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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I will see you all soon in the Greywater Fastness/Cities of Sigmar forum......my four magma cannons and Iron Daemon can become all Steamtanks, and Fireglaives can be Irondrakes or Freeguild Handgunners. I guess the Skullcrackers and Renders can go be Slaves to Darkness as Gorebeast Chariots and Chaos Knights. Dang it.
  2. Excellent points, Scurvydog; we mustn't fear! We must press on and learn the nuances and subtleties of our own forces to adapt to new ones. I'm eager to get my Vanguard Auxiliary Chamber assembled and try their crazy movement tricks to get around walls of hordes. Also my 4 Jabberslythe Darkwalkers Beasts of Chaos army. 4 Jabberslythes should be able to shut down a few units in any army until they're killed, which should kill off some enemies too with bile blood. See, we all have shenanihanigans!
  3. I just ordered the Cities of Sigmar battletome to give the wicked duardin something to do in case Azgorh gets axed from reality. But in the mean time......I'm making some K'daai from the Exalted Flamer flames and spare old big-hats. 12 of them for 480 points is a good deal. Maybe they'd be good behind a max unit of Renders (also a good discount max-unit cost) because of the 3" weapon range? That would be a new approach to try for me. I've been going artillery heavy for a long time.
  4. Looks like I can run a Changehost using my smattering of Tzeentch Daemons, as the Burning Chariots count as battleline with my Herald on Chariot as general; makes a single deployment drop army. If I redeploy the Changeling, cast the Purple Sun, then Changehost swap him with another Herald or Lord of Change, have that one cast and endless spell too, can I then swap a second time since I'll still have 9 models in the Changehost? Changehost says while the battalion still has 9 models I can pick two different pairs of models to swap. It doesn't say any particular moment in the Hero Phase though, so my thoughts are at least the two endless spells could be cast amidst the enemy lines like that.....but does the second pair of models count as different if only one of the models is different? First swap pair is Changeling/Lord of Change/, second swap/pair probably Lord of Change/Herald on Foot. Anyone have thoughts or experience with this?
  5. If I'm ever in the neighborhood, I'll bring them and give you a heads up
  6. Hmmm, the activation wars are a thing. For Azgorh, the only solution would be to ally in perhaps a Tzaangor Shaman and take the Wildfire Taurus spell, or even a Keeper of Secrets I guess? Not sure if they naturally get a fight last ability or if that's the Hedonites allegiance thing?
  7. I have been hoping for a mirror match with my Legion of Azgorh for over a year, but alas, we wicked dwarves are quite scarce.
  8. I converted 4 Iron blasters into Magma Cannons for my Legion of Azgorh. Maybe I'll bust out my Bullgors too and try a proxy army to see how the Mawtribes compare
  9. Man, I haven't fought Tzeentch in over a year. Hard to counter the wizardry with Azgorh, but allied Khorne (maybe Karanak and a Bloodsecrator, or Slaughterpriest with Hexgorger Skulls?) or even allied Blue Scribes (get the Prismatic Palisade cast on a 2+ turn 1 to block LOS to your valuable units maybe? ). But really almost impossible to deal with Tzeentch magic without dedication to such effects. I would try to get your K'daai going after the Skyfires, as they have the best chance at catching them with the 8" fly and run/charge (worth a CP to make it a 6" run if needed). Position the Tauruk and Skullcracker maybe as an interceptor crew to engage anything that goes after the K'daai when he sees that they're gonna get his Skyfires. Put some hurt with the Magma Cannon on the Lord of Change soon as possible and try to bracket that guy down, as the spell he has is so nasty at full strength. Screamers are fast but pretty meh, though they can do much more damage to the Skullcracker since it's a Behemoth I think. I'd probably ignore the Horrors, maybe tarpit them in pointless melee with Fireglaives, since don't they just multiply when they die? Then when the other units get (hopefully) clobbered by the strong Azgorh units, you can focus fire on the Horrors. Have you tried the Chalice of Blood and Darkness at all? That might be fun vs Tzeentch.
  10. Whoa, that's amazing! I love low model count armies. Even if the models are HUGE. That new rule where the monsters count as 10 models for objectives is a really big boost to Ogors too. And them being hungry or eating. Seems like a fun army, as it was before.
  11. Agree totally with the Standard Bearer, rerolling melee wounds of 1 only is lame. The Iron Daemon would be great if the damage was D3 and hitting on 3+ like the Skullcracker. Frankly just being a ranged form of Skullcracker would be fine. But the rend-2 doesn't make up for 4+ hitting and 1 damage, and that we have to constantly suffer mortal wounds to get any decent amount of shots out of it. Draz should be almost exactly like the Verminlord Warpseer; I'd change his spell from another mortal wound target thing to a mortal wound burning aura thing. He should get a +1 to cast/unbind period being the high priest of Hashut and all, and he should have the Bahal keyword since he's riding a bull!
  12. Can the Contorted Epitome take an artifact? Thought they were a unique hero unit. Looks like the OBR are coming in strong. And they certainly have some interesting looking units. I might give them some more consideration when I see more paint jobs.
  13. I have full confidence that Archaon will come to all of our rescues in the Slaves to Darkness tome!
  14. Catapults eh? Should I build 4 Hellcannons again, and like 120 Gors?
  15. Next phase is to figure out how to make some cool K'daai from old ****** dwarves and firey bits, to match my old ****** army
  16. Thank you very much! It was a bunch of fun to build and use. The first game I just tanked some dice rolls turn 1. I've taken out Mawkrushas before with relative ease but the dice were cold and tired in the morning. I could have taken him I think except for the swinginess of random Magma and Skullcracker attacks. The second game I lost because of poor deployment and moving away from the objectives at all. Shoulda played for the draw, killed everything that he outflanked on me, then hoped for a fast push forward in the last 2 or 3 turns. Not sure how to deal with FEC and those 2 Terrorgheists. They are deathdealers, super fast, super tough. Guess I should have had the same tactics, playing for the draw and hoping to push forward. Lost against Stormcast mainly because of Escalation (not good mission for a bunch of behemoths and artillery!) and also I have so many drops with this army. He went first and ran up on the objectives to score them early. Many drops hurts bad sometimes. I think more bodies is definitely good, but also we need more speed and flight, thus K'daai are a good unit to have. Some allied wizardry too. Gotta keep practicing!
  17. Yeah, the Fireglaives the ones with blunderbusses. Glad to hear the regular dwarves still have some gunners! Bull centaurs are the old metal ones, but they're on the 90mm long ovals, like Mighty Skullcrushers. Magma cannons are on the 120mm x 92mm oval bases, but I could rebase them smaller; made from Ogor Iron Blaster cannon barrels on the Iron Blaster wooden looking bases, with some extra wheels and 2 little guys on there. I've seen those Hurricanums,; my old Archaon killed one outright with Destiny Dice once. Maybe I could mount some orbiting ****** on it, like whirling braziers and alchemical vials. Skullcrackers are tougher. Mine lack the height for a dragony monster. But I'll keep thinking on it, and pick up that battletome!
  18. I guess if one includes the Bonesplitterz for the Great Waaagh, then they have a bit more variety? No terrain or endless spells from what I hear though.
  19. Awesome! Thank you for pointing out the PDF on GW's site. Tzeentch and Khorne are much happier now
  20. Slaanesh whooped the living ****** out of everyone at a 30 player event over 2 days. It will be interesting to see if an army who can pretty much summon a whole other army by turn 3 will be subdued at all by these Ossiarchs. While I doubt their points will be adjusted in the next month or two, I am wary of entering this new Death army too early on. They are growing on me aesthetically, but can't get them used for a 2nd hand deal. Unlike the Ogors. Nobody had the Fyreslayers this weekend. So I can't vouch for those. But they sound like they can stand against the Bonereapers. The Chaos Dwarves of Azgorh…...cannot.
  21. I have a Legion of Azgorh army that is all the old big hat dwarves, plus 4 custom magma cannons, and an Iron Daemon, and 3 Skullcrackers (2 old metal ones, 1 new kitbashed plastic one). Also have 12 Dwarf-bull-centaurs, and 4x10 shooty dwarves (Fireglaives). Given the transitory nature of rules for Chaos Dwarves, and doubtful future, I was wondering if I might have at least the beginnings of a decently competitive Cities of Sigmar duardin based army? I've seen that Steam Tanks can be battleline, and am wondering if all my cannons, with enough extra guns and armor plates bashed on them, could become Steam Tanks? Definitely thinking they could be Slaves to Darkness of sorts when that comes out, but trying to get as much mileage out of my beloved Chaos Dwarves as possible. Thanks for any suggestions or ideas!
  22. First day of Dragon Fall in Elmhurst, IL, USA. 3 games done, 3 major losses for Azgorh's Pain Train, v2.0. You can see my garage full of war machines there with my super hot magma cauldron and other terrain pieces we had to bring. First game was Starfall vs big Waaagh Orruks. Mawkrusha moved and charged something like 36" turn 1, and the gore-gruntas too. Wow those are fast now! Took me too long to finish those off with my groggy army. They must not have slept well. I couldn't push forward enough to get to more objectives and alas, took the major loss. But got my hidden agenda of Slay....eventually. Prevented his though! 2nd game was Better Part of Valor I think? vs Living Cities of Sigmar. It was the one where sudden death happens if you score all 4 objectives after the 3rd round starts. He had units in the 'clouds', like a big dread Dragon and a Durthu tree. They got right behind me, which I was okay with as I figured I could take them out if they got to me sooner than later. And I did....but then a crapload of tiny aelves swarmed me also from those back corners to outnumber and thus the major loss. And I couldn't get Attrition for my hidden agenda done either because it ended too soon. 3rd game I didn't photograph, because Flesh Eater Courts are boring to look at! That was the 6 objective one where you burn them to score points, different values for how many turns you've controlled them. We both burned what we could turn 2, she got 5 to my 4, and turn 3 priority roll sealed my loss as her Terrgorgheist was fast and able to get the last objective, then burn it before I could get to it. But I did manage to get my hidden agenda of Ancient Heirlooms to keep my precious Thermalrider Cloak Castellan alive. So maybe I'll get to play a really hopeless army tomorrow and win 1, or 2! Gotta not deploy stupid like game 2, and remember my rerolling 1s to hit with non-moving Fireglaives. But still, fun army to use. More to come....
  23. Ogors are just hungry too. Me thinks you both are right, and I don't have a green army yet. Thanks!
  24. Looking at either the new Orruk Warclans or the new Ogors. Both look to have fun units with good speed and damage output. I’ve seen some Orruk action today and wow they’re fast! Ironjawz backed my warchanters are nasty. The Bonesplitterz appear to be doing well with both a kunnin ruk and another ruk with bunches of spear boyz. Guess ogors are too new to tell but any thoughts on how they’ll compare to warclans? I guess less bodies but they have a rule I saw where some single models count as more models for objectives. Both of those armies seem more Khorne than Khorne now!
  25. Which was published most recently? I vote the GW pdf! The grand alliance one must be really old.
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