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Everything posted by childoffang

  1. Ahh but I didn't say it was just going for non-killing objectives, but having objective cards that don't rely on killing allow you to counter the expected style of play and then when they shift their style to try and take advantage you can go on the offensive. It's about having options and with the variety of play styles forces bring that flexibility will be even more useful.
  2. And so you force them to come to you, spread them out by having non killing objectives in your deck and counter the assumption that your warband wants to kill everything. Like most of the best games out there a form of balance will be required to take on all comers.
  3. Because you play it before the opponent activation. I think the card says the next attack rather than your next attack.
  4. I actually think a second starter set down the line is a great idea, gives the option of getting into the game without necessarily getting the Stormcast or Khorne. In in terms of multiple warbands, setting up the game it says the first thing you do is choose your warband. Now I think some events will (and should) limit entrants to 1 or 2 warbands as there could be a definite advantage to knowing your opponent only has Orrucks when you have a choice of warbands against them. On the other hand I hope there are also events that don’t be limit anything.
  5. Cheers man, our own fault not to jump on the closest event we have..
  6. Do you have a reserve list already or can I put a team down for it now, do you need payment for that? Not that I expect any to drop out damn them and our trying to sort things out to late grr,
  7. So I finally got round to opening up the boxes of bases I have laying around and start to work on them. The first idea is to keep them fairly dull in colour, or should I say tone, seeing as the red and gold is quite bright on the model itself. So airbrush them grey, that's a good start. Then I quickly realised having 2 kinds of grey on the base was above my skill level/effort to achieve on a short time scale so a second colour was required. Dark Browns just didn't seem right in general and I am using black for sundry parts on the models and so I finally thought a tan colour might work. Finally I wanted a metal that would again be dull and so had to spend a fair amount of time shaking some metallic colours which hadn't been used in a long while/ever. Some brass scorpion with a nuln oil wash. Ive done it, I think it's ok but I will have to look at it again tomorrow with fresh eyes. The bases are pretty cool though.
  8. To be honest there is no mistaking these Stormcast as Khorne-ish without converting the models, in the same way that blood angels or heresy era thousand sons look nothing like Khorne worshippers where their colours are not dissimilar to 40k world eaters. Red, Gold and black just work great together and thats why they get used so often. Only the red is airbrushed so really it's just a base layer, not confident or competent enough to be using the airbrush for much else yet.
  9. So the painting could continues slowly as I do all kinds of bits and pieces at home. I think I have decided on green for the beasts themselves but I will have to see as I lighten up the skin. Slow going and I think I need a new light set up.
  10. I'm using black for the cloth - I was thinking green would work for gems etc,.. I did try the green gem paint but I think that's a bit too bright so will probably knock it back to the old school way I paint them.
  11. The first year of AoS was pretty slow for me and that was mainly down to not have an army on round bases. Some time was spent playing with the Ogres and Demons I already owned but then I was thinking of repainting the demon army itself and all of a sudden the call of a new army beckoned. Since the Stormcast were released I was tempted, the models are cool, the premise is cool and then the Dracoth cav came out and I was sold. A starter set was purchased, a mate then got rid of all his stuff so woop I have a few models laying around the place. The next step was a deciding on a colour scheme.... Having a look around the internetz I kept seeing the GW standard colour scheme which is cool but didn't really inspire me. Being a 40/30K lore bunny I turned to the space marine chapter and legion colour schemes and then it hit me - I love the 30K Thousand sons colour scheme that FW have done for the Horus Heresy... This also fit with having purchased an airbrush and wanting to get used to using it in the hope that I can speed up aspects of army painting and maybe even getting better. This has lead to.... That's about 4/5ths of the models I own. The process is pretty simple - Vellejo Steel and the 4 coats of Angron Clear Red from Forgeworld - it did take a little time to get used to how light the firt layer of the red had to be and I have certainly started to improve the control of the airbrush. The next step is the 'real painting' and adding in a bit of colour... All these pictures are a bit poor, mainly due to the lighting in my flat - I hope to purchase a better lighting set up soon. Any way that's as far as I have got at the moment and there is plenty to get on with. I have to start thinking about the bases, I will be using the shattered dominion and am considering a basic grey might work quite well. At some time I need to give them a name as well but the working title will stay as 'The Thousand Sons of Sigmar'.
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