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Everything posted by Veillotron

  1. Patience, my friend, patience... Nurgle is definitely getting a Battletome - this preview combined with the fact that they don't have any section in the GH17 confirms it. And, in typical GW fashion, when they release a teaser, they don't show all the good stuff... this Horticulus might actually be the daemon on a slug shown in the preview, or could be an additional character... But if GW is making this a focal point of their AoS marketing / story, you can be pretty sure that they will be including new models to make sure that they can maximize their sales - I would expect a similar approach to their Tzeentch launch
  2. Let's hope. There is definitely a new Stormcast hero - the model at 0:38 is new and seems to be female, as noted before. She has no helmet, seems to have the Stormcast Halo reserved to heroes, and she appears on the painting at the end (on the painting it would also appear that she is female). Can't wait to see the Battletome and hopefully a bunch of new Nurgle models - a few units and a few heroes?
  3. Indeed, it would make sense fro GW to release both the GH17 and FAQ at the same time, and make sure that one doesn't contradict the other.
  4. Made me laugh out loud in the office - if there was a post of the day, yours would get my vote
  5. GW keep bringing on the Stormcasts, I'll keep buying them!!! Indeed we do - I am actually looking into converting a General on Griffon to put a Stormcast on top (with the Allies rules, that would work - and from a narrative standpoint, how cool would it be to have 3 different sizes of turkeys running around?) I think we all want other factions to get some love (aelfs, Nurgle and Death, amongst others...), but I am not against getting a few poster boy models in between...
  6. Ben Johnson confirmed on Twitter that some Stormcast Eternals will have point adjustments in GH17. I'm sure it will be for the best, but I am a bit surprised given the recent release of the new Stormcast battletome. i wonder which unit(s) will see their points changed...
  7. Thanks Tom for the info. Such a shame that those boxes are limited production...
  8. Posted too quickly - my guess is a Bloodbowl aelf pauldron. Very similar to this CAD render:
  9. Today's Rumour Engine photo: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/09/rumour-engine-august-9th-2017/ To my trained detective eye, this looks like a pauldron ;-p
  10. Unbelievable, superb army - I love all the conversions (the new helms look so much better than the normal ones, and your Lord Commander is truly unique and imposing) and the paint scheme is both striking and beautiful!!!! Really, really impressive, congrats...
  11. I am really looking forward to seeing the Skirmish rules. I am not bothered about new models not being released; but as @someone2040 said, it would have been a great opportunity for GW to offer value pack of less popular factions. The Shadespire model packs should also work as good Skrimish packs. I am really excited about the 4x4 mat and will most probably be getting it.
  12. I love that color scheme, great job! I really like the very 'functional', no-fuss color scheme, with the vibrant blue spot color really popping out. Good luck re the clouds...
  13. For what it's worth, the "Big News Tomorrow" announcement was posted directly on the Warhammer TV and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook pages; Warhammer 40k only shared the link... This would seem to suggest that the news is related mainly to AoS (in addition to the valid timing comment previously made - not having 40k steal the thunder of AoS)... However, Warhammer 40k did not share the release of the KO (which was quite significant news) on their Facebook page - so if they are sharing this post, then it has to be a MAJOR announcement...
  14. They look SUPERB. I love the colour scheme and the wodden shields - perfect way to integrate them into a Sylvaneth army. Bravo!
  15. True, but that would also apply to Mr. Brokk...
  16. Not having to wait off the board is indeed a definite advantage for Brokk...
  17. Actually, despite all of his attacks, he is not as powerful as the Celestant-Prime. Assuming that the Prime drops in the 2nd turn and his cometstrike hits 2 units he will generate on average 10.67 wounds in his turn. That figure jumps to 16.0 if he drops on the 3rd turn and his cometstrike hits 3 units. Brokk's missile and melee attacks will generate on average 6.42 wounds per turn, or 11.85 if he's 'super-charged' and fighting a monster of hero (see calculations below) Both models have the same wound and save characteristics - if the Celestant-Prime is a glass canon, then so is this guy. The Prime's range attack is longer than Brokk's (24" vs. 18", 18" and 9"). Doing back-of-the-envelope calculations, for Brokk to offer similar level of offensive and defensive efficiency, he should be priced at 240 points (we should know soon enough how right/wrong I am)
  18. Looking forward to the live report... I am very excited about the new pic - very Cthulhu-ish... I really hope that this will be an Aelves+Death release.
  19. I am not a Khorne player but nonetheless am VERY happy with the new battletome release. For me, this shows how reactive & nimble GW can be. Writing books and a few new abilities/spells/artefacts is a lot faster than producing models. GW has seen the feedback to the new battletomes (DoT and SEs) and is giving the people what they want... Everybody and their grandma are asking for new models for their armies. Let's remember that GW has limited resources, and can only move so fast; the development cycle for new models must be longer than we would think (I would not be surprised to hear that it is 12-18 months). Nonetheless, I have faith in GW and I am sure that their product roadmap includes releases for the most factions most in need. We've just had the duardins, we're expecting aelves and I am confident that Death is in the pipeline. That's the right attitude I 100% agree with this. Therefore I would expect GW to be releasing this year a Battletome for Death. If not, then maybe it means that they are waiting for the release of upcoming(?) models to release all at once. With or without new models, that would be pretty sweet...
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