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Everything posted by Praecautus

  1. Not any more 🙁 the ability was changed with GHB 2018 to a unit of 10 of the lesser daemons eg pinks
  2. First judgement done. I will finish the base tomorrow when dry and may add some more blood, but otherwise I will take this small victory 😀
  3. Bit of fail this month, but the shrine is done. Great model. I went for liberal use of blood for the blood god instead of normal highlighting. Quite pleased with it
  4. Heat and work slowed me last month. So I am playing catch up a little. The next items on my lists are Khorne artefacts 5 flesh hounds Knosso Prond 2 allopex the first items are primed and ready to go
  5. Idoneth Deepkin. My second army was started as an alternative to khorne. I wanted something with low model numbers, fun / excellent models to paint and good to play. I like the fluff, it’s really tragic. They hate what they have to do to survive. I love the fact it’s an army where the creative shackles have come off, someone above said it was good to see GW embrace the insanity of AoS. I agree. It’s refreshing to see an unexpected design direction, it feels more like their old Moorcock roots. I really enjoy the fact I can hum the theme from Jaws when my sharks advance/attack. I very much enjoy the almost infinite number of fish related puns that. Never. Grow. Old. And I especially like it takes about 10 minutes to pack. and on a final note, I love that. I can mess with the minds of whoever reads this baby shark do do do do do baby shark do do do do do baby shark do do do do do baby shark you are welcome
  6. Work overtook me so I didn’t get past my shrine. However, it is coming together nicely.
  7. Khorne - in particular mortals. I have been playing khorne for 3 years or so. When I was looking to get back into the game I was browsing and came across a page which called then an engaging army to play. Which they are with all the synergies and buffs. They were/ are an easy army to start but also an easy army to get wrong. There is a huge number of models (mortals, daemons and Slaves) and ways to build the army - this makes them a collector and narrative players dream. There is a great let’s chat here and also the Facebook group I find very open. But the moment I really got them was my first 2k game playing open war cards, with a single objective that needed to be taken and brought back home. I managed to win in a great game that involved a buffed up khorgorath running home with the objective while my opponent threw everything to stop it. Since then I have had a load of games and refined my list, made conversions and got lots of options. I’ve played a lot of armies, and would like to think won more than I have lost. I can’t imagine not playing them or a variant there or in the future.
  8. The start collecting boxes are both good. If you plan to go mortals then the goreblade box with the blood secrator and khorgorath is vital as several models are exclusive to it. If you are going daemons you can probably skip it. If going daemons then wrath and rapture is good. You may want the start collecting too but cannon and throne are meh. Regardless you will want more letter and hounds. After that it depends if you are going Mortal or daemon. If you can find it then start collecting blood bound is vital for a mortal army, otherwise get a box of blood warriors, wrath mongers and 2 priests to add as well as alter and judgements. Daemons then blood thirsters and more letters and hounds are what you need of course daemons will benefit from blood secrator and priests so you will likely want to pick them up regardless
  9. One thing I am trying to work out is adding in a chimera and having it wander the board with a blood warrior screen. Those D6 mortal wounds at range protected by those warriors is pretty appealing. I just need to get my new GHB today so I can see the points and what needs to change
  10. I play something pretty similar, also gorepilgrims and it’s a good fun list to play. Keep the army together and play the mission as it’s horrible to take apart. I have noticed people get confused when you don’t have a big monster on the table just a few differences w my list I take 2 blocks of 10 blood warriors: they are so tanky that two units will hold up a lot of stuff; however I have fewer reapers. I would consider changing your marauders for blood warriors to take advantage of the goretide effect. But i can see why you have them in. I take Just 1 judgement and take a khorgorath: adds some killing power that’s a bit more reliable than judgements Blade of judgement on the prince can be devastating. It has to be dealt with, so the opponent is reacting to you. Consider a resanguination to heal someone, it’s funny doing that to the model you just sacrificed controversially I often play with out a slaughterhost, in those cases the blood secrator gets the wrath banner and 5+ ward save
  11. Great stuff everyone, keep going. Some work in progress on my skull alter. Still base coat right now. Going to take a while to do the brass trim.
  12. Khorne mortals (specifically my list) stay away, everything hurts, but you will have a fun game claim objectives quickly, I can’t take them al off you fast enough if my army is together, don’t charge it invest in killing the daemon prince, if you don’t keep your valuable leaders away or swamp him with chaff or protect the hero. He had a threat range of 24 inches plus charge, you are not out of range Dont kill the reavers units and deny me tithe stay away from the priests, they’re stuck near the big spiky thing anyway. Seriously, stay away. 1 will pull you in range of the other two Those blood warriors smack back when they die, they hurt when buffed the skull reapers are really rather painful in combat the shrine is not as amazing as you think, kill what it will buff Kevin the khorgorath can tear a chaff unit apart quite nicely thw blood secrator can move now, he deals MW every combat phase
  13. I have 2 gore beast chariots. Pretty good fun and as others have said people aim to take them out. I think pretty nifty unit and can do a job for us. Dont forget the bonus attacks on a big charge, which can be easier to do it whipped if you have Sayl the faithless you could deepstrike them too.
  14. I take one with 3 priests, love the prayers. Shrine had always been good in my Mortal army. Love whipping a mortal unit and getting the prayer off so they reroll all hits and wounds. The ward save just adds a bit of insult to injury 😀 for 160 pts I find it’s cheap to get in and takes a lot of flak so something more important is not being attacked.
  15. Definitely, I love my prince for this reason. one thing to note is you can only get 1 killing frenzy on him so the exploding 6 effect goes off on a 4 now.
  16. First part of the pledge is done. This is the last battle line unit for my deepkin, so they are now all painted. Onward to the next item - already I see myself getting distracted so need to stay on target 😀
  17. I think the dragon only really works in fun armies, he’s so big that he can be snarled up easily plus he is so expensive (model points as well as the points to provide buffs) that once tied up eating chaff you don’t have enough killing power to compete elsewhere and lose on objectives. Sorry to be the fun sponge 😕I want the big dragon to work but I struggle to see how
  18. I’m reminded of a joke My aelf has no nose. How does he smell? Fishy
  19. I fear just mentioning the words baby shark doo doo doo doo doo will have that in my head for days, in fact it’s too late
  20. I made some progress last month and ended up building several units, which was just what I realised I wanted to do as opposed to paint. At least I have loads of fun new models to play around with. For this month’s pledge I am going to 1. Finish off a unit of Namarti Thralls (final highlights on 5 and bases on all 10) 2. Paint Khorne Skull alter. 3. Paint 5 flesh hounds 4. And if time allows, start on my two allopex models while trying not to hum ‘baby shark’
  21. That was what I was thinking. Would rather spend the ££ on something more useful.
  22. I am wondering about buying Forbidden Power; however, before I do I wanted to know if there is there anything in Forbidden Power that is of use to use to a Khorne army? Obviously the spells are out, the engine may be ok(?) but what about items in the book?
  23. Thanks, it’s a discussion we are having in the club I am a member of and we have not come to a good decision yet. At the moment I think we will be playing it as DP are gained, but an FAQ would be appreciated. I assume that will be out soon enough.
  24. Hi Slaanesh-ies First off blood for the blood god! Now we have that nonsense out of the way, a question re endless spells. Do you gain depravity points if a generic endless spell eg aethervoid pendulum, cast by a Slaanesh leader causes wounds on an enemy leader? What if it was cast by an enemy leader ? I can understand a Slaanesh endless spell working that way, but the generic ones I can’t work out if points should be earned or not.
  25. Thanks, that’s the one. The MLoK is also a good recipient for it so he can fly about and smack something. Couple with some blood tithe andhe could be doing an 18 inch fly, plus charge, plus pile in. I may have to give it a go.
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