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Everything posted by Kyriakin

  1. You could love the setting, but have gotten bored or the game or the release schedule. The setting is not the only factor, and during the End Times - when the game received a lot of releases and attention from GW - had a lot of interest.
  2. Has anyone tried the built-in portable compressors from eBay, Amazon (etc.)? https://www.amazon.com/Ergonomic-Airbrush-Portable-Rechargeable-Compressor/dp/B07YBZKM1F/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 I want to do some basic zenithial work on small models, but am currently based in China for 6 months and do not want to ship my large compressor (etc.) over from the UK. If it would work for basic zenithial and base coating work, this portable option would be ideal. It says it goes up to 25 psi - which would be adequate for my needs - but am not sure if that is the limit to what the compressor can achieve, or the limit to what the airbrush can handle.
  3. I am building a Spite Revenant horde army. A pound buys me 2 god-damn points...
  4. Why no mention of Vargheists? Also, get loads of Spite Revenant heads from bits sites (or Sylvaneth players who love Tree Revenants). Stick those heads on any human or elf, et viola Vampire infantry. You can use the Marauder mercenary company for these fellas, rules wise.
  5. "Nottingham man discovers ONE WEIRD TRICK for basecoating, highlighting and shading miniatures with one think coat. Golden Daemon winners are shocked by what experts are calling 'The Miracle Paint' CLICK HERE before the FBI ban it!"
  6. New rules... Close Combat (Hero Duels) "Each player rolls 2D6 (1D3 if you are a salty Grognard, who played dead WHFB), and adds the result to the production year on their miniature's sprue. Subtract 10 for square-based miniatures, and subtract a further 10 if these bases are painted Goblin Green. The difference represents the damage influcted on the losing hero. Finecast cannot damage plastic, and metal miniatures can only damage other metal miniatures"
  7. The Facebook announcement has some really depressing replies from the extreme ends of the spectrum...: "I'm going to put these new models on square bases, and play a proper game", etc. "I hope these new models are nothing like the Aelves from the trash previous game that got cancelled", etc.
  8. The thing is, I enjoy AoS as a game. However, at no point do I feel like I am taking the role of a war general, but merely playing a game. A good game, yes. But a game, nonetheless... GW might feel like making a more "serious" product that plays more like a war simulation and, to that end, I would love it to be Warmaster (but guess it will be 25/28 mm rank-and-file, instead).
  9. When your first artifact is "locked" (i.e. when it is tied to a specific Sylvaneth glade, for example), does this artifact have to be on the General, or can it be placed on another hero and the second artifact (assuming you have a battalion) be placed on the General instead?
  10. To even the numbers a bit in the meantime, I would consider moving unaligned (i.e. "brown") Beasts across to Destruction. Make it a narrative thing, where they get forsaken by the Chaos gods and go full bestial destruction, rather than a retcon. This will make Beasts more relevant as a fish in a smaller pond, and both serve to decrease the Chaos factions and increase the Destruction ones. Tzaangor, and any future god-aligned Beasts, would remain in Chaos, of course.
  11. If Seraphon got three new kits - Slann, Knights and Kroxigor, thry would be in an OK place IMHO. Foot heroes come and go, and I'd make Saurus Guard the basic Sauruses (i.e. get rid of the actual basic Saurus, with no replacement). Most of the rest looks fine to me (other than the Salamander, obviously). The Skaven and LON model line needs a revolution, while Seraphon merely needs an evolution.
  12. This. They should be MSU, and just kinda bounce around and be a nuisance where required. If you have two MSU units, the re-rolling of a charge dice puts the chances of making one of the 9" charges in your favour, so 2x3 could well take out - or at least heavily weaken - a 5-wound hero hero, warmachine, etc. Also, MSU means you can deploy several of these units at the start of the game, and thus allow more Forest Spirit units to ambush later.
  13. Vampires feel like something they wouldn't need to re-invent the wheel for as new plastic Blood Knights would sell by the bucket-load, and the Gothic centrepieces are already in place (i.e. Coven Thorne, Neferata, etc.). Maybe all female Lahmians? However, they did a like-for-like reboot with Chaos Knights recently, so I don't know if that makes it more likely or less likely.
  14. It boosts Spite Revs. Spite Revs are super expensive (in money terms). Low representation.
  15. If I didn't care about the Command Point, I'd throw in some Kdaai Fireborn as mercenary Crypt Horrors, or something like that.
  16. The elephant in the room with regards to these huge units of Corsairs is painting. They are great models for knocking out 10 or 20, but Jesus Christ the idea of 100+ kills me. This isn't ghouls, skeletons, daemons, dryads, ungor (etc.) that are predominantly one colour, or Clan Rats, Goblins, Gor (etc.) that have just a flesh/skin/color and one main clothing/armour colour. These models have a sword blade, haft, gloves, boots, leggings, cuisses, cloak (inside and outside), scales, spikes, human-like faces/eyes/hair, breastplates (with decals), leggings, headpieces/helmets and various little trinkets. Furthermore, as elves, there is a certain expectation for neatness (i.e. unlike "scrappy" units/armies like zombies, Gor or Skaven). I don't doubt contrast helps, but still so much effort for each 280-point batch.
  17. I think with the existence Cities of Sigmar, allies and mercenaries, these can still be useful for those who have them after the inevitable warscroll removal. For example, if you run Beasts of Chaos, Skin Wolves feel like they might be suitable as mercenary Crypt Horrors in the Tenebrous Court. You are basically looking for something that has the basic structural form (i.e. size, basing, etc.) of the proxied model with the surface appearance/skin of your own army. Wolf Rats could be something like mercenary chaos warhounds (i.e. Skroug's Menegerie) in a Skaven army.
  18. How can "demands go up" without them changing their policy of the models not having usable keywords? I am sure the Dreadmaw, Myrwerm, etc have managed to "catch people's eye" - as they have mine - but, like me, they are not going to buy something that they cannot use.
  19. I can't see how it's an either-or situation. You have a small number of awesome, but borderline unplayable, sculpts that don't need to be removed to make additional AoS-centric monsters. When you look at the size of the HH/40K range, those 15-ish moulds can't take up much of their storage space. Plus, you have the issue of those who were loyal and trusting to FW (not me - I don't have a dog in this fight) getting royally screwed by this. It will hurt customer trust towards Forgeworld going forward. All gone, just because of a refusal to add some keywords to a PDF. The Mourngul, Sayl, Gork/Mork, Warpknaw and Colossal Squig show that this stuff will sell if you allow it to be taken within an established faction.
  20. Causes minus 2D6 Bravery to Frost Sabres and that new Sphynx-cat thing.
  21. You don't see how the (entirely justified) previous assumption that the Old Would and WHFB were never going to be updated ever again would be demotivating for players, while the unexpected announcement that GW were going to revisit the game/setting in the future would re-invigorate players to get their minis out for a single nostalgic game - perhaps as a little celebration?
  22. That's not really a fair comparison. One is the sudden extinction of a game and setting that had been around for 30 years, and replaced with something completely different that was initially flawed in many respects. One is a hint of a game in the distant future that will almost certainly not replace the current game. Your message feels like it is throwing shade on the WHFB community compared to the AoS one. While the AoS community may indeed be "better", let's not pretend that this so-called upheaval to AoS players even remotely compares to that upheaval for WHFB fans back in 2015. It's not even close. To have a fair comparison, you would have to have GW have released a video or book where the Mortal Realms are suddenly destroyed, half its miniature range is squatted and then a teaser video is released to say that the Old World has returned to replace the Mortal Realms with a new rank-and-file game on square bases. Then the AoS community - myself very much included - would be up in arms, and rightly so.
  23. I'd love it to be Warmaster. It would scratch the "rank and file war simulation" itch, while being completely distinct from AoS (i.e. no chance of confusing cross-contamination or direct threat to AoS). That said, I guess GW will want to double-dip on the miniatures, so I guess it will be 28 mm or 32 mm, or whatever.
  24. I am awaiting the announcement that GW are going to go back to making wooden backgammon boards in 2036.
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