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Everything posted by WatcherintheWater

  1. Hi everyone! I've been primarily a KO player for the past year or so, and thought about trying out Tempest Eye as a change of pace (and because I have a lot of Dispossessed models that I've never used in AoS). What do people think of this list? Allegiance: Order City: Tempest Eye Runelord General Inspiring Aether-Khemist Gryph-Feather Charm Knight-Incantor Knight-Azyros 40 Dispossessed Warriors Double Handed Axes & Shields 20 Arkanaut Company 6 Skyhooks 10 Arkanaut Company 3 Rotary Guns 20 Ironbreakers 12 Endrinriggers 3 Grapnel Launchers Celestar Balista The idea is that turn 1 the Khemist buffs the Endrinriggeres and they move 16" and destroy something important. The Azyros flies forward and lets me re-roll ones. If he survives until the next hero phase he does his mortal wound bomb. The Runelord hangs out with the Warriors or Ironbreakers and buffs their rend when they try to sit on objectives. After the first turn or two the khemist buffs the skyhooks on the big unit of Arkanauts. Would have loved to fit an extra Khemist in so they could have the buff from turn 1, but can't figure out quite how to make that work.
  2. Personally I really like getting the Endrinriggers up to 9. Especially if you want to give them Grapnels, you need those extra attacks. At 1250, I would drop the Admiral to pay for 3 more.
  3. @Somanlius that’s a really good spread of stuff! I agree with stato for the most part. If you are running the endrinriggers as one unit of 6, I would probably go with all saws, though. Buff them with the khrmist and they can really hit like a freight train. Grappnels are really fun, to, and they make endrinriggers one of the most mobile units in the game, but I wouldn’t start adding them in unless the unit is 9+ models. Just personal opinion. Don’t think you can go wrong either way!
  4. Depends on what type of list you play, too. I have 3 games of AoS2 with a combat & movement Endrinrigger/Skywarden & double Frigate Zilfin list, and 3 with a more shooty Urbaz list. My games with the Zilfin list all went 4 or 5 turns. My Urbaz games all went 1.5 or 2 turns, and the person who won the turn 2 priority roll won each game. Small sample, but it feels like the more shooting heavy you go, the more likely to have a short game, and the more that turn 2 roll matters,
  5. One thing I want to try with my Skywardens is to make better use of the 2" reach. If you could use a ship + a unit of Arkanauts to make a ring around a unit of skywardens and a Khemist stitting on an objective, that could be nasty to charge. Assuming the charging unit has 1" reach, they would have to go after the arkanauts or ship, and the buffed Skywardens would get a turn of fighting before they could be hit . It would work even better with some Dwarf Warrior or Ironbreaker allies.
  6. @Nick907 looks cool, and I could see the MSU Endrinriggers being fun, but I see a few issues Only 1 hero, and if he stays in the boat he can’t use command abilities. If you keep all the healing stuff in or by the ironclad, that’s over half your army clustered right together. Not that familiar with they gyrobombers, but feels like your list lacks some damage output. I don’t mean to be a downer, just pointing out some things to consider.
  7. Looks fun. My advice would be to hold off on throwing that big unit of endrinriggers into the enemy army until you see something that you are willing to trade them for or if you have a chance for a double turn. Also, since the incantor is the only wizard, you have a lot of points wrapped up in the endless spells. She only gets one cast per turn, and if your opponent takes her out it basically wipes out 280 points of your army.
  8. I think Nagash is a really good match up. Maybe Seraphon post FAQ. But for friendly play, that isn't really the issue unless your local group is all hard-core all the time. There are plenty of ways to make KO lists that fit into a casual environment without getting steamrolled.
  9. I agree with what a few of the previous commentators said. For friendly games, KO can definitely cut it. I think they can do fine in tournaments too, but because they have some bad matchups (Nighthaunt, Nurgle) they probably don't have a great shot at winning a big event. IMO the big this is that they have a very distinct play style. A lot of shooting, and a few units that can hit hard if buffed right, but super fragile. If that is appealing to your friend and he likes the models, they can be a really fun army!
  10. Yeah, that’s a little strange, but was there anything that needed an answer? I didn’t notice anything personally.
  11. I like that list. All the ships plus the gyrocopter will look great on the table! if you are running the Endrinriggers as one unit of 6, I might drop the special weapons. Never too many saws ? For the artifacts, I think it depends on what you think you will be going against. There are some good anti magic choices, but the Incantor helps out there too. I think the defensive artifacts are great on the admiral since he is so easy to fit in cover for a 2+.
  12. @High Overlord XenuYep! How did you find the Navigator? Was he useful at all?
  13. Believe it was: Ironclad 2 Khemists Navigator with an artifact that made him a wizard 30 Arkanauts 2x 10 Arkanauts A big unit of Endrinriggers The realms played a way bigger role in his games. He played in the realm of shadows a couple times and used it to teleport his loaded up ironclad around the board on turn 1.
  14. I played a 3 game 12 player local tournament and thought I would share the results. All realm rules were in effect, but no command ability duplication. My first games of AoS2, and I had a lot of fun. I ran the same list I had been going with in AoS1, but switched skyports. Here is the list: Barak-Urbaz Admiral w Fleetmaster and Masterwrought Armor 2 Khemists, one with Lens of Refraction 3x10 Arkanauts 9 Endrinriggers 9 Skywardens 2 Frigates Game 1 vs Skyre (Focal Points) My opponent had an Arch Warlock, 2 Engineers, 3 units of Stormfiends, a bunch of mortars and Thanquil and Boneripper as an ally. He didn’t have the deepstrike battalion, so I gave him the first turn and he didn’t have much in range. I took out about half of his Stormfiends, one engineer, and got on 4 of the 5 objectives. I won the turn 2 roll, and shot him down to just one or two stormfiends left, and put Boneripper on a couple wounds. He couldn’t do enough to get back in the game, and had just the mortars, a couple heroes, and a very wounded Boneripper still there after his turn, so we called it. MAJOR WIN Game 2 vs Nighthaunt (Shifting Objectives) Not that familiar with the new Nighthaunt units, but he had a pretty good mix of stuff, and a battalion that bosted his movement. I gave him the turn and he got on the objectives, I hit back with everything, and was able to punch my way into 2 of the objectives, but just didn’t do enough damage. Even focusing fire, I couldn’t fully take out the units I targeted, so he healed back half of what I did get. Ignoring rend is brutal vs. us. He won the role for tun 2 and charge all his stuff in, knocking me off the objectives, and leaving me without all that much left. We played my turn and the called it. MAJOR LOSS Game 3 vs Nagash (Places of Arcane Power) This game was the whole reason I took Urbaz for that extra artifact. My opponent had Nagash, Arkhan, some wolves, morgasts, and skeletons. I gave him the turn, and he was out of spell range, so not much happened, although he did cast purple sun. He just pushed up (somewhat tentatively, only getting Arkhan on the middle objective). I focused my shots on Arkhan, and took him out, and got my two artifact heroes on the side objectives. He was weighted pretty heavy towards one side of the board, so I had already had a strong hold on one of them. The Endrinriggers failed their 3” charge on Nagash, but I won the priority role and got him next turn and we called it. MAJOR WIN Thoughts 3 fun games and great opponents, but no game even made it to turn 3. I think the last 2 scenarios really lend themselves to close games, and so does our army. Kind of disappointing that none were closer though. The second turn roll felt super important every game. Urbaz worked really well (although I forgot the hero phase shooting footnote every game), but it doesn’t feel like the 2nd boat is necessary with it. My shooting was still really strong in every game except vs Nighthaunts The lens of refraction seems really situational. It only went off once in all my games. People seemed much more focused on casting buffs and debuffs than damage spells. I could see possible situations where it’s huge though. I only used the Admiral’s command ability once (partly because games were so short). Not sure he is worth having if you aren’t using it. I do like the 3+ save re-rolling 1’s for holding objectives, but I would probably drop him for 3 more Endrinriggers or Arkanauts. We used the realm rules and they didn’t feel to impactful. That may just be due to what we rolled and the short games, though. Overall Overlords did really well. I went 2-1 and the someone using a Mhornar went 3-0.
  15. Trying to brainstorm ways to get more scoring options for the "Places of Arcane Power" battleplan. Seems like that one puts us in a real tough spot. Here are the choices I see: Take a battalion Ally in Stormcast Wizards Always Take What You Are Owed Amendment (Build your own Skyport or Urbaz) I'm playing a small 3-game tournament on Saturday and that is one of the scenarios. I was planning on running a 2 frigate Zlifin list since it's what I am used to running, but now I think I might need to switch to Urbaz or find room for a Knight Incantor, but honestly, I wonder if that's even worth it. It's too bad boats with Great Endrinworks can't score objectives (I don't think they can at least).
  16. I really like the Moneyball reference someone made earlier, but I have a slightly different take on it. The idea of Moneyball is that if you are in a situation where you have a competitive disadvantage you have to be ahead of the curve in finding new ways to succeed. In the book it was a baseball team with very small payroll capacity, that adopted advanced stats before other teams. That analytics powered the to a run of unexpected success. The lesson is to always look for new ways to succeed and not to be wedded to how things have been done in the past. Our constraint is the small selection of units and high cost of many of them. We just need to be creative and forward thinking to find a way to win in AoS2.
  17. Question. Is there no longer a way to disembark when you drop in with the Zilfin endrins anymore? Guessing not since you have to pile out at the start of the phase...
  18. I finally finished painting my 2k list. Just in time for all the points to change in 2.0? Heres the list: 1 Enderinmaster 2 Aether Khrmists 3x10 Arkanauts 9 Endrinriggers 9 Skyeardens 2 Frigates
  19. Congratulations on the success of the site! It's such a great resource for the community. I like the idea of adds, but also giving the option to buy a membership that makes the site add free for paid members. That way people who don't like the adds have a way to get rid of them, and people who don't want to keep up on a subscription have a way to still use the site without any big restrictions.
  20. Thanks! Definitely will try to remember to take some more pictures next time, especially vs. painted armies!
  21. A little while ago. I played in a 7-person, tournament in a nearby hobby store. It was a lot of fun, and I did pretty well, given that it was my first time using Overlords in a full size game. I finished 2-1 (with by far the most VP of anyone). A strange mix of armies, aside from me there was one other Zilphin list, two Blood Knight heavy Soulblights, 2 Tzench, and one flesh-eater courts. Here was my list: · Skyport: Barak Zilphin, Addional Footnote – Re-roll one charge · Enderinmaster – General w/Fleetmaster · 2x Khemists – one with the Earburster · 3x10 Arkanauts – One unit with each of the special weapons · 9 Endrinriggers – 2 Grappels, 1 Skyhook · 6 SKywardens – 1 Drill Cannon · 40 Dispossessed Warriors – 2 Handed Weapons, Shields, 2x Banners · Runelord Game 1 Opponent’s List: 3 units of 10 Blood Knights, 1 Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon. He had the bloodline that gave all the nights +2” move and fly. Scenario: Scorched earth Deployment: He dropped one unit of knights on each of the outside objectives, and the third unit and dragon near the middle. I put my warriors and the runelord on by left objectives, the Arkanauts with skypikes on the middle, and the Arkanauts with the volley guns on the right along side my ship loaded up with everything else. Since he had fewer drops, and I put down the ship last, I didn’t use the Fleetmaster ability. Summary: He took first turn and basically just moved everything forward. The frigate used its hero phase move and everyone jumped out. Shooting did a handful of wounds to the dragon and to his right knights. Easy charges for the riggers and Enderinmaster into those same knights. They actually survived the combat and rolled a 1 for battleshock, so there was one knight left after my turn. I won the roll for turn 2 and took it. Shooting took out the last knight and took the dragon down to just a couple wounds before the skywardens finished him off in combat. The Frigate moved up and burned one of his objectives. At his point he was already down 8-0 on VPs and had only 2 units left, so the game was mostly over. He charged into my left and center objectives. The Arkanauts in the center got wiped, and the warriors got battleshocked down to 5 or 6 left. He burned the center objective and left the other. He won turn 3. The knights on the center tried to combo charge my two units of Arkanauts on the right objective. I think he needed a 7 or 8 on the charge to get both units, but he rolled just short, and only got one of them. He deleted them, (and the remaining warriors on the other side) but I still had more models near the right objective. In my half of the turn I took out the knights on the right side with shooting and an endrinrigger charge. The wardens and frigate moved up to his center objective, and the runelord charged the flank of his last unit of knights. Since he could only get two knights into range, he lived and held them up. We danced around objectives for the last couple turns, and I won by a pretty wide margin. MVP: The Endrinmaster charged into one of the Blood Knight blocks on turn 1 with my Endrinriggers. He supercharged his harness, and all 3 of his attacks got through. It was huge, because my riggers had some pretty bad rolls that round. What I could have done better: · Activation order of combats! When he charged in round 2, he activated his knights fighting the warriors first, and after taking so many of my guys off the board, I totally forgot about the Arkanauts fighting the other combat, and just activated my remaining warriors to strike back. · I should have re-arranged the warriors so that when they were charged by the Blood Knights, the Knights couldn’t get within 3” of the objective. · I also should have arranged my two Arkanauts that were on my right objective to be a little further apart, while keeping as many models on the objective as possible, in order to make it harder for him to get both in one charge. Game 2 Opponent’s List: Sort of similar to the list I played in game 1. 2 Vampire Lords on horses, 1 unit of 10 Blood Knights, 1 unit of 15 Blood Knights, 3 Vargiests, and one unit of 30 Skeletons with Spears. His bloodline gave him re-rolls of 1 to hit on the charge or something like that. Scenario: Starstrike Deployment: I put my skypike and volley gun Arkanauts spread out to my left, the warriors and runelord slightly to the right of center, and ended up dropping my loaded-up ship on the right. He spread out his army basically in a line on the 12” line. From my left to right it was smaller knights, vampire, skeletons, vampire, bigger knights, with the vargiests behind the skeletons. Summary: I gave him first run, and he pushed most of his army forward, with the vargiests flying over the skeletons. I used my hero phase ship move and everyone disembarked. I put basically everything that was in range into the big knight unit, and through the combination of shooting, charges and battleshock, wiped out all 45 wounds of blood knights in exchange for one Khemist and a few skyriggers. He probably should have kept that big unit wrapped in the skeletons until at least one of the stars came down. The center star landed on my right, which was where the majority of my stuff was. He won turn 2, and put his vargiests into my Endrinmaster, and skeletons and one lord into my riggers and wardens. Due to the unit size and buffs from his vampires the skeletons were at 4 attacks each, so he rolled 76 dice even though he only got 19 of them into combat. Unfortunately, 4’s to hit and wound, and saves of 4 meant that he only got another four or so balloons. The 10-man knight unit also charged my skypike Arkanauts and wiped them out. In my turn, I ground through a bunch more of the skeletons and took out the lord and vargiests through shooting and combat. The stars fell on the middle of his side, and on the right of mine, which were again really good spots for me. All he had left was one vampire and his 10 knights, so things were in good shape with me already on or near all the objectives. I moved to sit on all the objectives, and tried to pin his knight unit with my nearby arkanuats, but they were wiped out anyway. I positioned the warriors to block him of from getting his knights to his nearest objective, and scored my 9 points. He moved his knights towards the objective on my side of the board but failed a long charge. He won turn 4, and charged the knights into the warriors. Same as what happened the first game, they took a bunch of casualties, but stayed on the board, and because of positioning prevented him from scoring the objective. The Dwarf banner that halves the number of models that flee due to battleshock is great on a big unit. In my turn they got wiped out so I only scored 2 objectives, but I took out his remaining vampire. We called it there since I was up 17-0. MVP: The Endrinriggers crushed it this game. They did the bulk of the work in taking out the big Blood Knight unit on turn 1 (700+ points) as well as the skeletons, and one of the vampire lords. What I could have done better: · Again, activation order of combats! I forgot about that same skypike unit in turn 2! · There wasn’t any point in trying to take a few wounds off the blood knights. When my Arkanauts over there finally got one, he just popped it back on in his next hero phase and used the placement to get the whole unit in range of his hero for buffs. · I should have tried to maneuver the left side Arkanauts so that they were in better position if a star came down over there. It didn’t happen, but I wasn’t in a good place to claim any objectives over there. At the least they could have made it tougher for him to get a turn 2 charge. Game 3 Opponent’s List: This was the other Zilphin list. He had an Ironclad, 3x10 Arkanauts all with skyhooks, 2 Khemists, an Admiral, 9 Endrinriggers with 2 Grapnels, and 12 Skywardens with 4 Drill Cannons and 4 Volley Guns. This was the only game where I remembered to take a picture. Scenario: Duality of Death Deployment: I put the warriors across from the left objective with the Enderinmaster and Runelord in the middle of the unit. The skyhooks and skypikes went with one khemist across from the right objective. He put one unit of Arkanauts across from each objective, and loaded everyone else in the Ironclad. We both had fleetmaster, but he won the dice off, so I had to pick first. I deployed off the board, because I if I didn’t I worried he could surround my frigate on turn 1. He put his on the board near the right objective. Summary: He took first turn. The ironclad hero-moved up and dropped everyone except for the admiral up on the right objective, and then ran towards the left. Shooting took off my skypike Arkanauts and chemist and did a couple wounds to the runelord and Endrinmaster. The riggers grappeled across the board and charged my warriors, knocking them down to about 14 or so left by the end of the turn. In my turn I dropped the frigate in where I could fit everything on the left side of the board. Everyone disembarked, and I shot off his left side Arkanauts and a few of his endrinriggers. My riggers tried to grapple into the middle of the board, but both missed, and then both them and the skyriggers failed their long charges. His riggers and my warriors + Endrinmaster each did a little damage to each other. I won turn 2 and at this point probably needed a big turn to get back in it, since he scored an objective and I didn’t. My frigate and party all pushed inwards from the left, with the frigate getting on the objective. Shooting took out the rest of his riggers and did a handful of wounds to his ironclad. I tried to grapnel the endrinriggers over to his side of the board to either charge the Khemist he had holding his objective or his big block of shooty skywardens, but they missed again. My wardens then charged his ironclad and a couple got blown up by his mines, but they did a couple more wounds. In his turn he finished off the wardens, shot my skyhook Arkanauts down to just 2 left (they had been taking pot shots at his Khemist on the objective), shot off some of the Endrinriggers and took out my Enderinmaster. The admiral also bailed out of his ironclad. He won the turn 3 roll and the admiral charged my riggers. Shooting took them down to 2 left, and he did 8 or so wounds to my frigate. In my turn I killed his admiral with the riggers and shot down his ironclad, but the score was 6-3 him and I really didn’t have any way to get to his objective and do any real damage. He won the turn 4 roll and we called it. MVP: My Frigate held the left objective and did a lot of the work shooting down his ironclad. What I could have done better: · I should have put my Khemist that deployed on the board more than 28” away from his skyhook Arkanauts. · I should have dropped my ship closer to the left objective. I wouldn’t have had room to unload everything, but I think I could have put a hero on the objective, to claim it turn 1. · Or, even better would have been to deploy my frigate in the middle of the dwarf warriors in such a way that he couldn’t charge it. Then I could hero phase move away and drop everyone, getting a hero on the left objective and at least having options for much easier charges with the endrinriggers even if they miss with the grapnels. · I shouldn’t have focused so much fire into his riggers. Without the chemist buff it would be fine for them and the warriors to just grind away at each other for a few turns off the objectives. · This game was a tough fight and I made some mistakes. His list seemed more optimized than mine, but if I had won the fleetmaster roll and had better luck with the grapnels I would have been right in it. Overall Thoughts on my list · Skypikes seem useless on 10 man units of Arkanauts. Almost anything that is strong in combat and will just wipe out the unit if it goes first, and you probably don’t want to charge with them anyway. Even if you do get to go you probably only get 2 or 3 wounds extra. Might as well just get volley guns or skyhooks for more shots. · The big warrior block well as an ally. It got charged by units that hit really hard in every game and thanks to the banner (halve the number that flee from battleshock) they always stuck around for at least one turn. · Probably worth it to take a 3rd grapnel on the Endrinriggers. That third one should only matter for one out of every 8 shots, but when you don’t get any fours it can really hurt (Game 3). · When grapnels work they are awesome. Just gives you so much mobility. I’d like one more unit of grapnel riggers. · Overall, I think my list was solid. I don’t know that I would change that much about it except for cleaning up the weapon selection (which is odd partly because I started my overlords as a skirmish force). Next step is to drop the Runelord in exchange for 3 more wardens.
  22. There’s been a lot of skirmish going on in my area lately. There are actually 2 separate campaigns going on, and I’ve used my overlords for both. One campaign is just the Shadespire campaign from the skirmish book, but the other is narrative and gives players rewards for writing background for their warbands and updating it as the games progress. I started out with: · 1 Endrinmaster · 3 Arkanauts (Captain, Skypike, and Skyhook) · 1 Endrinrigger Bjorn Stonegear spent a career rising up through the ranks of the Endrineers Guild in the fleets of Barak Zylphin before hanging up his hammer and founding Stonegear’s Discount Ship Repair and Odd Jobs. Things went well for a while, but Bjorn isn’t made for the quiet life. He dreams of one day earning enough to start his own skyfleet, so Bjorn started taking doing much more than just patching up damaged vessels. Now he never turns down a job as long as the price is right (and truth be told, he still likes the excitement). He and his associates sail all over the mortal realms for whoever will pay them, hunting for lost treasure and forgotten holds. I played and beat Skaven and Khorne in the first month, claiming the treasure from Fallen Star Mountain. Bjorn Stonegear hurried in through the back alley that lead to the rear entrance to Stonegear’s Discount Ship Repair and Odd Jobs, followed closely by his son Bork and brother Berulf who lugged a large wooden chest between them. As Bjorn flipped the sign hanging in the front window from “Open” to “Away for a Pint”, his companions kicked away random Atheric-instruments and half repaired Enderin-parts and dropped the chest on the ground, its massive padlock clanking loudly. A quick cut from Bork’s Aethermatic Saw and the rusted padlock fell away. Bjorn lifted the lid and a grin split his craggy face. Piles of silver and gold coins and sparkling jewels filled the chest. “With profits like this from adventuring, we hardly need the shop anymore!” exclaimed Bork. “Aye, but there are worse things out there than what we saw,” grumbled Bjorn. “If we mean to stay alive and pulling in contracts, we need more crew. Take out your shares. It’s time to make another investment.” Their foray to the Mountain of the Fallen Star had been a success but it was not without cost. Arkanauts Toki and Topi were both still in the medical bay of Durin’s Thunder, their hired frigate. One concussed by the blow from a daemonic Khorne blade and the other nursing a gangrenous arm courtesy of a mob of plague monks. Both would recover, but Bjorn knew they might not be so lucky next time. The next day Bjorn sat at a table in the corner of his favorite bar, a tankard of ale in his hand. An equally long bearded dwarf slid into the stool next to him. The newcomer wore a chain with an insignia identifying him as a Custodian of the Skywarden’s guild. “Custodian Farin” Bjorn nodded at his new drinking partner. “I hear you have a contract for me and my lads” “I do,” responded Bjorn, pulling a long scroll of parchment from his jacket and sliding it across the table. Farin spent several long minutes reading over the details of the document. He read every word before finally looking up and saying, “Payment up front”.
  23. I put together 2 Aether-Khemists. One was converted using the spare mortar from the thunderers, an admiral head and some skymines. Pretty happy with how he turned out!
  24. Took a while, but I finally finished my Frigate. List Update: 1 Aether-Khemist (built) 10 Arkanaut Company (Built) 10 Arkanaut Company (Built) Arkanaut Frigate (Done!) 6 Endrinriggers (3 Done) 3 Skywardens Khemist and the remaining 6 Skyriggers are up next.
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