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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. One of the reasons why we enjoy playing Age of Sigmar is the rich and vibrant background that the game is set it. However, it can be a bit confusing about which books to start with. @Overread has very kindly complied the following list... And if you want to know about the world that was.... If you have any suggestions for the lists or any books you think people should enjoy or start with, please add a reply to one of these topics!
  2. They tend to ask you not to say anything until the end and most people comply. Besides you are listening to what they are saying. Andy usually has some cool remarks for some of the questions
  3. I'd be very excited if we see some Greenskin action as it's an army I've always been fond of since the old days of 4th edition. If we do see an announcement tomorrow, I can't wait to see the army that Ben would have been working on as his old fantasy Orc and Goblin army was lovely. If I'm honest though, I think most of the focus tomorrow will be next couple of 40K codexes (Space Wolves and Genestealer Cult), Lord of the Rings/Hobbit stuff, and teasers for up coming stuff. I think the big reveal that would have been shown got leaked earlier this week (Ork Buggy) but I would love to see what's next for AOS. Looking back at some of the Rumour Images, something Greenskin related could be on the cards!
  4. Next weekend we may see some previews of what’s coming up for next few months depending on what they may want to show at Nova Open https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/08/10/10th-aug-seminars-and-exclusives-at-warhammer-fest-europegw-homepage-post-1fw-homepage-post-1/
  5. It's not for the upcoming Rogue Trader set from GW? Doesn't that have a Nurgle infected mutants as one half of the set?
  6. It's been pointed out that we don't have a thread for you guys to give any feedback about each other for selling/buying or trading stuff. So here it is. If you want to, you are quite welcome to use this to give feedback about anybody who you buy off or sell to (or trade with). I do however need to point out the following.... The Grand Alliance Community, does not take responsibility for anything sold on here. This thread is for listing of positive trade experiences only. This is not a discussion thread. You should only post who you traded with, and, if you want, the details of the trade. You may not recommend yourself and you may only give the usernames of other members. If the other person you dealt with does not post your name in this topic - Tough. You can suggest to them via PM but it's up to them if they choose to. Please DO NOT pester people into doing this as this will result in Warning Points being issued and a possible ban. When mentioning the person you are recommending, please "@" them as it means they will get a notification about it (use @ and then start typing their name to get a list of users and select them from the list. Cheers
  7. Just quickly added some numbers onto this (sorry if you are colour blind or they are a bit hard to read but goes left to right 1,2,3...). These are my guesses.... 40K - Ork Warbike (Wazdakka???) or Vehicle (Buggy!!!!) 40K - Ork Eavy Shoota or some sort of gun (possibly on a Warbike) Tricky but I think AOS and combines with image 4. No idea but some sort of terrain? Again Tricky but AOS and combines with image 3 AOS - Would guess some sort of spell coming out of a pot. Thinking Grots? 40K Orks!!!! New Warboss or Wazdakka 40K/AOS - Tough but looks very Slaaneshi Daemon AOS - Grot / Skaven sword? AOS - Linked to image 5 40K - Going to say imperial bike, so rumoured Primaris Bikes? 40K - Fairly sure this is Genestealer Cult AOS - Grots? 40K/AOS - Slaaneshi Daemons AOS - Something Destruction related AOS - Endless Spell of some sorts 40K/AOS - No idea but could be for either system. May be part of Slaaneshi Daemons?
  8. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a gentle poke @stratigo, you are coming across as very negative. It's fine to disagree but your last few posts don't seem to be in the TGA ethos. Also in these cases, email AOSFAQ@gwplc.com as it may make it into the next FAQ if it needs to.
  9. Part of the fun and games with Rumours is a bit of wishlisting because often they are things that get mentioned in conversations with no evidence. Even when we do have some evidence such as things confirmed at UK Games Expo (40K Codexes), we don't know when they are happening exactly. I doubt we will see Gorkamorka as a set anytime soon but I think this summer and september will be 40K focused after the AOS2 release
  10. No Understand this is tongue in cheek but really no, please keep this on topic. On topic... As we seem to be in a bit of a rumour dry patch at the moment, here's a quick list of what is appearing soon and what is rumoured to appear soon. I've included other GW releases as it will give people an idea when we might see stuff... JULY Kill Team (40K detailed skirmish game) - [confirmed as Preorders are this weekend] Rest of Stormcast and Nighthaunt releases (AOS) - [Rumoured but assumed this will happen over last week of July for Pre-orders to finish release] AUGUST Adeptus Titanicus (Specialist Games - Game with titans in the Horus Heresy) - [confirmed via Forgeworld/Specialist Games Open Day. Details in Aug White Dwarf] Space Wolf Codex (40K) - [Rumoured but confirmed it is happening in 2018 from UK Games Expo] Ork Codex (40K) - [Rumoured but confirmed it is happening in 2018 from UK Games Expo] Also note the European Warhammer Fest is happening in August (17th/18th) so more rumours/teasers/confirmations will happen SEPTEMBER Genestealer Cult (40K) - [Rumoured but confirmed it is happening in 2018 from UK Games Expo. Note this might happen in August but there are new models for this, so may have a grander release] Rogue Trader (40K Kill Team set) - [Confirmed it will come out in 2018 but may happen later in the year rather than September] So lots of 40K stuff but not a lot of AOS stuff. This says to me we will see some stuff at Warhammer Fest being teased.
  11. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we please have some rumours in this topic? Also can I remind you all about the rules we want you to follow on TGA - I have had to moderate some replies in this topic which should never have been on this forum. Whilst we are fairly relaxed around this topic due to the vagueness of some of the rumors (and it's a bit quiet at the moment after AOS2 release), we have been going off topic a fair bit. Please keep it on topic
  12. @Overread & @Samanar if you want to discuss computer games, please create a topic for it if you do not have any rumours to add to this thread Whilst kind of on the subject and it's not a rumour and it's news, here's something you might be interested in... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/25/25th-june-announcing-realm-wargw-homepage-post-3/
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we please have some rumours for Age of Sigmar?
  14. I would expect them to be up for pre-orders this and next weekend and out for general sale over next few weeks. We know Kill Team is up for Preorder on 21st. I think Shadespire was a toedip into the boardgames market and my understanding is that it's been very successful. I think if there is enough demand for a Age of Sigmar version of Kill Team they will do it but there is nothing stopping anybody taking some of the Kill Team rules and adding them to AOS.
  15. There's issues with some of the Warscrolls in the App and GW are fixing them as fast as they can. If you spot any, email gwapps@gwplc.com
  16. thanks @sal4m4nd3r - Now a gentle poke at you. It's not in the spirit of TGA if you add a "HaHa" reaction to a post asking another member to watch how they are posting
  17. Whilst I applaud you walking away from this, you could have just not replied. This comment you replied with is not really what we want on TGA, so just a gentle nudge to think a bit more about your posts in the future +++ Mod Hat On +++ Folks, Whilst it's quite a time of change can we make sure we do not get too carried away. Any questions about the changes, email the FAQ email - AOSFAQ@GWPLC.COM
  18. Here is the new thread for discussing Beasts of Chaos. With the imminent release of AoS 2 (and a lot of the info already being out there), now is the time for us to start afresh on TGA. Moving forward, this will be the main thread to chat about and discuss Beasts of Chaos in the new edition. I still wholly encourage people to keep their own threads/army blogs within this sub forum and I also think those are a great place to share some photos as I know not everyone frequents the Painting & Modelling section. But this thread is purely for discussion around the faction, things such as (but not limited to) tactics and list building etc. You all know the drill, we've been doing it on this forum since inception! Really excited to see what we can come up with as a community and I look forward to reading all your ideas and thoughts. EDIT With New Beasts of Chaos Battletome coming out, I've renamed this topic from Brayherds and Warherds Discussion to Beasts of Chaos
  19. This thread will serve as the central hub for this sub forum, with links to all the faction specific Chaos threads I am creating for the new edition. If there is anything you would like added here, please contact me by DM. For Followers of the Great Four (Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch & Nurgle) This covers anything for Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch or Nurgle and all Mortal and Deamons for those gods. Blades of Khorne - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18221-aos2-blades-of-khorne-discussion/ Hedonites of Slaanesh - https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22408-aos-2-hedonites-of-slaanesh-discussion/ Disciples of Tzeentch - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18229-aos2-disciples-of-tzeentch-discussion/ Maggotkin of Nurgle - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18230-aos2-maggotkin-of-nurgle-discussion/ For those who are Slaves to Darkness or the Clans and Tribes of Darkoath This covers anything for Slaves to Darkness or Darkoath Slaves to Darkness / Darkoath - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18236-aos2-slaves-to-darkness-darkoath-discussion/ For those who pledge allegiance to the Supreme Grand Marshall of Chaos This covers anything for Archaon and Everchosen Archaon / Everchosen - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18958-aos-2-archaon-everchosen-discussion/ For the vast swarms that follow the Horned Rat This covers anything to do with Skaven Skaventide - https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/21522-aos-2-skaventide-discussion/ Older topics can be found below. These were created before the Battletome but may have information people are interested in Skaven / Clan Verminus - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18234-aos2-clan-verminus-skaven-discussion/ Clan Skyre - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18235-aos2-clan-skyre-discussion/ Clan Pestilens - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18237-aos2-clan-pestilens-discussion/ For the Bitter and twisted masters of murderous war engines and unyielding iron, The Legion of Azgorh This covers anything to do with the Legion of Azgorh Legion of Azgorh - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18238-aos2-legion-of-azgorh-discussion/ For the bestial and wild Beasts of Chaos This covers anything to do with the Beasts of Chaos Beasts of Chaos - https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18241-aos-2-beasts-of-chaos-discussion/
  20. Here is the new thread for discussing Legion Of Azgorh. With the imminent release of AoS 2 (and a lot of the info already being out there), now is the time for us to start afresh on TGA. Moving forward, this will be the main thread to chat about and discuss Legion Of Azgorh in the new edition. I still wholly encourage people to keep their own threads/army blogs within this sub forum and I also think those are a great place to share some photos as I know not everyone frequents the Painting & Modelling section. But this thread is purely for discussion around the faction, things such as (but not limited to) tactics and list building etc. You all know the drill, we've been doing it on this forum since inception! For newer players, I would say the older thread could still be worth perusal and whilst it is now locked for further replies, you can find it here - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/1983-legion-of-azgorh-mega-thread/ Really excited to see what we can come up with as a community and I look forward to reading all your ideas and thoughts.
  21. Here is the new thread for discussing Clan Pestilens. With the imminent release of AoS 2 (and a lot of the info already being out there), now is the time for us to start afresh on TGA. Moving forward, this will be the main thread to chat about and discuss Clan Pestilens in the new edition. I still wholly encourage people to keep their own threads/army blogs within this sub forum and I also think those are a great place to share some photos as I know not everyone frequents the Painting & Modelling section. But this thread is purely for discussion around the faction, things such as (but not limited to) tactics and list building etc. You all know the drill, we've been doing it on this forum since inception! For newer players, I would say the older thread could still be worth perusal and whilst it is now locked for further replies, you can find it here - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/1599-pestilens-thread-tactics-builds-advice/ Really excited to see what we can come up with as a community and I look forward to reading all your ideas and thoughts.
  22. Here is the new thread for discussing Slaves to Darkness / Darkoath. With the imminent release of AoS 2 (and a lot of the info already being out there), now is the time for us to start afresh on TGA. Moving forward, this will be the main thread to chat about and discuss Slaves to Darkness / Darkoath in the new edition. I still wholly encourage people to keep their own threads/army blogs within this sub forum and I also think those are a great place to share some photos as I know not everyone frequents the Painting & Modelling section. But this thread is purely for discussion around the faction, things such as (but not limited to) tactics and list building etc. You all know the drill, we've been doing it on this forum since inception! For newer players, I would say the older thread could still be worth perusal and whilst it is now locked for further replies, you can find it here - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/17720-lets-chat-the-slaves-to-darkness-dark-oath/ Really excited to see what we can come up with as a community and I look forward to reading all your ideas and thoughts.
  23. Here is the new thread for discussing Clan Skyre. With the imminent release of AoS 2 (and a lot of the info already being out there), now is the time for us to start afresh on TGA. Moving forward, this will be the main thread to chat about and discuss Clan Skyre in the new edition. I still wholly encourage people to keep their own threads/army blogs within this sub forum and I also think those are a great place to share some photos as I know not everyone frequents the Painting & Modelling section. But this thread is purely for discussion around the faction, things such as (but not limited to) tactics and list building etc. You all know the drill, we've been doing it on this forum since inception! For newer players, I would say the older thread could still be worth perusal and whilst it is now locked for further replies, you can find it here - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/11269-let´s-talk-skyre/ Really excited to see what we can come up with as a community and I look forward to reading all your ideas and thoughts.
  24. Here is the new thread for discussing Clan Verminus / Skaven. With the imminent release of AoS 2 (and a lot of the info already being out there), now is the time for us to start afresh on TGA. Moving forward, this will be the main thread to chat about and discuss Clan Verminus / Skaven in the new edition. I still wholly encourage people to keep their own threads/army blogs within this sub forum and I also think those are a great place to share some photos as I know not everyone frequents the Painting & Modelling section. But this thread is purely for discussion around the faction, things such as (but not limited to) tactics and list building etc. You all know the drill, we've been doing it on this forum since inception! For newer players, I would say the older thread could still be worth perusal and whilst it is now locked for further replies, you can find it here - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/16063-lets-chat-verminus/ Really excited to see what we can come up with as a community and I look forward to reading all your ideas and thoughts.
  25. Here is the new thread for discussing Maggotkin of Nurgle. With the imminent release of AoS 2 (and a lot of the info already being out there), now is the time for us to start afresh on TGA. Moving forward, this will be the main thread to chat about and discuss Maggotkin of Nurgle in the new edition. I still wholly encourage people to keep their own threads/army blogs within this sub forum and I also think those are a great place to share some photos as I know not everyone frequents the Painting & Modelling section. But this thread is purely for discussion around the faction, things such as (but not limited to) tactics and list building etc. You all know the drill, we've been doing it on this forum since inception! For newer players, I would say the older thread could still be worth perusal and whilst it is now locked for further replies, you can find it here - http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/9323-lets-chat-maggotkin-of-nurgle/ Really excited to see what we can come up with as a community and I look forward to reading all your ideas and thoughts.
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