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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. The new Fyreslayers are probably the absolute top-tier in defensive play right now Assuming you go for the "Hermdar" lodge, which gives battleshock immunity to units wholly within 12" of an objective, and -1 to wound wholly within 12" of the general (as his command trait, which I think might be mandatory) --- Combine that with the ease of which they stack bonuses to their armour saves, two wounds per infantry model, and a 4+ save-after-the-save on their elite units (provided they're near a friendly Fyreslayer hero), you end up with an army that -really- wants to move onto an objective somewhere, and just tank it out while slapping whatever their opponent throws at them senseless. That they can deepstrike some of their units also plays heavily into this.
  2. Warpgnaw Verminlord at 260!? That's crazy good. Clawlord on Brood Horror at 160 is also -really- nice. Oh boy. Great timing!
  3. Nope! Using clanrats as your battleline (instead of clan-specific ones) simply mean that you open up access to everything within Skaventide If your battleline choices were solely Skryre, let's say acolytes, then you'd be locked into a full Skryre-only army. So you'll want to use clanrats most of the time, so that you're able to freely compliment your army with the tools you need to win the day. Moulder/Pestilens armies are where you'll more often see "pure" armies being used. To illustrate: You could have an Arch-Warlock general, give him whatever command trait you deem fitting within the skryre pool of command traits, and then you could accompany him with Clawlords who will also get their own command traits because they're Verminus. I'm not sure about whether the Warbringer would also get that, but the Clawlords would. As long as you have enough clanrats, you're free to build whatever you like *Note that bringing heroes from the clans still give them their own special clan abilities, even if they're not in a "pure" clan army. So a Master Moulder would still get "prized creation", Eshin Assassin would still do their re-roll wound rolls against X hero, Verminus still gets their command traits, Skryre gets the warpsparks (once, not per hero), etc, etc.
  4. I'm of the opinion that Rattling guns combined with a Arch-Warlock with the Overseer of Destruction is a very noteworthy addition. Jezzails are nice, but are more of an expensive, hard-hitting surgical tool. Sometimes you want to burn the forest down, blow up the castle, and annihilate the realm. Ratling guns stuffed to the brim with warpspark tokens get that job done quite well, for cheap enough that it doesn't have to be the "focus" of your list, and you can comfortably overload them all if you really need to blow something up for a turn It is also worth "abusing" the free command traits we get from including Verminus heroes. It essentially means your general can be whatever you want it to be, and the Verminus warlords are there to support the rest of your army. Clanrats are essential if you go Skryre. Without them you run into the same issue they had before, which is lack of troops to actually take objectives beyond blasting the opposition to smithereens. With clanrats you get to do both. At least a single maxed out unit will do you wonders. Jezzails vs Warp Lightning Cannon is a bit up for grabs. You'll deny a lot more ground with the lightning cannon, simply because being able to point it at a hero and potentially delete them is a massive deterrent. Jezzails can do the same thing, but are less avoidable through positioning, so people won't care as much (although they can still mitigate a fair bit of the damage by utilizing "look out sir" penalties, or trying to block line of sight. So it'll be removal of key pieces (jezzails) versus area denial (warplightning cannon) - you decide which you feel like going for. Plague monks are indeed insane
  5. Does anyone have the -exact- wording of the Masterclan artefact "Skavenbrew" available?
  6. Alright fellas. Time to try out this whole Skaventide stuff
  7. Improved synergy between Daemons and Mortals? Do you mean in the future, or did I miss something about this release? They're all about those daemons Mortals be damned. Well, <Hedonites> to be fair, non-Hedonites be damned. All the previous synergies are out, this is a whole new thing.
  8. They lost the Daemon Keyword as well? Haha! Well, that could be a good thing at least. A few things in the game that deals extra damage to daemons specifically
  9. Looks like mortals getting double pile-ins are gone. Keeper of Secret's command ability specifies "Hedonites", and the mortal lords are gone. Ouch!
  10. One does not always have a choice in the matter. Backing out of an alliance/partnership/whatever with any of the gods will rarely work, or lead to happy endings (unless you're Slaaneshi, badum-tsh!)
  11. Could be metal, resin, or even finecast! Why limit yourself to plastic, huh!? -Insert appropriate smiley here-
  12. I'll echo what @Kramer said. Skirmish is hands down the easiest way to get a quick grasp on the "feel" of the game, as well as easily determine what kind of models and playstyles one prefers to have, without spending a lot of time and resources on it.
  13. I'll make the assumptious statement that most people are probably always going to prioritize the models, but will be on either side of the lore/rules fence. Only when the rules actively hinder the enjoyment of the models (Current aelf range, BCR, etc) do people start looking at the rules first, and models second. Any views that go against what I just said are most welcome It's an interesting topic.
  14. For sure. I'm with you on that one. Just figured it'd be worth pointing out (in general, not that I think you had it wrong) that the issue is very much the model/lore part of the release, and not at all the rules part of it. A bit interesting, really, as it exemplifies "Do people care more about rules, lore, or models?" pretty well.
  15. I agree with your point, but to play devils advocate to your devils advocate; Most Slaanesh players (unproven statement, requires backup), aren't going to prioritize rules over models/lore anytime soon, and it is in that regard that the disappointment exists. I'd be surprised if anyone claims that the new rules are terrible (heck, I think they're pretty good based on what we've seen so far), but that's not where the issue lies either
  16. That's reassuring I've been a huge fan of the Tenebrael Shard model (and rules) since it was released, but since they released Idoneth Deepkin without incorporating the Mistweaver into them, and then removed the deathrunner with Skaven, I've been a bit worried.
  17. What do we think will happen with the Tenebrael Shard/Mistweaver Saih models?
  18. I like the genuine character of the fellow talking about it. He seems as much of a fanboy of this stuff as we are, which is always assuring to see
  19. Rules look great, but I'm not keen on playing a horde of daemons At this rate it looks like aelves might get their release before Slaanesh gets their mortals, so I'll probably end up going that direction instead. Which is fine. I've been waiting for that a lot longer than I've been waiting for Slaanesh anyway
  20. Perhaps this is all a clever ploy by GW to inflict as much suffering on Slaanesh players in particular to do a properly lore-friendly release? All this suffering must surely be contributing to the inevitable release of the dark prince. On monday, they'll be all "Sorry about that. It was all a ploy by Slaanesh. Here are your mortal followers." I doubt it, but it would have been.. ah, an impressive, if not strange, marketing ploy.
  21. For sure. I mean, let's look beyond expectations based on Adepticon and such, because that can happen, and people can overhype. But your point about the art with mortals in the preview is hitting the nail on the head. That switched my expectations from "We may not get new mortals" to, "Oh, wait, what's this? This is new. Is that mortals? Wait, those are mortals! Ayyyy!"
  22. Just going bare minimum: A single troop. Still happy
  23. That's my perspective too, yes. To be fair, not so much to the extent that I'd say they're not worth taking at all, but I certainly wouldn't want to be shoehorned into doing it as the only alternative to using daemonettes
  24. I think the most practical joke GW could do there would be to somehow make slaanesh marked marauders -really good-. Cue collective community confusion. * *And then probably a large number of pretty neat conversions.
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