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About this blog

Hobby and gameplay blog following my love for the spectral side of Age of Sigmar and my goal to eventually win an event with them. Pictures, progress shots and battle reports as well as little posts outlining my thoughts on various related armies. 

Entries in this blog

CanCon2020 List Breakdown and Changes

The Storm of Sorrows Legion of Grief at CanCon2020   Hello there people, been a hot minute hasn’t it? I’ve been a little too busy to spin yarns about my personal favourite sowers of terror and woe, but I’m back and ready to burn CP like they’re going out of fashion. Without further ado or preamble, the list I will be taking to CanCon 2020.   The List As regular readers can clearly see, changes have taken place. Friendship has been ended with Dreadscythe Harrida



The Emerald Host - Welcome to the Danger Zone

Review - The Emerald Host   Thanks to Mr Anthony Poole on the ole Twitter machine, I have been able to see the new Nighthaunt battalions designed to represent Lady Olynder's dark and powerful Emerald Host, lets get stuck in.   First Expectations When the Emerald Host was announced I was reasonably excited. Earlier Tome Celestial releases have either been a pleasing little addition (Anvils of the Heldenhammer sub-chamber) or an overtly pushed "probably to sell a particula



List Breakdown Recap - The Good, the Bad, and the Guardian of Souls

List Breakdown Recap – Legion of Grief at Masters 2019   Overview Gidday all, Aiden’s back with a recap looking at how my list did at Masters and the changes I’d make from my various games and the experience I gained. With the list breakdown post currently being my most read post on this blog, the format is going to quite literally be a copy paste deal where I show what I originally said, then I respond to it based on how it all played. I’ve neatly done my responses in a good



The Post New Zealand Masters 2019 Post

The Post Masters Post   Hey all. I did say there would be one. I had planned to get this out a little sooner but needed some time to detox. Masters 2019 was a reasonably mixed bag, with the Top 20 players for 2019 majority living in the North Island only 11 of them accepted the invite. This is not out of the ordinary, no masters event has ever been attended by more than 65% of the Top 20. However due to the nature of the event and it being in the South Island, only a single North



List Breakdown - LoG at NZ Masters 2019

List Breakdown – Legion of Grief – NZ Masters 2019   Overview Gidday all, Aiden here with the first “List Breakdown” for this blog. I had planned to do this the night before Masters but with me flying down tomorrow lunchtime and then likely drinking from there on out I’m not going to have the time. New Zealand Masters 2019 is the third Masters event our country as hosted, we have had one for every full year of Age of Sigmar gameplay since the game began. I’ve attended all of



Battle Report - Legion of Night 2 (Electric Boogaloo)

Details Date: 16th November 2019 Army: Legions of Grief with Buff-o-Rama Opponent: Regan O'Halloran - Legion of Night with Debuff Focus Game Type: Matched Play 2000pts Scenario: Border War 2019 (rolled at random)   Setup We rolled out the random terrain and ended up with a healthy blend of new and old rules, with the large centerpiece terrain model and the piece next to it yielding overgrown which would have been neat if either of us had shooting attacks o



Battle Report - Leave Your Mindrazors at Home

Details Date: 10th November 2019 Army: Legions of Grief with Penumbral Engine Opponent: Kyle Duncalf - Draichi Ganeth Daughters of Khaine with Morathi Game Type: Matched Play 2000pts Scenario: Starstrike 2019 (rolled at random)   Setup The board yielded a large amount of varied terrain rules, including a Commanding piece that had me salivating. Naturally Kyle took this side, to my dismay. I set up my Gravesites to be spread fairly evenly with Starstrike be



Lore Post - Mausoleum of the Forgotten

Dead things dreaming in the darkness. Nothing stirred in the utter blackness of the Deepknell Depths. Nothing living remained in the vast catacombs and narrow tunnels to make a sound. The last incidental collapse of rock, or old bones finally falling apart to clatter across the coarse ground, had happened decades ago. No noise sounded in a place where nothing happened, and nothing ever happened down in the dark. So they had accepted a long time ago, that it was better to simply try to stop



Battle Report - That's a lotta... Vargheists?

Details Date: 27th October 2019 Army: Legions of Grief with Grimghast buff-train focus Opponent: Regan O'Halloran - Legion of Night with Nightfall Pack Game Type: Matched Play 2000pts Scenario: Border War (rolled at random) Few pictures were taken for this report as at the time I wasn't planning on spontaneously starting a hobby blog, the future ones will be LITTERED with them.   Setup Regan and I were both playing an allegiance that utilizes Gravesites,



Getting Down with the Spirit-Ness

Introduction to The Blog Hey all, Aiden here. Might maybe remember my blog last year on Skaven Pestilens where I churned out article after article on the army before the Skaventide update at the start of this year. Wasn't really my thing so I started focusing on my Slaanesh. Then they got updated and I didn't like playing "OP" and went looking for something that I could enjoy but would reward good gameplay knowledge without making me feel like the army was doing all the work for me.  



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