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Everything posted by Lorax

  1. Thank you for the feedback. The Dawi Zhar brought home a medal. It was a fun day; and I am so happy to have a permanent display for my favorite army.
  2. Finally finished my Armies on Parade entry for this year. PRAISE HASHUT. I wanted to build a display worthy of the Legion of Azgorh, and opted for a stacked stone ziggurat. The army itself consists of 30 fireglaives, 9 bull renders, Taur'uk, Shar'tor, Drazoath the Ashen, Skullcracker, Iron Daemon, 2 magma cannons, 2 Dreadquake mortars, 2 Deathshrieker Rockets, 2 daemonsmiths, 1 custom chaos sorceror lord on mount, 6 k'daai, 1 k'daai destroyer, and 1 maulerfiend. A long labor of love, but very happy with the outcome, and look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
  3. Finally finished my Armies on Parade entry for this year. PRAISE HASHUT. I wanted to build a display worthy of the Legion of Azgorh, and opted for a stacked stone ziggurat. The army itself consists of 30 fireglaives, 9 bull renders, Taur'uk, Shar'tor, Drazoath the Ashen, Skullcracker, Iron Daemon, 2 magma cannons, 2 Dreadquake mortars, 2 Deathshrieker Rockets, 2 daemonsmiths, 1 custom chaos sorceror lord on mount, 6 k'daai, 1 k'daai destroyer, and 1 maulerfiend. A long labor of love, but very happy with the outcome, and look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
  4. I absolutely love your style and where this is headed. I picked up the unmade, but have a large gloomspite army, so I can see myself borrowing some of your ideas. Nice work!
  5. It sounds crazy but if you actually undercoat everything with yellow you will end up with a very vibrant red. Using an orange red as your highlight color makes for a nice overall effect.
  6. I love the conversion! It looks incredible and it well executed. Magnus and a treeman? The only tiny nitpick would be to possible fill the gap near the neck a little bit more; you could potentially just either put more of a collar around his neck with the vines, or go for the smooth nature of the flesh. Maybe, if it is not too intrusive, you could actually take the head off and move it slightly forward and then do some minor gap filling. It is a beautiful model, and I can't wait to see this fully painted with your armies scheme; the vibrancy of your pink/magenta is impressive.
  7. Your list looks good. Tzeentch is probably (of all my armies) one of the more difficult ones to pilot. Lots of spells, buffs, interactions, and command ability shenanigans, plus unique abilities in the Tzaangor category (skyfires, enlightened) and the crazy unique elements of standard tzaangor. The cool thing is that your 1k army is actually not that far off from being a beasts of chaos army as well. The only thing that would not fit in the beasts of chaos is the Ogroid Thaumaturge. I do not know anything about Beasts of Chaos, but you could always explore having a dual army, and see what you would need to delve into their unique allegiance. From a Tzeentch perspective (I have about 5k of Tzeentch) I would say that you have a strong start to a 1k army. The Enlightened on Disc are currently the "meta" for Tzeentch, as they are cheap, fast, and relatively strong. Keeping the Shaman next to them gives you a little extra boost in power (+1 to hit), and then if they fight after another unit fights they will get to re-roll failed hit and wound rolls (really good). The regular Tzaangor are good, they used to be downright amazing. Tzaangor got a pretty hard nerf a few months ago when the Beasts of Chaos book came out. Make sure to max out the number of available mutants. Also Rentar has it on lock down where you only need 1 shield, and the entire unit still benefits from the extra save from it (Just make sure that he is not your causality when they start to die). The main drawback to the list you have is that (in my opinion) the Ogroid Thuamaturge is an under performer. It is likely just the games I have had with him, and the types of match ups I have had, but I find that his unique spell is relatively difficult to cast, and tends not to be able to do what it is intended (bog down enemies with chaff) as I tend to roll low on the damage. All that said, I have never played him at 1k points, and there is a good chance that he could be a monster in that format. My only suggestion would be to potentially reconsider the Thaumaturge with a different caster. Easy considerations would be the Gaunt Summoner (180 pts also). His unique spell specializes in decimating hordes; and could be very useful in your list. Another option would be the Magister. The Magister got a huge buff relatively recently which allows him to summon a chaos spawn. The chaos spawn is free and truly can bog down your enemies (5 wounds and a 5+ save). It would also give you another 40 points to play with at the 1k level (maybe an endless spell?). There are 2 ways to go if you decide to go up to 2k. One is kind of all in on the Tzaangor side of things. You could get some skyfires and more tzaangor units to fill out battleline. Personally, I play trying to take advantage of the magic phase as much as possible at 2k by taking advantage of Tzeentch wizards. This means the big bad chicken - the Lord of Change. 380 points gets you one of the best casters in the game, and a very good command ability that basically buffs all your wizards. Using pink horrors as battleline gives you more wizards, and the Lord of Change can trigger their locus making casting more powerful spells pretty easy with Pinks. Additionally adding in some of the heralds of tzeentch add for some nice unique spells. All this said the more wizards the more access to Tzeentch allegiance spells, all of which have fantastic benefits. Lastly, a word of speculation. There are some very small rumblings that Tzeentch will have to be updated to AoS 2.0 very soon. This will likely see some kind of changes for Tzeentch, including Endless Spells and a terrain piece. It could also reformat the book (like it did with Khorne); to change some of the interactions in Tzeentch. Regardless the result will likely be something new and exciting for those dedicated to the changer of ways.
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