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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I like the soup armies as it means less battletomes to buy and search through. If the subfactions are flushed out enough like the Skaven ones there's no great reason to not have them bound together. Nice thing is too it would let allies open up when the different duardin (for example) are all under the same Allegiance Abilities. Plus it's good for the collector type of players. In the duardin case, none of them have that many units either, so it would still be a less bloated tome than Stormcast.
  2. Thinking ahead to Kragnos, while I'm not sure how actually amazing he'll be as an ally to the Mawtribes, I prepaid for him so thinking: Underguts/Goremand Slaughtermaster 3 Gluttons 4 Ironguts 3x6 Leadbelchers That's at 1340 points. Hoping Kragnos isn't more than 600, really hoping he's no more than 550 (then he could be with Sons of Behemat too). Shooties to clear chaff.
  3. Hmmm, I'm not familiar with path to glory, but I'd say Ironguts would be a good thing. Slaughtermaster can buff them to absurd heights in regular games.
  4. That place or something similar is mentioned in the Sons of Behemat tome. It's what inspired me to make my K'daai Megagargant Destroyer
  5. Given the model's immense stature, I was fully expecting him to be like 30 wounds and able to step over things like the Mega-gargants. Disappointed big time there. And he doesn't count for multiple models. I'll still get him, cuz I do like the model and big stompy monsters. I think he might be good as a distraction carnifex for an Underguts Ogor army (assuming no more than like 500 points). The Leadbelchers can clear the screens and let him do his big charging earthquake, ignoring pesky Shackles and Warp Lightning Vortex. I expect the Broken Realms book will have some kinda army build for him though like Belakor had.
  6. Yeah, automatically cast just means successfully cast, but automatically without having to roll for it as normal. As the Spell Eater Curse is not an unbinding, just a changing of the successfulness of the casting, that's a greater god shutting down a lesser god. This is as opposed the Knight-Incantor's Voidstorm Scroll, which is an automatic unbinding. So that type of thing would not work on spells that 'cannot be unbound'.
  7. Is it worth having a Kraken-eater for a Breaker Tribe? The Fierce Loathings are only good for Gate-breakers and Mancrushers. Seems like the objective kicking is such a good trick, but is it really? I've only used my SoBs once yet, but maybe it'll come in more handy for other missions. Kraken-eater isn't nearly as smashy, and apparently he's an inch slower. Too full of seafood I guess 😛
  8. Yeah I bet more info will come out to entice us to buy one. Mega-gargants roll a 2+ for each enemy unit within (I think) 3" of them after they charge to do D3 MW or D6 MW if not a monster. I imagine he'll do something like that but perhaps it will be 3 MW for each inch of his charge roll? Very interested in how amazing the Dread Mace will be, plus hooves and possibly shield smash. Shield anti-magic ability is solid. Still, I want me some good aura action! I don't imagine he'll count as multiple models for objectives though; unless v3.0 rules let behemoths naturally count as more. Doubt that.
  9. Down to the Ironguts! Love those guys. I got Blood Feast on them one time and wow, they clobbered. I wish Gnoblars could sneak around a board edge if chaparoned by a hero. Seems like something a bunch of puny goblins would do. But guess I'll make an Icebrow Hunter. He and a few cats are pretty cheap and can snag something unguarded perhaps, or even a weakling unprotected hero of some sort. If they waste a unit's shooting at them for a turn, it might be worth it, as then they're not targeting a better priority unit...like the Ironguts.
  10. Cool! I was wondering how those Wind Aelves perform. They're fast right? Not fast enough I guess. They're like an after-dinner mint for the Gluttons Did your surprise Frost Sabres and Hunter successfully distract some archers? Wasn't sure if 4 cats would be enough for that.
  11. My Chaos themed Sons of Behemat beat my Bloodgullet Stonehorns today. FLoSH/splattercleaver/nice drop FLoSH 3 SHBRs 2 Slaughtermasters vs Breaker Tribe (Bossy Pants) Gatebreaker/ Monstrously Tough/ Portcullis Gatebreaker Kraken-Eater 3 Mancrushers Battle for the pass, the giants let the Ogors go first. They moved up and scored 5 points staying as far back needed to score. Then the giants moved up with gate breakers on either side, kraken eater stayed in the center back by their own zone objective. 3 Mancrushers unit stayed near the General and helped kill a slaughtermaster near the mawpot in the center with boulder chucking. General gate breaker killed one frostlord Other gate breaker failed to do much to the frostlord General and was taken down to like 20 wounds by him and a fellow beastrider. Giants only scored 3 points turn 1. Giants got first turn round 2. Tried and failed to snipe the other slaughtermaster or do any damage to the the frostlord General with boulders. Kraken eater kicked that back objective towards the center but only 6” so it was still only worth 1 point cuz still in giant zone. Worth a try. He marched forth to help the Skaven gatebreaker. Ended up finishing off the frostlord General and Skaven mega took down the beastrider to 5 sounds. Gate breaker general finished off the other slaughtermaster and did a bit of damage to center beastrider. Mancrushers whooped the ****** out of the left beastrider. Giants scored 5 points that turn. Right beastrider managed to finish off the Skaven mega but then got finished off by kraken eater barely. General gate breaker narrowly survived and failed to kill the center beastrider. Packed it up as those Mancrushers and kraken eater were free for a turn three assault on the center beastrider even if they went second. Stonehorn durability only held so long. Scoring density of the giants is potent though they lack great armor or shrug saves. Boulder head would be better than bloodgullet. Slaughtermasters are there for the free buffs anyways and the healing of the splatter cleaver is limited. If the Stonehorns would have gotten the first charges it might have been different but I don’t think that much....or maybe a bunch?! Eurlbad would have helped I think; HoTT also may have been better but I guess prayers and cauldron pulls are both swingy , as is the frost breath attack. Oh yeah , and destroying the enemy Mawpot is pretty fun for giants. No soup for you!
  12. My Chaos themed Sons of Behemat beat my Bloodgullet Stonehorns today. FLoSH/splattercleaver/nice drop FLoSH 3 SHBRs 2 Slaughtermasters vs Breaker Tribe (Bossy Pants) Gatebreaker/ Monstrously Tough/ Portcullis Gatebreaker Kraken-Eater 3 Mancrushers Battle for the pass, the giants let the Ogors go first. They moved up and scored 5 points staying as far back needed to score. Then the giants moved up with gate breakers on either side, kraken eater stayed in the center back by their own zone objective. 3 Mancrushers unit stayed near the General and helped kill a slaughtermaster near the mawpot in the center with boulder chucking. General gate breaker killed one frostlord Other gate breaker failed to do much to the frostlord General and was taken down to like 20 wounds by him and a fellow beastrider. Giants only scored 3 points turn 1. Giants got first turn round 2. Tried and failed to snipe the other slaughtermaster or do any damage to the the frostlord General with boulders. Kraken eater kicked that back objective towards the center but only 6” so it was still only worth 1 point cuz still in giant zone. Worth a try. He marched forth to help the Skaven gatebreaker. Ended up finishing off the frostlord General and Skaven mega took down the beastrider to 5 sounds. Gate breaker general finished off the other slaughtermaster and did a bit of damage to center beastrider. Mancrushers whooped the ****** out of the left beastrider. Giants scored 5 points that turn. Right beastrider managed to finish off the Skaven mega but then got finished off by kraken eater barely. General gate breaker narrowly survived and failed to kill the center beastrider. Packed it up as those Mancrushers and kraken eater were free for a turn three assault on the center beastrider even if they went second. Stonehorn durability only held so long. Scoring density of the giants is potent though they lack great armor or shrug saves. Boulder head would be better than bloodgullet. Slaughtermasters are there for the free buffs anyways and the healing of the splatter cleaver is limited. If the Stonehorns would have gotten the first charges it might have been different but I don’t think that much....or maybe a bunch?! Eurlbad would have helped I think; HoTT also may have been better but I guess prayers and cauldron pulls are both swingy , as is the frost breath attack. Oh yeah , and destroying the enemy Mawpot is pretty fun for giants. No soup for you!
  13. Yeah that was my point. Cuz bullgors should almost always be wounding IF they hit. Using dice besides D6s wouldn’t really change the system. Just changes the probabilities.
  14. If we could only use other dice besides D6s. Like if Bullgors hit on a 3+/D4, and wounded on a 3+/D20, that would make much more sense!
  15. Ooh yeah, the 4+/2+ is the best idea for Bullgors I've heard, and for sure the Doombulls should be buffing their hits. For Gors the axe throwing is intriguing, like those Fyreslayer guys but should also be 2 attacks in combat. Bestigors, they should be getting 3 attacks, OR when fighting a unit with 3 or more models each Bestigor gets an attack for every enemy model within 3". That would make up for the 32mm bases. Anything with visible horns should be doing MW on charges or just extra horn attacks, even a feeble extra one on a 4+/5+ would be something. Beasts need something akin to the WAAAAAAGH. Like a Warp Frenzy where the whole army once per game after an enemy unit gets destroyed can pick some sort of army wide effect, or have a random effect (cuz Chaos).
  16. Oh wait, I was thinking of those Skullshards. Hmmm, gonna have to see what the RuneTokens do now.....
  17. Love it when old toy show finds are useable for Warhammering!
  18. Interesting; points drops so I could run like 6x6 Bullgors, 3 Doombulls, and 2 Ghorgons? That would be pretty awesome even at their current stats!
  19. I haven't tried those Rune Tokens. But it does seem that with a fast hard-hitting army, just denying that 1 nasty spell buys enough time to get in there and do some real work....before the nasty spell goes off again. I have tried the Alvagr Thundertusk but he stayed out of the way of combat in that game. Saw someone using that in a list with Ironguts many pages back; intriguing usage there. I hope but don't expect Kragnos to offer any real utility to basically any Destruction army. Also his horns look like Dragonball Z hair, or long ponytail eyebrows. Those need to change. If his head is big enough maybe those tusks from an Ironblaster, and then his puny looking club could be the cannon. Then the Rhinox and Chariot could be a Tuskgor Chariot for my Beasts of Chaos; for which Kragnos should have been anyways. Oh yeah, he should be screaming louder too, and smashing something. Man, I might have to resculpt that guy A LOT!
  20. Should the time come, one could stick big spider legs onto the Hag and make her into an Arachnarok Shaman of sorts....or an allied Kraken-eater with that net and on top of a palanquin carried by Fellwaters. Hag is pretty awesome, both in sculpt and gameplay. Her vomit attack is really handy. Her model just wasn't very easy to put together but that's par for Forgeworld.
  21. Slaves to Darkness is probably a decent parallel to how a revised BoC tome should be. StD can ally with any of the Chaos god keywords...I'd say BoC also should have that but perhaps with a different limitation of the general must also have that keyword or at least 1 hero has to have it. Something like that. I'd rather like that than having to buy all the tomes (and my Brass Bullgors could still get their Blood Secrators!). The Chaos Marks for them definitely makes sense. I like the current subfactions okay, just don't much care for the artefacts aside from Gavespawn's. For sure we need some monster love though. Perhaps with a zookeeper hero of some sort. They'd sell tons of Start Collecting Chaos Monsters boxes if it had like 10 Chaos Hounds, 3 Razorgors, a Beast-master Chariot (with alternate named hero build), and Chimera.
  22. I think the Preyton got moved to Legends. That was an interesting unit for a while though. I'd add some wings and call it a Jabberslythe personally. Jabbies 4ever!
  23. Ooh I like that color scheme! I'd like to have a more blueish and greenish army (maybe my Stormcast for that). Seems like it would be easy to scale up and augment the existing designs of the plastic Thunderscorn to become a plastic Shaggoth. They should also do things Ogors do, like MW on the charge, more damage in general, and more lightning stuff. The Shaggoth spell should be a CA instead.
  24. They show up out of nowhere all of the sudden. That's how it should be, and nobody will see it coming....and it will include an all new plastic Shaggoth and an extra damage for each Dragon Ogor attack who will reroll wound rolls vs Stormcast units, and hit bonus buffs from named characters!
  25. True, the Soul Grinder apparently comes with a huge round base now! While I agree it's a bit more 40k than most AoS models, I look at Kharadron Overlords and am okay with it, plus there's a snippet in the Sons of Behemat tome about the Chaos Duardin forging armored Megagargant constructs in the sea. There must've been a Cygor and Bray-Shaman hanging around at the time
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