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Everything posted by herohammer

  1. I want wildwoods to be limited to the one you set up at the beginning and for the army to change accordingly to maintain balance. I refuse to spam woods all over. I know I guy who owns 18 woods just to play this army in case he needs that many in a game. The woods are annoying as hell to play against and hardly anyone plays them right with the trees actually in place. People just run empty bases and charge giant stuff right though them without needing to move around/over the trees. Sylvaneth were the first army I played in AOS but I haven't touched them in awhile because of the wildwood rules.
  2. 1. The Mortis engine is unfortunately not an ally option for nighthaunt. 2. I run Kurdos in my 2k list. I think he, along with the other non-buff centric characters like cairn wraiths etc. get left out of many lists in favor of support characters. Nighthaunt lists tend to be character heavy as is. That isn’t to say those characters aren’t good, it is just a preference thing.
  3. The new battle tome includes "Nurgle" as ally option for an army with the Pestilens allegiance. I am not talking about the old battle tome. If the "all units must be clan X" includes your 1/4 ally points it prevents Pestilense from being able to take allies, which they are clearly supposed to be able to take since it is spelled out in the battle tome that they have Nurgle as an ally. My guess is that this will be resolved either day one with the designers commentary or soon thereafter with an FAQ/Errata. The FEC battle tome has a similar head scratcher as it has an item which is Courtier only that allows courtiers to use a command ability "on their warscroll" without spending a command point...trouble is that no courtiers have a command ability on their war scroll. On the other hand, all FEC characters share the feeding frenzy command ability so it is clear that the intent of the item is to allow a courtier to use feeding frenzy without spending a command point. A similar editorial mix up happened when GHB 2018 came out with incorrect point values for a handful of Idoneth Deepkin units and a more recent one was in the Gloomspite Gets book where no # of models was listed for how many fanatics you get in Path to Glory.
  4. Why have Nurgle as an ally listed for clan Pestilens if they can’t legally take nurgle allies? I assume this will get faq
  5. I would assume so otherwise the item does nothing
  6. That would prevent clan Pestilens from being able to take Nurgle allies though since by taking allies they would lose all battle line options. Pestilens clearly is at least intended to have Nurgle as an ally. Also why else list the faction as an ally option with itself? No other Battletome or allegiance does so, I know gits doesn’t for a recent example.
  7. Bill beat Andrew in the final top 8 showdown match at LVO. FEC officially just won the largest AOS event in US even without the new battletome. Times are looking good to be a ghouly ghoul.
  8. My guess would be small sample size and differences between US and UK unit preferences. I know one of the Sylvaneth players is using a list he has been messing around with for a long time in AOS and is running what he has the most experience and practice with.
  9. As someone who played fantasy competitively in 8th edition I have no problem with the storm fiend changes. Many many people ran units all kitted out in the same way in late 8th edition fantasy (with one tunneler) and they were pretty broken giving the unit a bad reputation in many circles, and giving a bad reputation to people running the unit. It is also in line with changes to other units that they have made. They want to make it so that every unit in the game can be built out of the box, no conversions or buying multiple boxes necessary. I think the inability to take allies and keep clan battle line will be day one errata faq as it technically prevents pesilense from being able to take nurgle allies since by taking allies they lose all battle line options preventing them from being able to form a battleforged army making the use of allies impossible. EDIT-Actually now that I think of it, there is quite a bit on the very first page of the rules section that the video review doesn't cover that I can't see that may explain the allies stuff. At the end of the army list it includes Skaventide as an ally option for the army which makes this the only book that lists its own allegiance as an ally option to the allegiance. I think the intent may be that you can ally in models from other clans using your 1/4 ally points and maintain clan specific battle line.
  10. Like the rules for all 3 endless spells. The throne is fine, similar in impact to the Idoneth terrain and weaker than things like wildwoods or the loon shrine.
  11. Won a game against sylvaneth today with a kind of weird list I wanted to try out. Lord executioner General Ruler of the spirit hosts Midnight tome Reaping scythe Lady olynder Soul stealer Spirit torment Banshee Guardian of souls with nightmare lantern Light shard of the harvest moon Spectral tether Kurdos 3 spirit hosts 3 spirit hosts 3 spirit hosts Black coach 4 chainghasts 4 chainghasts Chronomatic cogs Execution horde Ended up working really well against an army made up of high save elites and hordes. The chainghasts I deployed in the spirit realm and dropped one unit in to clear out a horde. The other guys dropped in late and ninja'd an objective after shooting some wounds of a Treelord ancient. Between the spirit hosts, olynder, the banshee, and the black coach I had a lot of mortal wound output. Only scary thing was charging the coach into a wildwood, didn't realize that the wildwood only doesn't have a chance of auto-killing monsters and heroes, I had misremembered the rule in the more than a year since I last played my own sylvaneth.
  12. by jove your right! I missed them at the very front lol.
  13. There is a warp fire thrower in art that they show off from the new battle tome. I wouldn’t worry about it. If scryre acolytes are still in I doubt the book will lose anything but rat swarms. Rat swarms are conspicuously absent from the Moulder army shot they show off. Now I would not be super surprised if they streamline the ranged weapon teams to all have the same stats and profile and just be called something like “Scryre Weapon Team” so that people can use whatever model they want wether warpfire thrower, rattling gun, or mortar
  14. I really like the throne and the undead horse endless spell. Not as big of a fan of the other 2 but will still be getting it all.
  15. Fell water seem to be going in and out of stock for the US. I think they are selling a lot more of them than expected which imho is predictable given how good their price point is since they didn’t go up at all to match the new guys.
  16. I will be trying to get a game in tomorrow with a monster mash list. I will let you know how it goes, if it goes that is, since people may all be at home getting ready for the super bowl.
  17. Is there any point to this thread if rumors are not supposed to be posted or discussed? I say close it before we get more pages of inane discussion like the last page and a half.
  18. He is also really good with the -3 rend sword from the same realm. I run both 😊
  19. I have a nurgle army that consists of nothing but 80s miniatures, an army of oldhammer fimir that I used to use as ogre kingdoms in 8th edition and I am currently working on/rebasing an army of c36 hobgoblins to use as gloomspite gits. No one has ever had a problem with my armies. I think AOS as a super "big" open ended setting gives players an awesome chance to explore the rich history of Games Workshop and Citadel miniatures in building unique armies. Only thing I try to do when using old models is to keep model heights relatively similar. I wouldn't worry too much about the nightmare legion guys or other human sized models as while they are smaller than new models the height difference is unlikely to ever be meaningful in game. The only time to worry about models that size and put them up on a built up base is if you are going to mix and match them with newer larger models in units. Where I would recommend making use of scenic bases is with older monster models like giants, greater daemons, some of the dragons (most are actually pretty big and some are really big though). Ask someone who has the current model if they can measure how tall it is so you can plan out a scenic base that will give appropriate height to your model.
  20. Is there a matched play point cost for the anniversary GoS? The battle tome and ghb only have the regular lantern version
  21. They essentially always are as far as I know given that they have matched play points that are updated reasonably often
  22. Aren't the slaanesh demons on 25mm rounds though? I think the bloodletters got repacked to have only 25mm rounds and then repacked again to have 32mm rounds which seem to be what they are using for all the lesser demons.
  23. They are being repacked to no longer have square bases in the box. (Probably they will get 32mm rounds also to match the bloodletter and plaguebearer boxes)
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