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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. Unfortunately there are outside influences beyond creativity and gameplay. We know that meddling created the Wraithknight insanity during 7th. Wouldn't be at all surprised to learn ranges with divisive aesthetics get the OP treatment from on high. Slaves is just an obligatory update for an old range.
  2. Another centerpiece for Karak Cythral: Committed to doing the bulk of my units next.
  3. Still don't know what Kingdom Hospital is... Progress continues:
  4. If everyone is broken, no one is. This would be fine. It's the up and down and releasing books that would get you laughed out of a homebrew discussion that is so aggravating.
  5. That's what I find odd about the CA nerf. It's not a clarification it's a complete rewrite.
  6. There's a S2D vs Bonereapers supplement coming. Expect randomised condition filled jank for Chaos and over the top craziness for the already oppressive Skeletor army.
  7. Bloody aggravating. The imbalance between books and FAQ response is getting incredibly frustrating. I have now decided to step away from both flagship games as it's not worth the frustration.
  8. That is a brilliant use of spare Squig faces.
  9. 2019 I attempted to defeat the pile of shame. I was doing very well until mid year where things hit a common depressing purchase to hobby ratio. After some reflection I have determined that it was due to a few factors. 1) I am in a very competitive tournament style focused meta. It is all bleeding edge gaming. 2) I love the Warhammer universes but have not been enjoying the games I play. 3) My unfortunate reaction to 2 was to make purchases chasing the dragon. Maybe if I Min/Max more I'll have good games... So 2020. No large scale gaming. I do not enjoy AoS or 40k. I will play Warcry and Kill Team. I still love the background. So the plan. 1) I am now one of those fabled hobbyist only people when it comes to the flagship games. 2) I am writing a background for my custom City of Sigmar. I have found it really helpful in inspiring more hobby time. 3) No purchases this year unless I have all of my City and Chaos forces completed. 4) In the event I accomplish that Herculean task I will make my next project a Nostalgic trip back to my beginning days in 5th. Either High Elves or Vampires in honour of my first foray into all of this. 5) For the first time in the 25 years I've been at this it will be a one kit purchase to finish at a time project. Feel free to openly mock and chastise me if I am posting about purchases or new army plans. Best of luck to all.
  10. A spring release seems just about right for LVO to be our first preview of actual art/models.
  11. A Bonesplitterz vs Seraphon box would be fitting and would make sense if they update the Lizard range.
  12. Here's a list I'm building towards. Will report back with how it goes. Idea is to use the Nurgle command ability on the fast cav who will have reroll saves (hopefully 3+) to pin in the enemy and have them kill themselves. Use the big block of warriors to hold central ground and be a second target for Nurgle command ability late game.Despoilers terrain ability, Belakor Sorceror and Khorne Prince and Endless Spells wreak havoc on key units movement and use their own speed to pick fights.DespoilersExtra Command PointBelakor Whispers of ChaosNurgle Daemon PrinceGeneralEthereal AmuletRadiance of Dark GloryNurgle Sorceror Lord on Manticore:Binding DamnationKhorne Daemon Prince.10 KnightsNurgleEnsorcelledCommandChariotNurgle15 WarriorsNurgleSword/BoardCommandWarshrineNurglePrismatic Palisade Shackles
  13. Orruks vs Stormcast/Devoted when they fire up the Gordrakk vs Excelcis/Azyr arc. Pointy Elves vs Slaanesh makes the most sense thematically. Be nice to see Slaanesh get some mortals/beasts in the Acolyte/Tzaangor type of units.
  14. Is the lack of a Tyrion mention just a case of being early in the marketing cycle or a sign he will have a separate faction of Aelves?
  15. Next project for the city of my own creation.
  16. My first model for the City of my own creation.
  17. Finally got out of a hobbying funk and got the first model for my City finished.
  18. Footprint and ability to bring all attacks to bear favours the Varanguard though.
  19. Isn't WhiteFang rather "in the know" about these things?
  20. Needs either him or Daemonic Mount for the Battalion.
  21. Thanks @Aezeal. That's exactly what I needed.
  22. For his movement debuff CA and self buff in melee. Trying to use as many movement advantages as possible.
  23. So my first crack at a list with the new book. Idea is to use the Nurgle command ability on the fast cav who will have reroll saves (hopefully 3+) to pin in the enemy and have them kill themselves. Use the big block of warriors to hold central ground and be a second target for Nurgle command ability late game. Despoilers terrain ability, Belakor Sorceror and Khorne Prince wreak havoc on key units movement and use their own speed to pick fights. Despoilers Extra Command Point Belakor Whispers of Chaos Nurgle Daemon Prince General Ethereal Amulet Radiance of Dark Glory Nurgle Sorceror Lord on Manticore: Binding Damnation Khorne Daemon Prince. 10 Knights Nurgle Ensorcelled Command Chariot Nurgle 15 Warriors Nurgle Sword/Board Command Warshrine Nurgle Eightfold Doom-Sigil Shackles
  24. I'll be very surprised if the Chariots don't get FaQ'd to only have Champions in units of 3 the same way CoS was.
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