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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. Weired. I bought a ton of high elves during AoS and they all came in red boxes.
  2. Mixed bag. My last purchase was made with a selection of models that were discontinued. Archmage and Dragon Blades are in WHFB with squares Dragon Noble and White Lion charriot came in white boxes with round bases.
  3. Yeah but think about it: If the unit dies on enemy Hero Phase = No Bonus If the unit dies on enemy shooting Phase = no bonus If you have multiple units engage = bonus only active if the enemy kills yourweakest unit, if he leaves that unit for last, no bonus. It is really really situational, unlike all other cities bonuses.
  4. Fits the theme but is terrible rulewise, unless you make a list with some really weak units to be killed "on purpose".
  5. So far it is the worse ability, considering the Phoenix temple units whole point is it resilience.
  6. Just remember to change the base on the High Warden. Also good to fill it with scenary so it wont look tinny on a huge base.
  7. Yeah i was taking a look into it and i am not sure. If it doesnt require alot of green stuff mess (i am terrible at it) i can still keep the Hydra standart assembly sisnce i always wanted an excuse to buy one.
  8. Need advice on a Hydra, since i never assembled one myself. I got a Leviadon, Stegodon, Carnossaur, Dragon and Phoenix spare heads. Do you guys think it would fit the Hydra? I dont know how they are connected on its body.
  9. Dont think so. The app also have Tomb Kings for example. Maybe they will receive legends rules?
  10. Lifted my head for the first time after the High Elf culling and dusted my Frosty & Flaming birds! I got all new and vintage elven mages (Teclis, Alarielle, Loremaster and all the archmages) and will wait the book to paint then on the Battlemages colors. Also got a really cool Sorceress i converted into Mistweaver that is gona rock with my birds. Started assembling Shadow Warriors and managed to convert 4 out of 10 into ladies. My city gives out equal oportunities on the "getting killed' departament. Sitting on a pile of High Elves heads, shields and weapons to swap and convert a lot, head full of ideas! Good to feel happy about AoS again!
  11. Most High Elf were removed. Lost Draconis, Eldritch, Swifthawk and Lion Rangers.
  12. Imo, metal box and magnets. Buy a tool box or such and glue magnets under the models base. Very little transport risk.
  13. It is nice to see the answers are actually typed by people and not a copy and paste. I asked similar questions and the answers were similar but not identical.
  14. Sent the email twice. Of course no response other than "we are sorry you feel that way". The second info is that theygot no information about the removed models possible return. Would love to have a chat with the writters about the cuts, altho i know it is pretty much impossible. In the specific case of the High Elves, if they had kept 4 of the 10 (still produced before the culling) models, the army would be really well preserved. (Would save Draconis/EC). Just that, 4 models. (Dragon, Archmage,Dragon Blades and Noble).
  15. Tittle suggestion Cities of Sigmar: Free Peoples boogaloo
  16. The only thing i am happy about this CoS fiasco is the mod trolling 🤣
  17. This. There is no GW in my country but i read about Warhammer since childhood. High Elves were iconic to me and i couldnt imagine they would be squatted.
  18. I would like to see then first. But the poses look kinda awkard to me.
  19. Losing trust is a huge chunk of the problem. I started with Spire of Dawn and with the Skaven BT i was sure all i had to do was wait to get my place in the Sun. Unfortunelly the place was too close to the Sun and all it did was burn my money 😐
  20. Yeah, the bunch of skull and spike things on dark elves makes it tricky to look "not evil". You are also correct about the Battlelines, it made really hard to make an army, while the Dark elves could make it and fit in allies from their smaller factions. It is a shame, because kits like the ones in Order Draconis look great and some other High Elves had a lot of customization options. Archmage and Dragon Noble come to mind with their tons of weapons and acessory parts. Gw could have kept: Order Draconis, and Archmage kit. The Dragon had 3 warscrolls, the archmage could have 2 (the on foot receiving the Loremaster spell) ,Dragon Noble with 2 diferent profiles and The Blades to keep the aestetics and the gameplay style of alpha strike. The rest of the High Elves like Loremaster, White lions, Charriot, Swordmasters, Anointed in finecast, reavers, High Warden and Skycutter going the way of the Dodo. That would removed 6 kits that were in production and the 4 i suggested would allow the whole line to be playable. Using the High elves as Dark ones proxy leaves a lot of gaps. The sorceress have no customization (archmage had tons), the Serpentis lacks the Noble equivalent and the Dragonlords Horn and no Loremaster. Of course the warscrolls can change a lot and reduce the gap, and we got no idea of GW future plans so...
  21. While i see the wisdow in your words, i think the wound will only start to heal when the book comes out. I belive if it had been released the flames would have be lower by now.
  22. There arent pics of the models, just pictures of the cards on the new WHU
  23. I really hope it is a cool book. Destruction deserves it.
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