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Everything posted by amysrevenge

  1. I've been thinking about this. Maybe the true power of bravery bombs is to force your opponent to spend a CP where maybe they didn't want to? Perhaps it's too much effort to put into it, but it's still a benefit.
  2. Here is what I'm going to run with for now. Local meta is that Mark of the All-favoured on a DP gives it all 4 abilities, so that's what I'm doing. I understand that not everyone does it that way. Two drops - Lord of Chaos and Battalion. Can't get both DP and LoC in the same battalion, and I want both. I intend to make use of the Run and Charge command ability (that's the only reason I choose Slaanesh), and I love the DP. I've decided that the DP is more likely to be in position to benefit from the free pile-in than the LoC, so he gets to lead the battalion. I reckon I'd rather have the Spawn than another spare CP for those 50 points. I could instead grab a different endless spell - counting the 20 spare points, the Soulsnare Shackles, and the Spawn that I'm not committed to, that's up to 90 discretionary points I could spend. Any recommendation? Allegiance: Slaves To Darkness Mortal Realm: Shyish Lord Of Chaos (140) - General - Trait: Master of Deception - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh Daemon Prince (160) - Axe - Artefact: Mark of the All-favoured - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160) - Mount: Steed - Runestaff - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh 30 x Chaos Warriors (480) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh 30 x Chaos Warriors (480) - Hand Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh 10 x Chaos Knights (320) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh 1 x Chaos Spawn (50) - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh Godsworn Champions of Ruin (170) Soulsnare Shackles (20) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Wounds: 174
  3. I definitely haven't played enough Stormcasts in AoS2 to have a good handle on what's best. I will be using 3 or 4 for my first lists. Lord Arcanum, Knight-Incantor, and Knight-Heraldor almost for sure every time. Will play around with Celestant-Prime, Lord Relictor, Lord Celestant on Dracoth, maybe some others.
  4. Also. Unlike in the previous edition, if you use a specific allegiance when selecting your army (such as taking advantage of Battleline if... units), and that allegiance has its own allegiance rules, you can't choose to go up a level and use the GA allegiance rules for your army. ie. You couldn't take advantage of battleline Crypt Horrors, and then go up to GA: Death for your allegiance abilities (but you wouldn't want to anyway), like you could in AoS1. You could do an all FEC army that used Crypt Ghouls as battleline and use GA: Death.
  5. Hey remind me. There's nothing (other than wanting a better list) stopping me from taking 2 different Godsworn Champions of Ruin battalions, is there? Like, one hero and three units for one, a different hero and a different three units for the other one? It's not an efficient use of points, at all - I mean, all the units I'm looking at could fit in one instance of the battalion, so it's actually one *more* drop instead of the drops advantage you normally get with battalions. I'm getting an artefact and a second try at the very situational free hero phase attack for 120 points beyond the CP/50. In my mind it's entirely worse than cramming them all in a single battalion. But it's legal, right?
  6. I was thinking of making it even more clear. Unbind for one, and Unwind for the other. So different.
  7. To be fair, they are completely different things and properly have different names - but because of the legacy of editions past, their names should probably be reversed. It is nigh-universal that people refer to the act of unbinding as "dispelling" because that's what the equivalent action was called in every previous iteration of the game. So we colloquially are already using both "dispel" and "unbind" to refer to the same action, where until endless spells came around "dispel" was not a thing in AoS at all. So now we're stuck with a common informal usage directly contradicting the new correct usage.
  8. What aren't they doing? Mushroom planters, drums, cook pots, squig egg incubators, etc.
  9. And the metal models are now soaking in the solvent! *imminent*
  10. You mean "more valuable" than in the couple of weeks between the release of AoS 2 and the FAQ, right, not more valuable than in AoS1? Because piling-in is still mostly the same as it was in AoS1, except that it's slightly easier to spread around now than it was in AoS1 (but more difficult than it was in those couple of weeks, *if* you interpreted the pile-in rules to let you pick which base-contact model was closest rather than treating all base-contact models as equally close). ETA: Perhaps the "within one inch" example is what's causing trouble? That's just an example, not a rule somehow adding an additional 1" factor into piling-in. The example is: If I am 0.73" inches away from Enemy Model A, can I make a pile-in move that takes me farther away from Enemy Model A as long as I end up 0.73" or closer to Enemy Model B? (And the answer is: No, you have to end up 0.73" or closer to Enemy Model A).
  11. Ha normally for other issues I'm on the same page as you but I hope for the opposite here. StD with marks, by and large, are inevitably just battleline feeders to other, better god-specific Chaos factions. I'd love to see some form of StD that stand on their own as a complete faction.
  12. I down-converted a shield Sequitor-Prime pretty easily. The plumage snips right off the helmet, and the shoulder pad is very much trimmable - I ended up greenstuffing around the edge (whatever you call it - the bit that gets painted gold in the Anvils scheme) just because it was a little flat after trimming. Just took a few minutes.
  13. Agreed. But maybe we need three threads: Things that would be awesome Things that would be good business sense Things that someone actually heard are happening
  14. I'm struggling with how to do my Dracoth and Gryph-charger with this scheme. Been recommended a blue/green tiger. Maybe?
  15. Gavriel + Cogs. Scroll up - pretty much every list on this thread is Hammers of Sigmar. Not because of the command ability, because of the Scion charge with Gavriel and cogs.
  16. Trying to write narrative-style battleplans and accounting for "must be reserves" was a nightmare. This is a welcome change.
  17. Haha this is EXACTLY the sort of thing someone would take out of context as a confirmation of something they want to be true. LOL
  18. Everybody uses Heroes for their test models, right? Really happy with how these two turned out. The red scrollwork was kind of on an unplanned whim but I really like it.
  19. Don't know about "consensus". I reckon it's an oversight not intended (opinion), so I won't be doing it.
  20. You could have a nice time with that I reckon.
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