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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I didn't go horde Skaven for exactly the reason I don't want to paint 200+ Clanrats. I would certainly use movement trays for deployment and at least the first turn or two of movement, etc. I would also groan and berate an opponent who has a horde like that and didn't use movement trays (had a guy at a tournament taking a half hour to set his army up one time, absolutely stupid). But I agree, that many bodies is crazy good. Should really be a couple more missions not dependent on model count.
  2. Oh lame! Guess I'll have to use it with my Beasts of Chaos then. Skaven just hate everyone don't they
  3. From the Skaven thread, someon pointed out that Skaven cannot take allies. Does this mean they can't take a Mercenary like a One-Eyed Grunnock? Are those mercenary megagargant rules in the Sons of Behemat battletome or also elsewhere? I just did a web search and nothing popped up immediately.
  4. Hmmmm, that's a good point. I'll have to check if Skaven can take the Mercernaries (the Megagargants aren't normal allies, kinda like Gotrek, where you can exceed the allies point limit but have no other allies).
  5. This list is something I want to give a try. Probably terribad but seems super fun and ridiculous:
  6. The verdict is that Doomwheels are AWESOME! Definitely use it as a shooty unit, not an assault unit.
  7. I don't think that works for MW. Can't access my rulebooks but I think damage refers to wounds, not MW. They're very separate things.
  8. Yes, CHAOS. That's what it does! Sewing the seeds of confusion and discord. Now I'm extra sold. So the Vial of the Fulminator really would be a good thing to use on them then. Gotta remember all the buffs' timing and positioning so a far-flung one could get properly killy, but that's what Gnawholes are for. Warpspark would be in the shooting phase so a hero in range would be really useful in the backfield. With a full-on Skryre list using the Warpcog Convocation, is there any reason or way to use a Masterclan general? I'm not seeing it. Even without the battalions only a Warpseer or Grey Seer on foot seems useful.....unless I make 60 Acolytes to push a Screaming Bell (not doing that, probably not). Thing is a 1 or 2 drop army seems pretty important for a low model count shooty army like this in any sort of competitive match.
  9. I did a small test match of some doomwheels and a lightning cannon along with the Arch and regular Warlocks, as if they were all in the battalions....vs a Frostlord on Stonehorn and 2 Stonehorn Beastriders. One Doomwheel and Lightning Cannon was able to kill the Frostlord in one round of shooting. It became clear that Doomwheels need to steer clear of our own units! They really made it risky with the D3 MW to every unit within 1"....wish it was just enemy units but I guess that's the joy of Skaventide When the Beastclaws went first though they trampled and deleted almost everything in one go though. 1 drop Skryre army build options are really cool; and they play really fast which is also nice. I don't expect to win much with them currently but be very gratified when it all works together. A Doomwheel when souped up with a Vigordust Injector, Deranged Inventor, and a Warpstone Spark could roll for 2D6 shots, hitting on 2s, rerolling hits, and doing D3+1 damage per wound that gets through. Not too shabby or even too risky, just shifty. Frankly I think I would probably not move the Doomwheels too fast most times, so they could stay in range of the buffs....but then if the positioning opened up they could be launched across multiple enemies if they were tiny enough enemies (they should be able to fly over anything that's not a monster really). Guess for the points of 2 Doomwheels you get Stormfiends and 40 points though. I'll probably get a third unit of them and another ratling cannon in there. Got my Acolytes kitbashed for the most part in the mean time.
  10. Seems like rat ogres are pretty solid in melee, and Stormfiends can be with the warpgrinder fists and doomflayers; buffed up Plague Monks and Stormvermin maybe? I am also done with buying new stuff for a long while til new books. I have pretty much everything I could want for Skryre (except maybe a third Doomwheel). Just have to kitbash my 2 ratling gun teams and some acolyte backpacks and then I'll be ready to rock. Gotta figure out the best way to use the Doomwheels, they'll be in a Whyrlblade Threshik. Maybe with a Vigordust Injector to make one go faster per turn? Almost like using each as a shooting attack with a shooting attack? Skaven in general seems to be a thinking rat's army more than point and click like Mawtribes monster mash which I'm used to using.
  11. I was really disappointed with Mollog, but I guess he's from Underworlds so maybe he performs well there on his home terf? For my Beasts of Chaos, Gors never do anything but can't say they're disappointing really cuz I never thought they would do anything. But the Doombull and Shaggoth, both seem like they should wreck face every time based on looking at them, but they almost never do anything either. Doombull at least used to have an aura effect and 4 axe attacks, now he's 40 pts cheaper but pretty underwhelming. For my Ogors the Thundertusk Huskard doesn't cut the mustard. I mean look at those tusks! He should be doing 6 damage per hit at 3" with those things even if they're not super rendy. And he's the frozen one, should be getting some sort of ward save or bonus to dishing out the Everwinter Grasp rolls. The couple times I've used my Lord Aquilor with Stormcast she just falls flat and I always end up rolling like a 10 for my Ride the Winds Aetheric.
  12. I would almost fear that Beasts of Chaos would get the nix before Skaven; the BoC seems much less IP secure than the Clans. Verminlords, Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace, Hell Pit Abomination, Plague Monks, Spells, Gnawholes, Thanquol.....all excellent and reasonably modern styled kits. Just lots of the old HQs (and they just gave us the Warlock Bombadier, so that's something) and weapon teams that need updating. Moulder I could see getting the axe, Eshin too, though a Night Runner/Gutter Runner sprue would be so easy to do, or just redo a Clanrat Sprue to have those upgrades and arms, but probably too much to hope for. I hope they preserve all the Clans though, makes the Skaven so much more interesting. If they do a new Skaven Tome, I hope the battleline situation cleans up. It should just be the Clans specific ones are battleline if the general is that Clan. Simple, easy, flexible. Or have simple Clan subfactions (Tzeentch has Eternal Conflaguration to make Flamers battleline, or the one with Screamers, etc) which would allow for more interClan cooperation but limit the utility of doing so. Weapon Teams could all be 1 kit to build any of them. Make them in units of 3. Each team already has 2 ratties anyways. And Doomflayers should do 2D6 hits at rend-2 and/or 2 dmg per hit on the charge, with double the hits from Warlock supercharging, then they should explode and shower debris all over the place. And be plastic. They could be 200/unit of 3 and have a 4+ armor and be on par with a 200 points Skullcracker from Legion of Azgorh.
  13. Wow I just looked at the crossbows Judicators can take, and those huge! Like heavy bolters from 40k. In fact those with some goblin bow parts could make a good conversion. I don't mind using proxies but they confused me in the past sometimes (even when I use them). Modeling is my favorite part anyways Painting, not so much. Luckily there's the gold primer and Reikland Fleshshade, and some pauldron colors. DONE
  14. Must be how humans learned about fire and how to cook food
  15. I shoulda kept my Skullreapers. But have had good success with my Beasts of Khorne. They'll probably never get mortal, and they're certainly not daemon. I keep wanting to run 2 Ghorgons in my Brass Despoilers but the Bullgors are just better, aside from the eating a model attack. Those with Skaarac the Bloodborn though, that could almost work, though still he's probably better off with SoulGrinders now that I remembered they exist. I always liked those models and the potential weirdness for conversions.
  16. Ooh, thats pretty spicy! I'll have to look for a cheap copy of that book. That had something good for mixed daemons and Belakor too or something I think. What does the Aspiring Deathbringer do again? I have never used him or been aspired by one.
  17. Now I understand why ppl are fearful of the Lumineth archers. Didn't know they could ignore LOS, which means a Prismatic Palisade or Nightmare Chasm wouldn't help. Units like that are a good reason to bring something that can outflank....or shoot and ignore LOS (I have some Stormfiends with Windlaunchers; sad that the Hellcannon is now only in Legends). For shooting I'd like to see a penalty to hit if the unit has moved (any kind of move) previously in the game turn....then the units that can make enemies move like the Bray Shaman or Bloodbing Prayer from Khorne could also affect their hitting, aside from just them moving. Some special units like fancy pants mounted archers could ignore that.
  18. Hmmm, I gotta look closer at those Slaughterhosts. I run Khorne with the Beasts so usually don't even bother. What's this Flayed one, a Broken Realms version?
  19. I think Khorgoraths are supposed to be made of blood with skulls/bones used as the deadly bits. It would be cool if they had a similar thing to Skar Bloodwrath, coming back on a 4+, but next to models who have been slain (because they'd be puddles of blood).
  20. Were they never monsters then? Thought they were originally. Beasts of Chaos are neither mortal or daemon either, but at least they can all get prayers and Bloodsecrator on them. They can be so good in the Skullfiend Tribe, but they have no thematic leadership. At least Wrathmongers finally got Skar Bloodwrath to do something for them cuz flails. I agree with the other inputs, a large block backed by a Bloodstoker (use a CP to let them run 6" when using the Goretide run and charge) can be a great first strike speedbump for someone. While not as tanky as Skullcrushers, they can do MW back to enemies that strike them on 6s for their saves. That's pretty handy. They could provide good screening and whittling down effects whilst your other units move up for the 2nd turn counterpunch. And if you magnetize little bolt pistols and backpacks for them, you can use them as amazing looking Berzerkers for 40k too!
  21. I just saw Khorgoraths don't have the Monster keyword. Didn't they used to have that? Scylla Anfingrimm used to also. Skaarac the Bloodborn is a gigantic Khorgorath, and his CA would be super awesome if it let Khorgoraths run and charge, and he should also let them be battleline if he was the general. Really missed opportunity there Forgeworld! Also, Gigantic Chaos Spawn are Legends now? LAAAAAME. Skaarac with 3 of those would so bloody fun. Sad panda here
  22. No no, that looks really good! I like that it's a pure mortals list. Besides, you can probably summon Flesh Hounds at some point anyways if you want. My Khorne army idea for today is a priestly Beasts of Khorne army: Bloodsecrator 2 Slaughterpriests 1 Doombull 2 allied Plague Priests (Nurgle is okay for allies to Khorne right?) 3x10 Gors w shields 6 and 3 Bullgors w great axes 6 and 3 Bullgors w shields and axes Brass Despoilers Wrath Axe Nice thing about priests is they can't be unbound, though they can kill themselves with bad praying. They could be dishing out quite a few MW. Just a weird thing I thought of after I found my old Skaven Plague Priest in with my Bullgors.
  23. I gotta make another Firebelly, just too neat of a model not to have one. But here's my custom Slaughtermaster vs one of my Bray Shaman. Who doesn't like goat? The heating burner on the back is 'gas' powered.
  24. For my old heavy metal Bullgors, they have mutated and adapted....
  25. Units who are in combat who can shoot stuff should have to choose between shooting and striking in combat. Units who shoot into combats....any misses should hit their own models on 1s. And get rid of the thing where whoever went first on the previous turn wins priority roll ties. And a non-monster hero should be able to use a CP to make one charge roll for itself and single non-monster friendly unit within 6", so they can charge in together, as if the hero is actually LEADING somebody into battle. So many hero CAs need to be in range and only take place in the combat phase. And where are the Ogor Endless Spells?!?!?
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