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Everything posted by Greyshadow

  1. I find that an army painted cohesively looks fantastic even if on closer inspection you realise that each individual model is painted quite roughly. 'Quantity is its own quality' is the aforism here. I'd avoid repainting models and enjoy the charm of what you have done if you can. I can't recall a single model I've repainted and I have been in this hobby for ages.
  2. @Overread nailed it. Age of Sigmar scales much better to down to lower point games.
  3. @EccentricCircle, that Treebeard Model! May be the best Tree-man model (since Klinty of course...)
  4. 😍 Wow! These Age of Sigmar models are brilliant! Those Chaos Warriors in the Direchasm Slaves to Darkness warband are off the chart good - can't wait to paint them! As for Sigvald and his attendants, finally those patient Slaanesh players have got some love. Those troops with the helmets may be the best Chaos infantry models ever made. Just something Blanchian about them. Amazing stuff.
  5. Wow @JPjr, that cover is a thing of beauty. Looks like it is going well on kickstarter! Congratulations man.
  6. Wow, thanks heaps. I'll chip in something extra to say thank you for your time!
  7. Thank you @Zilberfrid. I'm in Melbourne, Australia. How much would you like for them?
  8. What region are you in? I only have the two that comes in the set that you could have. On swaps, long shot but I am after two pairs of Knights of Order legs. Realise that they are (considerably) rarer than the skulls you need.
  9. The mix -n-match paint sets are great too. When starting a new project I often order around ten new paint pots. If I could get a pot of contrast paint for free I certainly wouldn’t be complaining.
  10. I'm most looking forward to the story and exploring more new places in the Mortal Realms. Seeing awesome new models would be a close second though!
  11. At $350 AUD, this Catacombs set is eye wateringly expensive here in Australia. Compare the model count and value with the Soulwars box set and this set doesn’t come off too favourably. The terrain looks okay but some of it looks a bit goofy so I don’t think that will be a huge draw card. I definitely think that some will get $350+ worth of fun out of it but the price point won’t do its popularity any favours.
  12. Start with Skirmish. You can find the rules in White Dwarf January 2019 which you can purchase for less than the cost of two pots of paint from Warhammer Digital. Rules for a follow up campaign system are in the Feb 2019 issue. It is a great little bear-and-pretzels game that can be played with as few as three models a side. If you play the campaign mode at the end of it you will end up with the core of a Path to Glory force.
  13. Oh gosh no. There were Gargant collectors even when there was only the Aleguzzler. There will be many who will kit bash all sorts of weird and wonderful armies of these guys. Have a look at what is appearing on Twitter.
  14. I think the OP is overreaching. This is a reflection on what lists are winning based on what armies are currently being played. The top players will start designing lists to deal with these heavy hitters and the top dogs will change. The fact that so many armies achieved a top five placing reflects positively on the balance. Often, the top players anticipate what armies others will be bringing to a tournament and build armies that defeat these. This is not StarCraft, you can’t build your list during the game to respond to what your opponent is doing.
  15. The way I am doing it at the moment is to start with an Age of Sigmar: Skirmish force. (The 2nd edition ruleset is available in White Dwarf January 2019 with a follow up campaign in White Dwarf February 2019). Here is my first war band investigating an abandoned archeological camp in East Thondia in Ghur: Next, I grow this into a Path to Glory force. When I've finished that campaign I'll have enough models to form the core of a full Age of Sigmar army. The good thing about this approach is you can start playing with only three models and have a blast doing so.
  16. @HorticulusTGA and @michu, it is mentioned that Marshpoint is East of Excelsis in a short story by Nick Horth suggesting it is on the West coast. (Perhaps the map is oriented so South is up?) Amber Steppes could be across the sea to the East of Excelsis maybe? Also, there is a fortified realm gate near Excelsis that is not shown on the map that is very important to the city (forgot the name but it hasn't been revealed where it leads to yet). I lent out my copy of The Silver Shard, when I get it back I might be able to use the book to figure out a rough scale for the map. They should have got the world's number one Ghur fan to help with that map (me 🤓)
  17. @Rodiger, It sounds like you might not have as much of a problem with Warhammer Community if you were happier with the prices? Perhaps this thread has run its course and the discussion could continue in the price thread? @Overread. I've found the current staff in Australia are just fantastic. Laid back, friendly, talented painters and super helpful.
  18. @Rodiger, You didn't rub me up the wrong way. I think your point is a fair one. GW used to be uncomfortably pushy when you went into their stores and it was a real put off. If too many feel the balance is too far on the pushy side then GW should take a look at it and address that. I personally don't think they are at that point yet..
  19. I have no issues with Warhammer Community at all. As a kid our local toy store use to drop their catalogue in our mail box - and I used to love that! Warhammer Community is totally free so of course it is marketing. The thing is I find it useful for planning my purchases and keeping in touch with the wider goings on in Age of Sigmar. Still, I take nothing away from what the original poster has said. If many are finding it inane then GW should take note. P.S. I didn't know GW sold those rubber paint pot holders. I've knocked over a full pot of Druchii Violet that went everywhere and I think something like that could be handy.
  20. I hadn't heard about these issues @Austin, can you elaborate?
  21. Yes it is. Beautiful two page spread. Even has Beastgrave on it! Looking forward to next weekend!
  22. Agree for sure. Non-metallic metal is quite challenging, traditional metallics are almost always going to be the better option. I have found the technique to be useful is for painting standards and other 2D elements like gold trim on cloth. Only use this technique very rarely though. Sorry, back to rumours...
  23. I got my Ghur map in the Sons Battletome!!! 😊 No more of my dodgy home made powerpoint maps for my campaigning in the Realm of Beasts! It even has my army's home city of Excelsis on it! Been waiting for this for a long time!
  24. @KingBrodd, yes I am really looking forward to Broken Realms too! The art sneak peaks alone looks incredible.
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