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Everything posted by Kyriakin

  1. Sylvaneth is pretty solid, but has a few issues: (1) A few of the glades are trash (i.e. Oakenbrow and Ironbark) (2) They should have made Spite Revs multi-wound and around 20-points-per-model, due to their financial cost. (3) Woods still a pain - albeit less so than before.
  2. Out of curiousity, Azgorh aside (and OOP/eBay, obviously), what "fundamental" unit (i.e. one you could reasonably make the bulk of your army) has the worst points-to-dollar ratio in the game? I always felt that a Spite Revenant Dreadwood-type army would be insane. Getting pretty close to a dollar-per-point for those guys.
  3. Has there been a release more universally praised than this one? I am yet to see a negative comment (besides non-related comments like "Where's Seraphon?!", etc.). I remember people being really excited when the DoK trailer was revealed and Gloomspite were extremely well-received, but this is another level. From a business point of view, I am not sure this wasn't a bit too soon. They feel like they have stolen the thunder of the Bonereapers in a big way. I can almost hear the frantic mass clicking of cancelled pre-orders. Edit: Actually, a few people have said they don't like the book's cover, and I agree with that. Hardly a deal-breaker though, lol
  4. I can still see the Warriors in the few regions I tried (i.e. Rest of the World, Ireland, etc.)
  5. Can we take a minute to acknowledge the worthlessness of this "rumour" back in August. Everything was plausible, but they got nearly every 50-50 call wrong, lol. I remember someone saying at the time that it was 4Chan trying to make up some Ogor rumours, and see if they gained traction within the community (i.e. make them as believable as possible).
  6. Yea, there's still some drek around...: Blood Knights, Saurus Knights, Centigors, Icefall Yhetees, Frost Sabres, Vargulf, Fell Bats, Salamander, Razordon, Night Runners, Gutter Runners, Gorgers, Zombies, Dire Wolves, etc. I guess Furies are technically sorted now, while I left Marauders off the list due to the 437849274 barbarian options that are available now (although that terrible kit does still technically exist). For me, some of the other Finecast is just about acceptable (e.g. most of the Ogres), if not ideal. They are slowly whittling down the list, but still some way to go.
  7. Yea. GW have shown that they can make whole new concepts from the ground-up, but also resist the temptation to re-invent the wheel when they feel an older concept has a viable following. So GW, about those Blood Knights...
  8. Maneaters should have unique warscrolls for each variant. That could have been hilarious, but they keep missing the opportunity.
  9. The Blizzard Prayer finally confurms that Icefall Yhetees are in.
  10. I hope they aren't gone. Conceptually, they are such a big part of the icy/everwinter theme of the original BCR army. I feel GW want to kill the Everwinter thing, and go full classic "bish-bosh, get in my belly" Ogres. However, they realised it might cause some anger from the playerbase, and threw the Everwinter Ogres a half-hearted bone. In that regards, it's kinda like Spiderfang. But at least they got Endless Spells.
  11. Still no official mention and/or sighting of Icefall Yhetees?
  12. So, are Mournfang called Rhinox now? That's a word I haven't heard in a while.
  13. Do we have an official Icefall Yhetee sighting yet with regards to the Ogor book?
  14. I'd be tempted to try and get the Lamassu and Taurus rider onto the back of the modern-day mounts (e.g. black dragon, griffon, etc.) for WYSIWYG reasons, as well as because large mounts are just so much better nowadays IMHO... Or failing that... https://publicinsta.com/media/Boq6tz5nlF4 The Big Hats themselves have aged really well, though. Edit: It seems people were onto this for KO already, and fits CoS perfectly...
  15. I don't like "counts as" when the (unmodified) model that represents another is actually still elsewhere in the game. That's confusing for me. I guess that would make the OOP High Elf stuff OK for CoS, but not the LoA stuff. However, a "Big Hat" Chaos Dwarf army would be amazing as CoS, and none of those sculpts have their own warscroll elsewhere in the game.
  16. "... from explaining just what happened to the Everwinter..." Uh-oh...
  17. When the counter-argument to claims that a faction isn't very good is "but we have a good spell, and the chariot is pretty good as well", it is perhaps not the best sign.
  18. I am liking the fact that they are 65% chainmail. Talk about an easy unit to paint... Also, the Dark Elf troops are one of the few examples where it isn't a forgone conclusion for me that I prefer the current line (Diazettes are the other that come to mind). I mean, look at these guys and the Corsairs above - they're awesome. Mounts and monsters? Sure, I'll take the plastic, but for troops I'm not so sure. Either way, these could be great stand-ins for something else (e.g. Greatswords) in a Dark Elf themed army.
  19. I used to frequent English football (soccer) forums, and "Scunthorpe United" always got hit. Edit: But not here though, apparently.
  20. I can sum up my feelings in four words: Kislev. All of them. Honourable mention: Metal Corsairs would be cool to use as Anvilguard Black Guard or Executioners (the old metal Corsair Musician was badass).
  21. I disagree, I think we will see a "blank canvas" book for future editions - even if some of the current models are indeed removed. This book has created a stir in pretty much every forum, Youtube channel and online FLGS group I frequent. I'm sure GW has noticed this too. In fact, this book has redefined what it means to be "squatted". For example, I am planning to make my CoS from Kislev, who were functionally squatted way back in WHFB (7th Edition?), and yet - with some counts-as shenanigans and converting - are, Bear aside, suddenly mostly usable now with this new book. The blank canvas approach allows GW to clear its lines without actually truly "squatting" anything for anyone - provided those players already have the models, of course (or are willing to get reamed on eBay).
  22. This confuses me. It's like Forgeworld all over again. They do the expensive and difficult part of designing the models and making the moulds, and then retire them when there is a main-line game that they would still be perfect for. It's not like they are dated sculpts, or anything. Or was it some stupid mistake like putting different factions on the same sprue, or something? I never owned Silver Tower, so don't know how things were arranged on the sprues.
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