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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. FYI the hair and beard on my slayers is with one of the new contrast paints (apoth white) 🙌. With a Light drybrush of white on top
  2. Just started painting my new fyreslayers! Love it so far. Went for a rather unoriginal look. Atleast the beard and hair is grey/white 😉 what you think? Soon i will have 1k painted and ready to hit the table!
  3. Hi all! Looking to start a 1k point project and the rats have my attention. How do they do now with the new book? Mid-tier, High-tier? Have you played the army successfully at 1000p? Please share your list and why it worked so well! Cheers!
  4. Hmmm! I like the look of one big blob...but two? Is there a way to build them effectivly with 60 stabbas? Using the other 260p elsewhere? Thanks for the help!
  5. I would love some feedback on this list. Is it atleast somewhat competitive? If not, how would you optimize it? Would love to hear what people think if they played something similar. Leaders: - Runefather (foot) - Runesmiter - Battlesmith Battleline: - HGB (10x) ((what Weapon would you use?)) - VB (10x) ((what Weapon would you use?)) Other: Auric (10x) 1k on the nose! 💪 Or...should i just skip the Auric's to enhance the HGB up to 20? Or split into two groups of ten? Please share your experience!
  6. Hi everyone. With book out for a while i guess alot of you have got a real Nice feel for the army. With that said. How does this army perform att 1k? Is there any good builds that work well? What is your personal experience? I'm asking because I want to start a 1k project as a second army. And I love the models of this army! Share your lists/experience! Would love some help! 😊
  7. Ok, nice lists. Thanks! Will try something like that Do fyreslayers work ok at 1k in your opinion? Or do they need 2k to shine? Appriciate the help guys!
  8. Hi everyone. I'm not new to the hobby and I played fyreslayers awhile back. Now with the new book, how do they fair out there? Is the army strong? Second, i would love some tip of a 1k list. What have you tried with great success on this level? I would love to hear what you more experienced players like so I have somewhere to start from and expand the army! Thanks! 😄
  9. With the book being out for a short while now...what have you (anyone with some experience) found working at 1k? Any lists that would be a good starting point would be greatly appriciated 😊 I do not have a "playstyle" or anything like that. Just some tip of what works... Thanks in advance!
  10. I've noticed alot of lists focusing on the bigger dudes. Are there any "horde" lists that seem to work well for 2k games? If so, please share your experience 😄. I currently own 60 ghouls and would love to mix between elite lists and horde for flavour.
  11. Ok! Thanks 😊 What list did you play? 😄
  12. OH sorry i forgot to mention that i do not want to magnetize the models 😂 how would you do then?
  13. Hi again! Just bought 3x packs of Horrors/Flayers...so 12x models. Im not sure what i want to build. If anyone can give me some insight on the units and why i should build them a certain way would be awesome! Or just make 6 of each? Thanks in advance 😊
  14. Hi everyone! Just curious...what do you think about the endless spells for the Flesh eater army? Would love to hear how you've used them! Cheers!
  15. N The Carrion Empire box is sold out... Unfortunately 😥 And no i have no one to share it with atm. How else would you go about it?
  16. Hi all! If you were to start from scratch with this army. What would you buy as a good base for an FEC army. Im thinking a 1k list that is viable and that can get easily taken up to 2k. Anything you've tested to great effect Is there like a good thread or something to get a "crash course" on the army? What models to use/not use. Thanks!
  17. What you mean "for now"? I just read one of your prev posts about having a Sorcerer with BoP to support them. Ha en you tried something similar? Or should you simply go 40x marauders instead? Cheers!
  18. Hi all! I'm curious what people think about a big blob of plauge monks? Are they worth it competitivly? What do i need to have in the list to make the most out of them? (Not using glottkin)
  19. Hi! My local store is starting a campain that starts at 750p. Then goes up to 1000p and lastly 1500p I have an idé for the 750p. What do you think? Please share any lists (750-1500p) that you have tried with great results! ----- 750p list. - Loonboss on squig - 40x stabbas - 10x hoppers - 10x bounder ----- And what would you add to make it 1000p? Side question. Why do people not use the new trolls?? What are the reason and arguments. Cheers!
  20. Hi again. Now i got a better grip of the 2k lists that I'm gonna try..but... I got a 1k tournament coming up in 2 weeks...I would love some feedback on this list. Is it atleast somewhat good? It uses what i have painted today...How would you make it more competitive? Great Unclean One (340) Daemon Prince of Nurgle (160) 30 x Plaguebearers (320) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) Total: 980 All help is much appriciated!
  21. Mate, can you show med the list you've used with the Vermin lord? Would love to se it and if you could share your overal strategy when playing it? I made my own just now, what you think? Great Unclean One (340) Gutrot Spume (140) Verminlord Corruptor (220) Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120) 30 x Plaguebearers (320) 10 x Plaguebearers (120) 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 6 x Plague Drones (400) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 150 Thanks man!
  22. Interesting data. Gonna have to look at it more deeply later. Btw. Is the blight cyst Batalion considered competitive? Have you played with it? Looks cool!
  23. Great Unclean One Gutrot Spume Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle Lord of Afflictions 30 x Plaguebearers 10 x Plaguebearers 10 x Putrid Blightkings 6 x Plague Drones Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 146 Something like this maybe? I got inspired by your list (Primes) and made it to fit the units i own. Feedback is well appriciated! Will it have some punch? Anyone can ofc reply..all the better!
  24. Thanks! Appriciate the help. What is your take on chaos knights? Or anyone elses opinion for that matter? I do love the models!
  25. Hi everyone! Thinking about bringing the Nurgle back on the table! I have some questions i would love the more experienced players to answer. All questions are Aimed for 2k games. - how do they fair competitivly? Any lists that seem to be solid that have placed fairly high for you? - What is your go to list? (that got a punch but maybe not 100% optimized) How do they play with SoD? I own these models painted and ready as of today, so lists with mostly these would be the Dreams! - GUO (magnets on all weapons) - 60 Plaugebearers 9x Drones 9x Nurglings Any recommendations on were to go next? Add SoD? Stay Deamon Heavy? I'm thinking as a competitive player atm. Will try and use them in a tournament in 1 month! This is something i have been working on it uses most of what i have and like... what do you think? Overal tactics: - Prince with Drones - warriors on back objective - Spume + 10x Kings combo were they are needed Daemon Prince of Nurgle (160) Great Unclean One (340) - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120) Gutrot Spume (140) ------ 10 x Chaos Warriors (180) - Hand Weapon & Shield 30 x Plaguebearers (320) 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 6 x Plague Drones (400) Total: 1980 Thank you in advance!
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