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Everything posted by Killamike

  1. It's good and fairly standard covens list. I do think covens should use ally points to provide a tanky unit. They can put out pain but die pretty quickly.
  2. If you have sweet models that are no longer in the book then just use them as units that are. There will still be dragons and cav. This army will be so easy to convert and use other models.
  3. I'm pumped, I love playing my Splittas and the chance to paint some ironjaws up is a win win. Very keen to see our spells and endless spells. Super keen to delve into our new synergies. Ultra keen to crush all before us in a tide of ork muscle.
  4. Hey beautiful people. I've just come into possession of 40 unbuilt snakes. I'm a total daughters noob. Can someone please give me a clue on how to run as many snakes as I can. I'm a pretty competitive type, but I still go with the rule of cool as much as possible. I also got 10 flying girls and a cauldron. Thanks for any help provided.
  5. Just come across this. Amazing work, everything is a piece of art. You should feel pretty chuffed with yourself. Grats on squig too.
  6. Daughters - hagg nar. Reroling saves, rerolling 5+ aftersaves.
  7. It's cool dude. If you wanna champion your army go for it. His getting two armies, one for fun one for tournaments. Personally I wouldn't lead him down the path of an army that doesn't do well in tournaments. I also think free people are a very cool army and have a lot of potential as far as hobby goes, so I'm not throwing shade at them. Just giving unbiased feedback (I hate daughters).
  8. If his getting an army specifically for tournaments then tell him to have a look at what's been doing well. If u want the most defensive and one of the most offensive armies go hagg nar daughters of khaine. Free people's is a terrible option. Point something at the general and watch it all come tumbling down. And there is so many things out there that can do this.
  9. Love what your saying. I'd also just be happy with the update battletome with spells and scenery. An endless spell of a bone Trex, big bone shrine or skull that they carry around with them. It would be the best. My savages have been put aside and working on them Gitz, but hot damn would I swap straight back with an update. Im also foreseeing that my 40 arrer boys will not see so much use. BRING ON THE PIGS.
  10. I'd be so pumped for any type of orruk battletome release. Or ogres.
  11. Turtles, eidolons, sharks and hopefully reavers drop points and people can start playing interesting lists that don't consist of 18-24 eels.
  12. With FEC doing the rounds fairly hard, 3 ballistas, ordination and astral Templars has been blowing them up. Ballista bomb has always been solid but a good reason to give the Templars a go.
  13. Consider gildenbane on your eidolon too. Turning off artifacts allows your wave bro to do his job better. Ethereal is fine but doesn't stop mortals or bulk attacks.
  14. Nah, looks cool on the tabletop. Rule of cool wins. Sorry you guys have to draw your 'unbelievable' line in the sand over nice models. Pretty 'stupid' when my stormcast play someone elses stormcast too.
  15. I did this a while ago but figured I'd put it up. My archmage on dragon, I whip him out for a bit of casual play. Kinda spewing i didn't put him on a smaller base and made him a king.
  16. Should rename to general discussion thread as that's basically what this is and start a new rumours thread.
  17. Gutbusters battletome. Add maneaters, firebellies and gargants into the keyword. Make new character types out of golfag, Bragg and overtyrant. Pretty large model range already.
  18. @Requizen we didnt use realm rules either. I just used the command in moments of opportunity. It sucks getting bogged down by one or two models which are blocking a unit moving. I used it on combat probs a bit more than on shooting. Things I would change is probably go back to my larger blocks of sequitors. I think they are the best unit we have access too.
  19. Cheers. The cats were about 6ish away from allarielle and he had put the cogs down, I figured a 4" reroll was pretty good odds. Haha, would have been pretty lame if I had rolled a 3 twice. I defs didnt want him continually adding layers of driads to his back objective. That's probably the hardest the ballistas failed all weekend. 3 couldn't kill 1 branchwraith.
  20. This past weekend I ended up winning the Australian masters with stormcast. The missions for the event were unknown and randomly rolled up before each game out of the 18 available which made an impact on the overall list I ended up running. Essentially it was a toss up between the list below that I settled on, or a more main stream Gav/evo list. I'll explain my reasoning below. Anvils of heldenhammer arcanum on gryph- deathly aura castellant vexilor - pendent of the stormbringer ordinator - soul thief 10 sequitors 5 sequitors 5 sequitors 6 evocators on dracs 3 ballistas I settled on the dracs as they are a self sufficient unit, they reroll charges, neg bravery, put out a lot of damage and importantly move 12". I was definitely in two minds on which two lists to take but the descision came that if total commitment was drawn and I got put against a bad match up I'd straight away be behind. Turns out first mission random roll was total commitment. The other stormcast player with 20 seqs and 2 units of evos got matched against 3 guos and 60 plague bearers, the match I was dreading. He played very well and almost got the win, but the mortal wounds and resilience of nurgle pipped him in the final turn. I was pretty impressed with the list as a really good utility list. Ballistas were for the arkhans, nagashs and allarielles of the world. Cats with the lantern are very good and there speed really made a difference. My last 2 games were against sylvaneth which are very hard matchups, but I was able to capitalise on some mistakes and force the win.
  21. Yes people are winning events with their gatekeeper gav lists because they haven't faced the almighty competitive meta ..... that doesn't go to events???
  22. This past month I've placed 1st in a 50 man event and 3rd in an 80 man event. Both with 5 major wins, I can say that in every game 3 balistas with an ordinator was hands down MVP. They are fantastic screens to block objectives and put out a crazy amount of shooting. The buff range is quite large and fairly easy to work with. Evocators hit like trucks due to the mw output. I will be adding in some skinks as we do need some cheap screens.
  23. Aos shorts is very up to date with events and a list of army lists. He has blackout up there
  24. The rogue idol was clutch in a lot of games. The 4+ against mortals is amazing. The list presented a lot of threats, being big stabbas, idol and arrows. And then u have the wizzies doing cool stuff. After playing him I wouldn't take him out of the list, he provided a really resilient anchor to which ever side I put him. And his new scroll removed all the downsides and randomness. The big stabbas were MVP a few of the games. Notably 3 killing allarielle with a reroll hits triumph and the monster table reroll wounds. Took exactly 16 wounds off her after saves. I usually play nurgle and tzeentch and this is the most fun I've had with an army in ages.
  25. Hey @PlasticCraic It was brizhammer. Brisvegas open was earlier in the year. I was the TO for that event.
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