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Everything posted by Aelfric

  1. That's true. After all, Sigmar had to learn how to make runes from someone - I don't think he used them in the World-that-was.
  2. So whatever or whoever it is, it was bound by Teclis, not Sigmar.
  3. Perhaps missile weapons will become game-changing again.
  4. They're not familiar to me and logically they could be imprisonment marks made by Sigmar. But now you've magnified the face, it seems very feline to me, like a puma or panther.
  5. Has anyone deciphered the lettering or runes on the imprisoned one's forehead?
  6. I suspect there are very few amongst us that haven't misconceived some of the rules from time to time - I know I have.
  7. Page 310 of the Core Book under Allied units - "They do count towards the number of Leader, Behemoth and artillery units".
  8. In 3rd ed, Wood Elves had a shapechanger unit that could turn into either a Giant Wolf, a boar or a bear. You could take a minimum of one and hide it inside another unit. I would love this to be brought back into Wanderers.
  9. Well, they've said they want to update all existing factions within the next two years. I'm curious to see if any new faction allegiance abilities appear in the GHB 2019 and whether they've changed Wanderers again.
  10. What I find more interesting is the mention of Devoted of Sigmar. Though a bit off topic, a reworking could include Aelves, and Duardin.
  11. If this turns out to be a Wanderers warband that would be great. At the very least we get a new unit and it would make a Battletome just that little bit more likely. I'll take whatever crumbs fall from GW's banquet table.
  12. Thank the Gods for that! My last pot has nearly run out.
  13. I can only presume that the "want" was a slip of the tongue then, so to speak . In which case, welcome (I think?)
  14. I haven't used them, but have you tried "Hand of gork"ing them into position?
  15. The current woods have a base, so it could just as easily be a new terrain piece to replace the woods. I hope so, because even though I have collected and painted Sylvaneth, I haven't played them due to the way they play, which I wouldn't find fun, and the cost of buying multiple woods. I'm buying a Looncurse as both sides appeal to me, but give me a tree instead of woods and I'll be happy (Give me a Wanderers battletome and I'd be ecstatic!).
  16. I realise they don't appeal to everyone, but at least Aelves haven't been totally neglected in AOS. I quite like the Deepkin, both lore-wise and aesthetically, but am still hoping for a Wanderers battletome and/or a generalised Aelf battletome. When AOS started, I branched out from Dark Elves into all Aelfkind, as it opened up the ability to mix them together. Now, as things have progressed, they just need to be given some certainty with a book of some description and I'll be happy.
  17. There are two Aelf factions with 2.0 battletomes - Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin.
  18. In the core rulebook, on page 94 in the Ghyran section, it says that the Wanderers began to contract Nurgle's rot during the Age of Chaos and that was the reason why they chose to abandon the fight - they were dying! Either Allarielle could not, or would not, prevent this foremost disease from spreading. I believe that the decision to leave the fight in Ghyran was taken to ensure that the Wanderer Clans were not wiped out altogether. No doubt many Wanderers chose not to leave at this time, but as no mention of them is made, it is probable that they did not survive the plague. Perhaps when we get our book, this episode will be given more clarity.
  19. I would love to see a "Dogs of War" mercenary Battletome with pre-designed mercenary companies, with unique abilities, available to all factions set at different points from 200 to 400 to use in your ally slot. -
  20. It does not specifically state that you use the ability in the combat phase, or any other phase, therefore it is used in the hero phase. It is its effects that are triggered in the combat phase. This command ability predates the shift to command abilities being used in different phases and I expect it will be updated when we get a new book. Until then, it follows the default position.
  21. I hope so, I have two Spire of Dawn sets in the drawer. Opened one and painted the Reavers, but then it became apparent that this was not leading to an Aelf resurgence after all, so plans went back on hold and I concentrated on my Wanderers (and now Gloomspite). One day their time will come.
  22. It doesn't make much sense lore-wise, though. Ironjawz and Greenskins I can understand and is logical since Ardboyz are recruited from the toughest Greenskins, but Bonesplitters and Ironjawz are worlds apart from a philosophical perspective.
  23. I hope not. The thing is It would be important to me, if I wanted to paint my army to a certain Stormhost, to paint the correct colour scheme, but NOT important when facing someone else's army. That's up to them; I would just need to know which Stormhost I was playing against. Colour schemes are nice to have, but should be optional not compulsory.
  24. Unfortunately, you can't take Wardancers as allies either as they do not have a keyword that is relevant. So you would have to be under General Order Allegiance and lose Wanderers allegiance and abilities. Doesn't stop your combo, though (which also used to work with Sisters of Slaughter before their warscroll change).
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