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Everything posted by Arkiham

  1. Unless I'm mistaken out rustfang etc sticks through deaths resurrection ability
  2. I wouldnt spend too many points on endless spells as currently the Lord of change and cursling can learn them via unbinds and cast them for free . The blue sribes can also learn them This should save a few points
  3. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/280120634?t=01h24m40s rob done a small show on these guys tonight if anyone prefers to watch rather than read.
  4. and in aos 2 that isnt allowed anymore., alongside the multiple unit thing being done also and point increase ever-chosen battalions appear to have been singled out and viciously attacked.
  5. but the battalion isn't nurgle. the battalion is everchosen now. they removed the rule of it being changed to nurgle
  6. the 3 guo battalion is the worse lol . the upgraded spell is trash, the heal is trash and the cost is trash, the guos arent even that good in melee guo is literally only good for the bell
  7. everything is corruptible by chaos. by adding this risk to the stormcast it forces them to be just and honourable rather than untouchable tyrants willing to slay a towns populace at the hint of chaos. it forces stormcast to have a soul.
  8. Harby was the point of discussion. Can't confirm either way
  9. had it confirmed that multiple harby isnt allowed to buff the same unit twice
  10. slaanesh is meant to be this xmas, so its probably slaanesh
  11. Haven't they teased this for the last few years ? Today really feels like..
  12. Oh look. That phase 2 we were told didn't exist ?
  13. Fake reactions are worse than Kristen stewards acting ability...
  14. all you gotta do is follow various people on twitter for an idea of whats happening. " i just suddenly randomly fancied buying a sisters of slaughter army for no particular reason other than my own personal enjoyment " * Games-workshop announces daughters of khaine *
  15. its 40k. but its still nurgle. new nurgle units? the 2 wound variety like Tzaangor
  16. new abbadon and black legion new ork buggies and bikes magic book supplement for aos ( phase 2 imv) slaanesh hints for xmas period
  17. AoS phase two is likely the same thing as this magic book we have heard coming out, in my view. introducing magic and magic winds to all races is a major step forward in the realms of age of sigmar, enough of a step to call it a phase of the project, an both rumours match up in terms of release time.
  18. ive been informed that ork buggies are comming soon. so might be that
  19. Has the battle magic book being released in June/ july been discussed yet ?
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