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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Calling my lord aquilor done. Including some of the habits and trophy’s he picked up during his time with the famed sons of Mallus decimators. one more model and then basing. And I’m done 💪
  2. absolutely. One of the key things why I think leadbelchers are in a great spot between Ironguts and Gluttons is their rend. Just to elaborate for those who don't realise this, because of the order of re-rolls and modifiers this happens: Lets's say my rend 1 leadbelcher hits and wounds your Liberator 2 times. The stormcast player rolls a 1 and 2 for his save. Now he first does the re-rolls, meaning the 2 does NOT become a 1 at this point. So the Stormcast player only re-rolls the 1. That 2 he rolled has no chance of becoming a succesful save and the liberator is dead. Which can make such a difference in the long run. That's why I like to take one unit of 12 gluttons and one unit of 10 leadbelchers so I have the bodies on the board. But still have a bit of flexibility with their rend.
  3. Yes. You roll saves. Then you do re-rolls. Then you apply modifiers and check for unmodified roll effects. so you are supposedly to always roll. But usually you skip it if you know nothing will come of it. same goes the other. That order is always the order of things. so say for some incredible reason your gluttons with two hand weapons are -10 to hit. You still roll attacks, do your re-rolls. And then you apply modifiers and check for unmodified 6’s... and every 6 is still two hits despite being minus 10 To Hit 😁 (and don’t forget the rules of 1 in this example)
  4. Yeah that’s true. Plenty of option. didnt know about the allies turning into leaders. my main ‘worry’ is that the first match up cypher lords (just the one box) vs the idoneth turns into a non match in some way. Kinda understood the aos army warbands were a bit overpowered vs the Warcry warbands (but a second box helps in that respect.) but so far nobody has responded saying their is no way that the cypher lords can kill the eel or something. So I’m happy. And I’ll likely paint op 2 eels, 1 of each, the soulrender and 5 thralls. that way I can later let her decide on the last eel. And paint that together with a box of reavers and lothan. (Which hasn’t got rules but the pointy finger dudes rules match close enough, the shoal quad being a nice representation of the octopus going loco)
  5. Got a SC Idoneth from my girlfriend so she can play warcry with me (and as such it's her fault I will end up buying Catacombs 😂) She loves the eels and the Soulrender. So I'm thinking Morrsarr Prince 260 Soulrender 150 Ishlean Eel 200 Morrsarr Eel 195 2x Thrall 160 Total 965 Is that playable? Or just too little bodies? (she loves to dive, so no surprise she ended up like the fish elves the most ) And if so, in your opinion, should I just bite the bullet for some reavers? Or just go for more thralls, play a few games and when we get around to actually campaign play add the reavers?
  6. Yeah the pre order reviews really kill the day one surprise. Still plenty of times I enjoyed the early reviews and based a purchase on it. So can’t complain. just doesn’t work for me with such a narrative release.
  7. You better! oh that is cool. I have made some anvil character warscrolls. No conversions yet though. But a tyrant on mournfang is high on the list.
  8. As this is the only Morathi spoiler free part of the forum I’ll be going for some tga goodness here until Saturday 😂 im finishing my lord aquilor tonight! (I hope) then only the lord arcanum left and after some basing my Stormcast tale is compleet 💪
  9. That actually sounds quite good as a one of game. Orrrrr the new warhammer quest.
  10. You don't know. Malerion always wore the same suit of armour. He wasted nothing. Very earth consious. Also how much waste could shadow create? 🤔
  11. Well the only way to truly defeat Slaanesh, the God of excitement and experiences, is by stifling all joy in life through bureaucracy... so my vote’s on logister chamber.
  12. I think it's more likely to be in the Morathi book. if it happens in, that would be my guess. And about that. I'm starting to think the Slaves to Darkness part in the book must be Slaanesh affiliated. Why else the combo box in the the Daughters of Khaine. Mortal Seekers, would be a cool thing with the 3 Chariot box. And a nice link to the Deepkin that are involved.
  13. No I get that they are aware. What I doubt is the intent of selling it now and then invalidating it just to make more money while while stroking a Persian cat and mumbling ‘one billion’ dollars. look regarding this, you are a bit more cynical, I’m probably overly optimistic. But to me it looks like they want to make a cool narrative expansion. That comes with stories about different forces, so lets make those stories playable. That means narrative battleplans and while we're at it and make updated allegiance abilities, warscrolls and battalions for those factions if they need it as a hold over until a bigger update.(which to be fair, is the #1 reason for a portion of the competitive audience to buy the book) the alternative is that they would make the new rules but not publish ‘preview rules’ in these yet because some of them will be further updated down the line. But the end I think we judge the intent differently which is all guess work anyway. 😅
  14. Haha thanks. I must admit. I haven’t been this happy with a paint job in a while.
  15. Haha I literally wanted to say amazon or nile. But while thinking what was more appropriate I thought it would be mean towards the vulcano 😂
  16. only special ogors have head hair like some the maneater models but the more elite units have helmets. Such as Ironguts and Mournfang. Should be easy enough to get a hold off like @Beastmaster says. So aim for glutton and leadbelchers heads would be my advice. Also a good trick is to check the GW site as it shows a picture of every sprue. And to answer your question. No it's just the Champion as far as I can tell. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/beastclaw-raiders-mournfang-pack In the glutton box I count 9 heads for 6 bodies.
  17. The little landscape on the basing is genius! Like it is towering over a sea.
  18. I Don’t play 40k. But from the outside it looked like quite a good idea. Get everything updated before the new edition. Kinda what I expect from this series as well. 5 factions in this book. 25 factions total. Add a few more because of multiple cities etc. So 6 books would be my guess. But exploitative is too strong a word imo. As that implies some intent. And I’m still on the more Good natured but naïf nerd gw, rather than more clever en conniving than I expect GW
  19. With 32,5 euro it’s just above what I would be willing to pay. So I’ll probably cave and get them all digitally or I’ll cave and go for the warcry box. but while debating this I weirdly also became concerned with the amount t of books 😅 It shouldn’t matter. But if it’s a book a month there is no way I’m keeping up. I don’t play regularly in normal times. Let alone now. I’m starting to lose excitement because I can’t keep up anymore. Basically the same thing what happened when I went to uni. not much point to this post. Except that it was a realisation why I’m, for the first time, starting to lose my GW fanboy membership. The hype trains go by to fast for me to jump on.
  20. yeah, i'm now behind my coputer, but somewhere between your picture and my screen the yellow pink works much better now. But I find those tings so hard to judge before the surrounding pieces are painted anyway 😅
  21. Oh sweet cow in the sky. @Sinarai those colours look amazing😍 Was writing this whole elaborate C&C that I found the yellow pink contrasting a bit harshly. Then I turned if night mode and it looks nice together again 😅
  22. True. Is Nagash corruptible? the online thing is if he wins everything is in stasis. In a standstill. Which is the exact opposite of chaos. Nothing more to manipulate, to encourage or to worship them. Can ghost be corrupted by chaos?
  23. Can I just say with the amount of skulls GW sprinkles on their models pretty much everybody is Khorne 😂
  24. 25 euro’s for an exclusive, limited sculpt doesn’t seem that much to me. Could be 20. But 25 is fair as well. They can’t sell a lot of the model because of its limited run so the design cost need to be higher per sale. It’s a rarer model, so again a little more pricy. And even if you get it for play you only need one. imo it doesn’t compare to units. But you are rightThat , you can only spend the money once and if the Perry infanterist gives you more fun per dollar. Go for it 👍 but personally I have happily paid 50 euro for models like this on eBay: and he’s worth every single penny.
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