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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. Does anybody have Dankhold Troggoth warscroll? The normal one, not the boss.
  2. It is basically a wizard. Good there are some differences and same can be done for Kharadron Overlords. Don't call it a spell or pray. Let it be aether-binding. Samw goes for pulling it off. No "roll two dice and see if the result is same or greater", no "roll a dice and see if the prayer is answered". Give it "this unit can't perform any actions while it is binding aether" or "roll 10 dice. If you rolled at least 3 dice with an unmodified result of 6 the aether-binding is successful. If not you suffer 1 mortal wound. Guys, it's really that simple to be both different in terms of mechanic and lore. Each idea just needs balancing. That's it.
  3. I believe in golden mean. I would refuse to play with somebody running 27 model eel list the same way I would with somebody who wants to pretend his Arkanauts are great traders and now have ability to bribe my units with gold painted plastic coins he made up. Just want the game to be healthy, both competetively and lore-wise. If AoS gets even more magic heavy then Khorne and KO need a HEAVY buff with their analogically melee and shooting/evading skills. Things left as they are will push off these faction even more towards being "unplayable". Slaughterpriest is basically a wizard whether or not Khorne players want to admit it. And a good one at it. He only lacks they keyword "wizard". It's easy to come up with similar solution for Kharadrons with a "aether-craftsmenship" or whatever. Have one or two units have anti-magic with some aether "spells" (which are everything like spells just not called spells ;) ). The same can be done with Endless spells for them. They can be summoned differently then normal. Khorne could spend his blood tithe points to summon them (but then these points need to be generated more easily then now) and KO can have "work in progress" ability to let's say "pick a unit which now is working on Aether Spell. That unit cannot move, shoot or attack for 1 turn as it is building Aether-something". Done. A mechanic instead of normal "roll two dice and see if the result is equal or greater than." Pass it to GW Balance Team, let the do the rest. Not every army needs to be equal in terms of movement, shooting or magic but in the end all factions should be as close to equally competetive as possible. The more factions and mechanics there are, the harder to reach the goal, but GW should at least try. With gamers help even by making such a discussions as this one here.
  4. I hate this solution. 😋I didn't buy brand new shiny faction to be forced to buy old minis not matching the design of KO just to be competitive. It's really not hard to introduce new mini or two for KO to play a magic role with good lore explanation. Or rework some existing KO warscrolls to have magic or magic-like abilities. Same for Khorne.
  5. By end of January assembly all 2k points of Nighthaunt. By end of April have them all painted best I can. Then from May start doing the same with Deepkin. If I resign from playing ps4 it should be doable. Stay focused.
  6. I like absolutely every model they've shown. Outstanding. The only thing that would turn it from great to perfect would be a single new kit for Spiderfangs. Not much, just remake standard unit. Shame. But still - great release.
  7. Those dice are enough of a reason to start a Gloomspite Gitz army.
  8. 12/10. Best design of all factions. Awesome but not silly. I struggle not to buy them when they are out. Still have Kharadrons and Nighthaunt to be painted, both more than 2k points.
  9. Great news if this means new Aelves won't be recycled out of old Elves. I'd love Shadow and Light Aelves to be completely new. Brand new concept, like Idoneth Deepkin.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if it was named Godsworn. And yeah, GW would be ****** to leave StD behind especially after releasing a Battleforce for them. This clearly suggests that they want to support StD range.
  11. If Tree-Revenants are within 3" to my opponents units can they use their Waypipes ability and still charge later on that turn or is it treated as a retreat? What about using allegiance Spirit Paths in the same manner?
  12. There already has been a confirmation from a GW account that they will make some changes to warscrolls and I believe it was mentioned with bloodcrushers in the question.
  13. I hope GW understands that everyone plays gorepilgrims not becsuse it's that good but rather because other BoK are poor. Don't increase points on the batallion or slaughterpriests. Decrease the others.
  14. If they have the slightest intention to make Fyreslayers more popular it can't happen without new models. No battletome and no faction scenery will change that. Given that stormcast had 3 updates with dozens of models and 4(?) battletomes I expect at least few new models for Ironjawz and Fyreslayers each. If they don't use opportunity which is AoS 2 to update them properly with new minis and rules I doubt they ever will.
  15. What I believe Fyreslayers need to be more popular among players is more diversity in their ranks. Painting 70-or-so naked dwarfs is hard for me to imagine. Some magmadroth cavalery, fire golems, earth/fire/magma elementals, more focus on runes. Something that stands out of their current range.
  16. This is not how you build up your reputation. I mean - you can do always what's profitable and easy and it might work, like let's say Activision with their Call of Duty. But you can take the other path and create a legend around yourself of being most customer friendly fun oriented company that satisfies needs of their clients and thus selling more products, like Rockstar with their GTA and Red Dead Redemption. GW doesn't have to release 115th battletome of Stormcasts even though it will sell well. They might appeal to customers that appreciate world and story building and instead release Skaven, Free Peoples and Grots battletome that will sell to other people.
  17. I'd rather they updated old AoS era battletomes first (with new minis) , before making more beasts of chaos style. Or a ratio 2:1 would be good. People entering AoS have higher expectations of support then people who bought their minis like 10 years ago. Or at least should be. Ironjawz and Fyreslayers are AoS products. Not Skaven and High Elves. At least not yet.
  18. Does somebody know how many points per box do we receive?
  19. Huge disappointment. No Nighthaunt box means I will buy all I need seperetely and won't be waiting for nezt year's battleforce for that. Who asked for Seraphon and Slaves I wonder? Looks more like destocking to me of products that don't sell well. Only DoK box appeals to me. And c'mon - 2 space marines boxes? It's embarrassing. Really. Year to year it looks worse and worse regarding those Christmas offers.
  20. We are really short on real rumours lately. What happened? Our informers threw a hissy fit?
  21. @Nos yeah and big companies are always right. Because that's what The Company says. They were extremely right especially in the first year of AoS when most WHFB players left after their great decisions. Stormcasts constant releases are no near close to that but telling for sure that this must be great for AoS becsuse The Company says so is naive at best.
  22. I think there are enough posts in the last few pages telling "please, hold your stormcast releases GW at least for a while" worth passing to somebody who actually works there. Yeah, I know they have their sale numbers and bla bla bla but is there a good soul here that could link to somebody in GW the last few pages or has an email to their PR, idk. Please, let them hear their clients, their community.
  23. No. Let GW hear us - no more Stormcasts. Be creative, be ambitious. They've already became the last army I have interest in. New chambers will only strenghten my aversion towards them. So many armies wait for support and as many wait yet to be introduced. They have easily like 15 releases to be done before more Stormcasts - Grots, Vampires, Zombies, normal Humans, Darkoath, Slaanesh, light and dark aelves, troggoths, gargants, firmir, skeletons and support for Ironjawz, Fyreslayers, BCR, Bonesplitterz and tons more. No more Stormcasts. Otherwise they will oversteain us with Stormcasts and they are teally close to doing that. And I know many think the same as me.
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