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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. Well Blades are getting and updated book. Didnt hear or see that coming but that gives me hope for Fyreslayers and Ironjawz getting updates
  2. An update would be nice. Its really needed
  3. The last few pages havent been very rumory lol
  4. Only issue is you would get just one model, not the unit. Unless your running 3 or more Masters
  5. Wtf...all the heroes retain their own allegiance stuff even in a mixed army. Wow
  6. Yeah true. There is that new one with the box but i would like to see updated stuff. The scults on most look fine but the whole range needs multi plastic kits
  7. Right? Back to back shinies...its very hard to focus right now lol
  8. No new minis like Legions but updated rules will be amazing by itself. I would like plastic kits though cuz f all those metal/finecast. I have no doubts the terrain will be like gravesites in a way. Deepstriking or unit replenishment or both. The endless spells like like aoe area denial type stuff which is cool. Well there is that new one with the rocket launcher looking weapon.
  9. I had a feeling they would get terrain like a burrow or holes for deepstriking or unit replenishment
  10. Haha heresy I know but a good caster that can keep up with the others would be a good support piece
  11. I would swap one for a SpiderSham to mess with people even more via magic lol
  12. Conversion ideas! I wanted to give the Hag a mushroom bra and make mushrooms or pointy weapons and stuff poking out of her bag.
  13. You sir are a monster lol @gnaleinad anti-magic sounds good but I wouldnt focus to heavy on it. For the most part that combo would shut down all casters except Arkhan and Nagash and unbuffed Lords of Change. The issue is no other factions go magic heavy except for maybe other Gloomspite Gitz and possibly certain SCE lists. @PlasticCraic now the gears in my head are starting to turn for a hag list lol
  14. Nasty nasty...what would you include in a 2k to support this idea?
  15. IF Grimghasts got nerfed how would you want to change them? Their role is...strange. If their points go up, they become useless as they bump into other units of similar cost or knock out those units of similar cost. Their points wont go down. They wont change the warscroll cuz that would just ****** off everyone. I think the real issue is that Nighthaunt itself is ****** compared to GHoN. Their spells/items/allegiance in general is sub-par. The only thing I can think of from a balancing point of view is swap Grimghasts to the allies spot. Give points reductions to other Nighthaunt units and shift around other Nighthaunt units from allies to useable in the Legions.
  16. Not trying to kick you out but there is a separate spiderfang topic. Much better spider advice in their. That being said Fang is better on the Boss while the Totem is best on a Arok
  17. IMO spiderfang is best solo due to how many buffs they have. Spiders easily have the best synergy within theirselves...possibly the best in the game
  18. So how does this make any sense? I mean its cool and all but so strange
  19. The Scuttleboss is a straight murder machine. But give him that Fang item and give the Totem to an Arok. Thats even more MW output for him
  20. I need to find the errata. Any major changes to highlight?
  21. Are those spells useful at all? EDIT: also can Nighthaunt battalions be allied in?
  22. Yeah I feel the same way mostly. Also including the Gargant at all is just strange. It seems GW is just tossing him in wherever they want. Those Gargants sure do get around lol
  23. Good to know. Nighthaunt heroes would need to be 'allied' in then? Maybe a wizard for the Nighthaunt endless spells if they are any good that is
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