taking down a Doombull in combat was a great show. Game 2 - Knife to The Heart vs Kharadron Overlords and Fireslayers Major Victory Sneaky sneaky Clanrats. While my teammate distracted the opponents with big green guys yelling and stomping around, I sent the Clanrats around the side and did a reatreat and charge onto the objective to get a Major Victory turn three. The whole game the Stormvermin just sat on the home objective and did nothing. Game 3 - Starstrike vs Legion of Sacrament and Kharadron Overlords Minor Loss This is where things started falling apart. We didn't really have an answer for Arkhan, who sat on top of a rock out of harms way the whole game. The combination of the bodies that Death brings to the table and the shooting from the KO was too much for us. Once the Warlord died the Stormvermin fell apart. We managed to draw on points but lost on kill points. Game 4 - Focal Points vs Tzeench and Pestilens Major Loss By this point my teammate and I were beaten down and tired and didn't have much hope for a victory. It turned out to be a lot closer than we thought, so maybe if we had tried a little harder things may have been different. Stormvermin tried to kill the chicken, did not succeed. Highlight was one lonely Gore Grunta taking the brunt of the Pestilens force all by himself. We placed third overall which I am very happy about. Most importantly we had a blast playing Age of Sigmar all weekend.
  14. Thanks. The list doesn't stand up well to shooting. There wasn't much shooting at Masters but one of my regular opponent plays a shooty Stormcast list which regularly kicks my ass. I also didn't have that much going on in the combat phase. The strong points were Thanquol and the Deceiver. Those two did basically all the heavy lifting. It took me a few games to really figure out when and where to use them, but when used properly they totally wreck ****** and it is glorious. The Assassin didn't do that much for me and the Gutter Runners were just OK. They have been really good for me in about 1/4 games. I'm going to drop the Warpseer in favor of 40 giant rats and a packmaster and the gutter runners for some plague monks and see how that goes. To keep things on the topic of Skryre, my Arch Warlock John Cheese is basically an auto include for every list I put together. He goes up on a Balewind and does his thing, gets relocated by the Deceiver if need be. I've been wargaming for about a year now, playing either mixed Chaos or Clan Skryre. Overall I prefer this mixed Chaos list. While Skryre can deal a lot of damage, I find them to be one or two tricks that work well most of the time, but can be shut down if people know how. Mixed Chaos has a lot more variety (and bodies), and people generally don't realise what it can do. At the start of every game I tell my opponents that I can Skitterleap Thanquol into 2D6 Mortal Wound range, but they often still underestimate how good that can be. If they know about it and set up to zone out Thanquol, I skitterleap the Arch Warlock instead.
  15. It was a couple of weeks ago. My mixed Skaven (The Hallouminati) placed 11th, the Pestilens List at 16th (out of 20). Both had 2 Wins, 3 Losses. Tiebreakers were Hidden Agendas then Strength of Schedule.
  16. Personally I think mixed Chaos is better than Pestilens. It's hard going up against battletome armies, but one of the best players in Australia plays mixed Chaos Skaven and often podiums so it can be done. 1) Not slow, but there are much faster armies out there. Can hit hard with mortal wounds (Wizards, Stormfiends) and some very good combat units (Plague Monks), but not a lot of durability. 2) Good scenarios are ones where objectives are 'most models within six' based, since we have a lot of bodies. Bad match ups are anything that targets bravery. 3) Mixed Chaos can't have allies. Skryre or Pestilens will often benefit from allying in 40 clanrats. 5) Lots of Clanrats, some heros and lots of clanrats.
  17. I'm running a Skaven mixed Chaos list at the NZ Masters tournament in just over a week, I'll post here about how it goes. I'm not expecting to win many games, we have a lot of very good players here and I'm still relatively new to wargaming. I know this list is not optimal but it is a shitload of fun to play even when losing.
  18. Those are great points. I tend to pop my Arch Warlock on a Balewind, which makes him less hide-able/maneuverable
  19. I run a Warpseer and Arch Warlock in most of my games. I find the Warpseer is more survivable due to his re-roll saves ability. Also his bigger base size makes the Crown better.
  20. Allegiance: Chaos LEADERS Verminlord Deceiver (300) Arch Warlock (140) Warlock Engineer (100) Verminlord Warpseer (260) - Artefact : Crown of Conquest Grey Seer (100) UNITS 5 x Gutter Runners (60) 5 x Gutter Runners (60) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (60) 1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (80) 20 x Clanrats (120) -Rusty Blade 20 x Clanrats (120) -Rusty Blade 40 x Clanrats (200) -Rusty Spear WAR MACHINES Warp Lightning Cannon (180) Warp Lightning Cannon (180) ENDLESS SPELLS Balewind Vortex (40) Any advice on this list fellow rat enthusiasts? A couple of thoughts of my own... Swap the Grey Seer for a Warlord maybe? Drop the Warp Grinder and Acolytes for a Command Point and Plague Monks?
  21. Great write up, Aiden. Can't wait to have a rat-off with you some day. I think Reagan won best sports, Seth C was a runner up.
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