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Everything posted by Chumphammer

  1. 220pts. They are not too bad, not game breaking but gives some options
  2. So with the new points, this is an option: Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine- Temple: Hagg Nar Morathi-Khaine (210)- Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor The Shadow Queen (390) Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (290)- Artefact: Iron Circlet- Prayer: Blessing of Khaine 10 x Witch Aelves (120) - Bucklers 10 x Sisters of Slaughter (120)- Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers 10 x Sisters of Slaughter (120)- Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers 20 x Blood Sisters (480) 9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (100) 9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (100) - Extra Command point (50) 1980/ 9 drops.
  3. Advent rumor today! We all recognize a version of this So dok scenary maybe? A new type of cauldron? Maybe Hellabron since she's mentioned alot in the covens of blood
  4. If you look at the LRL book, it only covers half the continent cities and Teclis side of the land. There is still another 4 major nations, and Tyrion, who is quoted in the book as being very military based. So there is a high chance some of the other high elf stuff may come back when Tyrion appears.
  5. Having same issue with Ironscale. Having to attack and kill something with it first is a waste of an activation My hope for the future is a simple one to fix squishy 5w heroes in AOS 3.0 Allow them to attach to units is they are 6W or lower, and on foot. This means they just count as part of the unit and cannot be targeted unless a rule allows specific model targeting. This brings support heroes back into the game. For the ironscale it means it couldnow run and charge also, as well as getting to fight first in the unit, giving the buff to the unit if it kills something without losing the activation. Anyway, just an idea Yeah having priest or snake battle line would really help its value. Atm I wouldnt take it
  6. He is going to help santa empty his sack for all the boys and girls
  7. Why a Slaughter Queen over hag queen? Your stalkers dont benefit from the SQ command ability, as its DOK and Combat only You would be better with a hag to make them immune to battleshock and have prayers
  8. Temple: Hagg NarMorathi-Khaine (210)- Lore of Shadows: MindrazorThe Shadow Queen (390)Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (330) General, Artefact: Iron Circlet, Prayer: Blessing of Khaine Morgwaeth blade Coven (140) Sacrament of blood 20 x Blood Sisters (480) 10 x Witch Aelves (120) Blade Bucklers10 x Witch Aelves (120) Blade Bucklers10 x Witch Aelves (120) Blade BucklersExtra Command Point (50) Had this idea. So yes, its lighter on bodies than some lists, but Idea is in turn 2/3 SQ and Morathi both can use their abilities to allow units to attack in combat (So SQ does the ShadowQueen and Morathi does the sisters) Could offer a really big hit
  9. Congrats bud! Its around the same 7 drop list I have (CP and 20pts went into my medusa being on shrine, and I have shadowstone/mindrazor with morathi on steed of shadows) You had a good mix to face. Solid performance!
  10. Its Malus Darkblade returning to Age of Sigmar as a Demon Aevlf Thing
  11. If you play Total War Warhammer 2 the Sisters of Twilight are about to come out as DLC
  12. Random Non Morathi Idea: 2 Drops, 126 Wounds Hagg Nar Bloodwrack Shrine: 210 - General, Mind Razor, Shadowstone, Devoted Disciples Hag Queen on Cauldron: 290 - Ironcirclet, Blessing of khaine 20 Blood Sisters: 480 5 Blood Sisters: 140 5 Blood Sisters: 140 15 Blood Stalkers: 420 5 Heart Renders: 90 5 Heart Renders: 90 Scathcoven: 140 Or knock the Stalkers down to 10 and take an ironscale Hagg Nar Bloodwrack Shrine: 210 - General, Mind Razor, Shadowstone, Devoted Disciples Hag Queen on Cauldron: 290 - Ironcirclet, Blessing of khaine Ironscale: 140 20 Blood Sisters: 480 10 Blood Sisters: 280 5 Blood Sisters: 140 5 Blood Stalkers: 140 5 Heart Renders: 90 5 Heart Renders: 90 Scathcoven: 140
  13. Have you looked behind the fridge or in the couch behind the cushions? I usually find hidden stuff there
  14. LoL as a DOK player you must be playing vs some terrible DOK players my dude
  15. Morathi is now 2 drops, as 2 models/warscrolls So its 3. Vyper Squad covers both in the battalion Same as Blade Coven is 2 drops
  16. Morathi-Khaine gives no ****** what lesser races think At least she isnt sitting around on her thumb all day like Sigmar Love the changes. Bring it on
  17. There is a interesting list I like from "Strangeguy" on the whattsapp DOK group: Khelibron Morathi: 600 Steed of Shadows (or Mirror Dance) Bloodwrack Medusa : 140 -General, shadowstone, mistress of illusion, Mindrazor 10 Blood Sisters: 280 5 Blood Sisters: 140 5 Blood Sisters: 140 15 Blood Stalkers: 420 5 Blood Stalkers: 140 Temple Nest: 130 1990pts - 3 Drops, 4 Casts, 3 dispels Deploy Medusa back with 15 snakes (depending if you get 1st turn) Teleport 15 snakes into a good range for your target but still in range of Morathi-Khaines command ability. Shoot biggest threat. Cast Steed of shadows on Morathi-khaine Morathi-khaine and Shadow Queen can throw themselves forwards 14 & 16" giving you a good chance of clipping a unit you want to hold up Shoot big threat/opportunity in shooting phase I want to try this list 1st I think then also Bens list. Both I think are strong in current Meta
  18. So, the stormcast Lib redeploy army that has a 2+ reroll...Whats peoples thoughts on dealing with it
  19. Idea for a mixed list: Hagg Nar Morathi: 600pts – MindRazor Hag on Cauldron: 290 – General, Blessing of Khaine, Iron Circlet, devoted Disciples 30 Sisters of Slaughter: 300 – Bucklers 10 Witch Aelves: 120 – Bucklers 10 Witch Aelves: 120 – Bucklers 20 Blood Stalkers: 560
  20. Hi Ben, Like the list, solid and versitile as before and yeah losing SQ for HQ but new Morathi is worth it. Not got hate for new rules, its just different. I think people miss the 4+ MW from sisters but tbh I rarely got a high effect from it and since the unit gets it now but at end of comabt I dont mind, I was mainly in it for the 3A/ 3+/3+ Rend 1 its kinda a shame you cant squeeze 40pts to get the blade coven over normal hag for survivability What do you think to Blood Stalkers with Morathi? I think the issue atm is there are so many options people wanna try and tes tto see what works for them but ****** COVID ****** up everything
  21. It doesnt say you have to be Cobra Kai to use the batallions, just you can
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