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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I agree, an army is ideally created to ALSO give your opponent fun! This is why I think the rule of 3 would be a good one.
  2. Wow, no Ogor players here anymore?! Curious to know what's been working for people, and what's not been working.
  3. That is a pretty amazing SCE list I've seen a few times on other forums, but never in the wild. That guy's in my local League...he KO'd me big time at a recent tournament. Glad he's changing it up This is one example of why I think AOS would benefit from a Rule of 3 like 40k has. No more than 3 of the same unit per army. It would cut back on stuff like this, shark spam, etc. Only thing I could think of to counter it would be BOC and maybe Skaven, completely null-deploying...though SCE doesn't have to drop turn 1, but Skaven at least do have to come in turn 1. BOC might be able to not come in though. Maggotkin could probably take it on, and outflank with Gutrot Spume and 3 units of Blightkings. Maybe Ogor Stonehorns screened by Gnoblars? Man, I'm gonna have to practice vs this, I know it'll show up at the Adepticon 3K, and with even MORE Annhilators, etc.
  4. Well, tomorrow my League game opponent is sick so I'll be staying home and practicing with my Cities army vs my League Ogors army. I'll see how the S'tanks and Luminarks fare vs Beastclaw Raiders and report back. That's a good test of their mettle/metal? The S'tanks fought a good fight last October but lost eventually as KO are apparently capable of good melee with their chainsaw ballon boys. Who knew?! But I think that was too many S'tanks. This game will be the Living City w Commander (divine champ w Curse, Macroscope) and 3 S'tanks, Warforger, Mage on Luminark, allied Lord Ordinator, 2x10 Black Ark Corsairs, Command Corps, and a plain Luminark. They'll be fighting Boulderhead w a Frostlord on Stonehorn (priest CT w Heal, -1 to wound him Mount Trait, 2 Monster Rampages artefact), 2 Huskards on Stonehorns (metalcruncher/hailstorm prayer and charger/speedy prayer), 2 Thundertusk Riders, and 1x2 clubber Mournfangs....and they'll be getting their Inspired Triumph at 1950 points. Should be an interesting game.
  5. I wholeheartedly agree much of the sentiments by @Beliman. NOBODY cares about Andtor, or even any of this journey through Ghur stuff. It's supposed to add flavor, but it's mandatory flavor that not everyone enjoys, and these constantly new and compulsory GHBs are just a money grab by GW. I think a periodic new set of missions is great, but perhaps the missions should include alternate secondary tactics that we could do instead of the seasonal Battle Tactics? I also think that perhaps adding this 'complexity' should be optional. And frankly when people play, they COULD just say, 'let's relax today and play with just the Core Rules'. Also, for the beginning of the game Priority, it should still be a plain roll off, with whoever finished their drops maybe getting a +1 to their roll. That's it. The battalion push to get Battle Regiments for low drops is annoying. I get that there's supposed to be this strategic trade off with battalions, so you get more drops if you take another artefact from Command Entourage, etc, but I'd much rather say additional artefacts cost 50 points like the days of y'or. They often provide similar-level benefits to an Endless Spell, and those cost points. Also this constant noting of extra cognitive load....not really sure I agree with that. It's not hard to type a reminder sheet for oneself, and if you're playing your army over and over, one ought to be able to remember all the stuff one's army can do and should do in different situations. Games don't have to feel like doing taxes, and one can choose how hard to think about things. I dare say it's just a post-Covid brainfog reaction which is indeed a wide-spread phenomena. Maybe take more vitamins and work on getting better sleep.
  6. I mean wasn't there that Underworlds warband with shadow-aelves with glitchy capes? Those looked cool and very much what want Umbraneth to be.
  7. I really like having Battle Tactics as sometimes it coincides with the objectives-game, and other times it does not and demands different actions. This helps to make the games different each time you play even a same mission or same opponent-army. To be sure, the GHB ones are trash and really gear towards certain army builds, which I do not like, and also the battletome ones are often very unbalanced with respect to each other. It might be better to have a bunch that each type of unit could accomplish within the GHB or Core Rules (for example a hero without a mount can contest an objective that your opponent previously controlled, or an artillery unit can kill something, etc). The double turn is key to making AoS its own game and I would vote for it to stay (I think it will stay). BUT I absolutely do NOT think a tie for Priority Roll should be won by the person who went first last round. That is so dum. Roll off and tie ROLL AGAIN. I hate that with a passion. I'm on the fence about heroes joining units; if they go that route (I don't think they will) they'd need to make it like Horus Heresy and mounted units can only be joined by mounted heroes, monsters can't join units, flying units can only be joined by flying heroes, etc. I'd much rather they let non-monster heroes pick a unit to charge with, so you roll for the hero and pick a unit (even maybe use a CP for it) to use that hero's charge roll. This way the hero can 'lead' and have whatever it needs to use its hero buffs upon. Thematic and sensible I'd say. Heroic actions and Monstrous Rampages don't slow things much actually, and they let special units do special things without having each warscroll have extra stuff on it like the 40k of 9th edition had (at least from what I read, not a 40k player). Terrain rules have absolutely stunk thus far. The mysterious rolls are forgotten or ignored. Moving through/across terrain of any sort should impede movement by some amount. Some terrain should definitely be dangerous! Some should outright block line of sight regardless of wound count. I think at least being behind terrain provides cover now? Or am I imagining that? I also think there should be a rule of 3 like 40k. No more spamming 13 Allopexes....unless Doomwheels lose Behemoth and I can spam 13 of those. Then I'll forget about that
  8. I have been Squigged before a couple times. It's HORRIBLE. Best possible thing is to shooty them from a distance, and if you can snipe models from units somehow, get rid of those Grot guys who can bring them back that are included in the unit. Gotta snipe the Squigboss too. But it seems that the FEC model recursion should be at least as good as the Gitz have. Once Ushoran arrives, he will very likely be able to make many things strike last, which would really help in many cases. I could go on about Squigs and what they deserve, but I'll refrain until they get me again.
  9. Guess I was remembering the old Hammerers with the MW on 6s somehow. Rend-2/2dmg is pretty decent though. As cool as they look...Executioners look way cooler. Almost time to start painting my S'tanks. But first I have to figure out if I'm going to use oil paints on the big panels. I want them to look like Bob Ross landscapes, but of the Mortal Realms.
  10. Hammerers vs Executioners, which is a better investment, assuming they both have the support they need to be their best? Both get the MW on 6s to hit don't they? Executioners can get Tenebrael Shards going with them. Guess that potential rend -4 though on the Hammerers is basically all MW on most armor saves...but they lack speed and the strike-first possibility of Executioners. Who runs both?!?
  11. Gotta say, I'm considering getting at least 1 more Command Corps. 18 wound unit that does a variety of useful things and can actually somewhat fight!
  12. Whoa! Didn't realize that. Wasn't referring to what I wanted, but rather what the plural term 'unitS' (emphasis on the s) would imply in normal linguistical interpretation.
  13. Oh yeah, I always take the terrain since it's zero points. For the Roving Maw I would certainly take the Pit! Need more Gorgers and a couple more wizards, and 20 more Gnoblars to do that one.
  14. I don't forsee any Dark Aelves getting help at all....with Umbraneth almost certainly waiting patiently in the shadows for a release, they'll want us to buy new Dark Aelves. I definitely think the Warforger MW spell should be on a single unit, not a bubble; but my Steam Tanks are fine with the +1 save remaining a bubble 💯 Agree that all the monsters are too pricy for what they do, for sure the Griffon needs to be less. Command Corps do make sense to be 0-1, and not reinforceable. Apparently, some people are arguing that they can heal the same unit 3 times, which is nonsense, but a GW FAQ that makes it clear they cannot do that would probably help some consternation with them. With all the stuff squigs can do, the Hammerers and Executioners should be 100 points per 10!
  15. Hmmm, all good points on the Hurricanum. It does seem they are more limiting on the allies effects lately. The Marshcrawla Sloggoth affecting Gitz for example, that's just too good! Though it didn't go away with their tome updates/FAQs. Guess maybe I'll keep my Hurricanum then (was going to trade it to my friend for some bits)....I'll need some more mechanized chicken-walkers to pull it though to match my Luminarks.
  16. Nice win! Ossiarchs are tough, and my Slaves to Darkness were Katakros'd/Immortis'd hard one time. After I get through Ogors I aim to get back to the Cities. Hallowheart seems to be just a good all around City, as the spells are great and work with any style army, and getting them to work can be challenging without those buffs. Think the Hurricanum is worth it with S'tanks as opposed to just an allied Lord Ordinator?
  17. Looks like Gutrot Spume and 5 Blight Kings come in at 390 points. That would make a very meaty bunch to outflank to the enemy backfield edge. Is it correct we have to have a Pestilens General to take Maggotkin allies though? Guess a Plague Furnace is pretty solid. I like the Nurgling idea too though. They're super annoying!
  18. That's dedication! I did that to a bunch of Dark Aelves and it was....tricky. I ended up just using metal shears to cut the flat part of the old squares out and gluing that to rounds after shearing off a few feet. Then they get a 'tactical' rock to stand on. I'm gonna wait to build do more Skaven until the next tome in the summer this year. Who knows what it may bring?!?!
  19. I don't have the Roving Maw rules book, but I read somewhere they all have to be Gutbusters. This seems like good experimental fun: Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes - Mawtribe: Roving Maw - Grand Strategy: - Triumphs: Butcher (140) - Cleaver Slaughtermaster (140) Slaughtermaster (140) 5 x Gorger Mawpack (220) 1 x Gorgers (80) 1 x Gorgers (80) 1 x Gorgers (80) 20 x Gnoblars (120) 20 x Gnoblars (120) Ironblaster (200) Ironblaster (200) Ironblaster (200) Ironblaster (200) Purple Sun of Shyish (80) Total: 2000 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 140 Drops: 13
  20. Yeah, I like the idea of all tiny ninja powerlings running rampant...for at least 1 turn until they all die or run away. I'd bring them in to focus fire and finish things off as much as possible. Only way to run those guys.
  21. Thinking about the 1000 point event in March after the the 3000 point event (using Ogors for the 3K). Gotta limit my hobby time so was thinking my Clan Eshin is all done already...what about this? Allegiance: Skaven - Grand Strategy: Masters of Execution - Triumphs: Indomitable Deathmaster (110) - General - Command Trait: Shadowmaster - Artefact: Farskitter Cloak Deathmaster (110) - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact) Deathmaster (110) Slynk Skittershank (220) 5 x Gutter Runners (100) 5 x Gutter Runners (100) 5 x Gutter Runners (100) 5 x Gutter Runners (100) 4 x Skittershank's Clawpack (0) Vermintide (30) *Warlord Artefact Total: 980 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 44 Drops: 9 Wasn't sure about battalions yet. Hard to fit a Deceiver or Warbringer or even a Warpseer in 1K (I only have 1 unit of Clan Rats, and unpainted, and my wife is complaining about too much time being spent on Warhammering, so trying to use what's painted). Could do this too but what CT and artefacts then?: Allegiance: Skaven - Grand Strategy: Masters of Execution - Triumphs: Indomitable Verminlord Warpseer (330) - General Deathmaster (110) - Artefact: Farskitter Cloak Deathmaster (110) Deathmaster (110) 5 x Gutter Runners (100) 5 x Gutter Runners (100) 5 x Gutter Runners (100) Vermintide (30) *Warlord Artefact Total: 990 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 42 Drops: 7
  22. For a spare 160 points in a Kragnos and BCR army at 3,000 points.....should I add a Bloodpelt Hunter who can sneak to edges and around the MawPot to unleash the healing? Or should I add 2 lone Gorgers to deepstrike and help do Surround & Destroy, plus other assorted whatevers? Can't decide. Using Kragnos only because it's already painted and the wife says I'm spending too much time on Warhammer. So I'm like FiiiIIINNNE....I'll use a 720 point model instead of painting the Purple Sun, Slaughtermaster, Fellwater Troggoths, 2 Ironblasters, and a Tyrant, and maybe 20 Gnoblars. Also, if Gorgers, should I go with the MawPit instead, and plop that gigantic thing to jam the enemy up and funnel their movements to the big beasts? Haven't tried that thing yet.....I have to paint either terrain thing to use.
  23. That's wicked cool! I applaud it. And instead of the toothy sphincter eating people the giant skull could be animated by the Great Maw to eat people. That reminds me....anyone used the Roving Maw army of renown at all? I haven't tried it yet. Only Gutbusters allowed so I'd have to proxy some stuff....but Gnoblars and Ironblasters are Gutbusters, so I'd just need like 2 more Gorger Packs.
  24. I like the hero phase pretty much as-is. Endless spells cost points so they don't need to go away. I think they should be able to be dispelled by enemy wizards on the just the casting roll rather than beating the casting roll however, and maybe if you roll the exact casting roll without beating it, you can have a wiz-off on a D6. AoS needs to be a different game than 40k.
  25. There even used to be a Penumbral Engine piece of terrain. GW needs to bring back universally available terrain pieces instead of the battletome specific ones too. But that's for another thread....
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