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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. Here in Japan prices are crazy. I did a little comparison. In order to buy a Mega Gargant direct in London a MacDonalds worker should work for 15.3 hours. In New York it is 18.7 hours and in Tokyo it is a whopping 29.4 hours. That's a pretty crazy difference and as inflation is very low in Japan it's only going to get worse. As much as the regular price increases are an issue it is the vast differences in prices around the world that is the real problem.
  2. A Gardus model would be awesome. It certainly looks stormcasty.
  3. The one holding onto a pillar is probably some kind of vampire thrall. We can see two of them in the reveal video including one that exactly mirrors the pose of the silhouette. The other one could be a cursed city model though it does look rather big. My money is on it being from the new army. The last two are definitely the priestess from the art and the main antagonist; the wolf.
  4. I know everyone is hot for the vampires but the silhouette of that bonereaper is awesome. This is looking to be the best season of underworlds yet. I want every warband.
  5. Regarding aos3 one thing that hasn't been talked about is gw's internal production schedule. Most books are completed about a year ahead of release. That means that the studio would have been aiming to do key writing work on AoS3 right in the middle of the first lockdown. That must have impacted their schedule. Miniatures are sculpted 2 years ahead so next year's minis will be impacted by the lockdown as well. At this point I will be very surprised if AoS 3 is not delayed.
  6. Another awesome mini. That's six hits out of six so far. Cursed city is looking better and better.
  7. It will be very interesting to see how this compares with the Warhammer weekly one.
  8. The AoS logo changed with the Nurgle book in January before AoS2. That's what I was referring to.
  9. I am still convinced we won't see AoS 3 this summer. We haven't had so much as a sniff of official news of a new edition. There have been no logo changes or anything. Gw is still suffering severe delays to their product. We lost about three months last year and the big 40k releases got moved up schedule which has resulted in a 4 month delay to AoS releases. This year we have lost another 4 weeks due to the biweekly release format. When the broken realms series was first previewed it was explicitly stated that all factions would be involved. After book 2, which we still don't have a date for, we won't even be half done. I expect 4 books at a minimum and probably even 5. With Slaanesh, DoK and Lumineth the first half of the year has a pretty firm AoS bias and that's not counting underworlds and cursed city. I think the big summer release this year will be for 40k, possibly the big Ork revamp that has been hinted at. I could see a winter release but it makes more sense to wait til next summer. If they have 5 broken realms books and release one a quarter that would bring us perfectly to a release of AoS 3 next summer. As for this week's preorder, the size isn't unprecedented. The stormcast and nighthaunt battletomes launched simultaneously alongside 7 boxed sets and all the accessories. The Sylvaneth and Ironjawz both got all their releases in a single week when they first came out.
  10. That's 5/5 great sculpts from cursed city so far. I Can't wait to see what else they show. The new Skeletons look like the would blend quite well with the sepulchral guard. I do hope though that they have a good variety of undead units. Some people weren't fans but I loved that in silver tower we got so many different enemy types. I wasn't impressed by the decision to include 14 guardsmen in Blackstone fortress. I hope we get no more than 10 Skeletons and 10 zombies plus a good variety of weird undead creatures. I am very happy that this is going to be a weekly thing. I wonder when we will see the final release. April?
  11. In case anyone was in any doubt, this is absolutely a specialist games project. Andy Hoare is the head of that team and also the lead on the old world project. We can probably expect a release schedule similar the Horus heresy game.
  12. I definitely agree that the double turn is fundamental to AoS. That doesn't mean there isn't flexibility within that structure. Making shooting alternating activation would be one possibility. Another idea that is more out there is giving the player a selection of reaction points to use when it's not their turn. So they could move a unit or cast a spell or shoot in the other players turn, with the caveat that they then won't be able to do that thing in their own turn. That might be overly complex but it would preserve the spirit of AoS while giving players a lot to think about while they are waiting to go. Personally though I would like to see a 2022 release. Give people a solid chunk of time to play with the broken realms books. Introduce updates for slyvaneth, BoC and nighthaunt ( make their core ability that the negate immune to battleshock) including updated warscrolls like we saw for idk. Do a proper points balance in the summer and give people time to enjoy playing the game as it is.
  13. I don't see any rule that says the wizard can't access the spell lore. It is just a slaves to darkness wizard after all. Given that a wizard plus a bodyguard of three extra models for 35 points isn't bad. Also as said above you could use this warband to make a sorcerer lord an exalted hero and even an alternative slambo.
  14. I don't feel cheated by this at all. The lumineth book felt totally like half a book. If anything I was disappointed then. They even hinted in the lore of the book at the new units that are coming out including including a spirit that resembled a fox I bought the battletome at launch but didn't buy any of the units because I was waiting to see what the rest of the army would look like. I'm actually presently surprised to see the other units come out so soon. When it comes to age of sigmar books I don't just buy them for the rules, in fact my favorite part is the lore and the art. So to get a second book with a hopefully strong narrative, more brand new art and a deepening of the law of The Lumineth is great. The DoK situation is a bit more complicated. For those who don't particularly care about the law I'm sure they would have preferred to just buy the new battletome if it contains all the same rules that were in broken realms one. That said, Morathi was a great book for its story alone; that's why I bought it. The whole situation is much better than it used to be. It was only about 6 years ago that you found out what was coming the day the preorder came out. Now we have a pretty good idea of what the next several months of releases are though I would love to see a road map for AoS in the style of the underworlds one.
  15. I am disappointed by the lack of points changes. They could have compromised and agreed to change the 4 or 5 things we ALL agree are wrong like Kroak. There is one thing that could be considered a bit of a positive though. Gw has turned a blind eye towards TTS . A more litigious company like nintendo or Disney would probably have gone after them and forced them to remove gw content. That probably means that gw has to pretend that data doesn’t exist. From an official gw perpesctive there hasn’t been a UK or US AOS tournament since last February.
  16. So with the dual build hero, new cavalry, new cloud riding wizards and a new spirit at least the Lumineth update is looking pretty big. With a whole new death battletome, broken realms 2 a new death warband for underworlds and possibly Warhammer Quest this is looking like a very heavy focus on AoS for the next preview. I have a feeling that this is due to the delays. I think Slaanesh and the Lumineth update where originally scheduled for last year with the soulblight being the big kick off for 2021, but since they sensibly decided to make sure the got new 40k out a soon as possible it has created a bit of a log jam of AoS releases.
  17. Aesthetic tastes are So subjective arguing about it becomes kind of meaningless. Gw sculpting has evolved to the point that it is very rare for them to do an objectively bad model. The space wolf wulfen was probably the last release that falls into that category. Nowadays it is just a matter of whether the aesthetic appeals to you or not. One of the things I love about AoS is how they really push the boat out in terms of creativity. There are people who will hate the battle kangaroos and others for whom it will be the best thing ever. Neither group is wrong. I absolutely despise everything Nurgle but my own sister recently finished painting a GUO and loves it. As for this forum loving everything thats just categorically untrue. There are six threads on this page with an overtly critical premise. I just think that a large proportion of the the people who are big enough fans of AoS to join this forum are down for the wackiness that gw is coming out with these days, while more people on dakka and the like prefer the traditional Warhammer aesthetic. To get back on track with rumours, the little snippet about heroes to face the undead has got me excited that we might actually get a new Warhammer Quest reveal. It was silver tower more than anything else that really kicked off my interest in AoS and the minis in that box were spectacular. A new version with actual expansions and regular white dwarf updates like Blackstone fortress got would be amazing.
  18. It's a strong possibility that there won't be an announcement of a new death battletome at this preview but that doesn't mean it's not coming. Silver tower served as an introduction to many of the new tzeentch models. I wouldn't be surprised if a new Warhammer Quest served as an introduction to a new death faction.
  19. Yup. That all but confirms will see more Lumineth.
  20. That ? will either be Warhammer Quest or something totally out of left field. A new death themed Warhammer Quest with solo play would be ideal for these times as it would also work well online. The underworlds preview will be the Vampire warband so the show will be worth it just for that. Exciting times.
  21. The battle cattle is my favourite part of the Lumineth army. I was disappointed that so few kits were in the original release so I didn't start the army. But now with a least one more temple and hopefully another spirit on the way soon I am interested again.
  22. Over on dakka there's a bunch of people complaining that AOS got all the good reveals at Christmas and New year while 40k got nothing but minis they have already shown.
  23. I’ve surprised myself by how uninterested I am in this project. I was a big fan of warhammer fantasy back in the day. I started playing from 3rd edition. I had 3 full army and about 1000 points or so of another 7 or 8 armies. I bought dozens of army books over the years and devoured the lore. Now I don’t care. AoS is in a much better place as a game than the old game ever was. The lore is fresh and exciting while old world got rather stale over time. The army books from 6th to 8th edition were largely identical in terms of lore. The mechanics were fine but never massively exciting and balance was much worse than AoS at its worst. Maybe my feelings will all change when we see the minis, but the fact that a lot of them will be resin really puts me off. I dont begrude this game existing. By the time it comes out we will be probably be in the third edition of AoS and I will continue to enjoy that.
  24. The fellbat could easily be part of the underworlds warband we know is coming. The much hyped Vampire release might just be 4 models.
  25. Why are you so convinced there will be a Christmas reveal. Did I miss an announcement?
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