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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Anyone here use Hobbit goblins as ghouls? As an opponent would you be cool with it? https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Goblin-Warriors-2018
  2. Whispers on the rumor winds of the past suggested a release comparable to the size of wave one. As a customer and fan, I'd be more than disappointed if some of these above ideas are all that happen.... Ironjawz really deserve and need more than just another set of endless spells that sit on a shelf, a few new spells to which players only use one, and a terrain piece. Im hoping for several waaagh totems / banners that increase bravery, movement, some kind of debuff. Its hinted and stated time and time again that Ironjawz are actually pretty cunning and not just "hulk smash" so im hoping GW follow this course of design suggestion into wave 2 of da Jawz with new units that open up more tactical depth.
  3. I was planning to do this as well at some point. You're off to a great start!👍
  4. Ok, I've got a question for all the other Megabosses out there. I'd like to ally in some Dankhold Troggs and would appreciate some insight and opinions on the pros and cons of doing so. Now I do realize this is not the most optimized of ideas but humor me if you would on tactics, best utilization, and what a good way to synergize this unit along side what we currently have access to. Or is this just a bad tactical idea all together?
  5. @swiftmus Good ideas. I plan on making a single Loonboss on Giant squig and a squig gobbla from the mangler kit.
  6. I really want to try 3 x Dank Troggs as well. Or even double that!! ðŸĪŠ Id love to be able to use just the Boggleye and Shroomancer for their swest spells with these guys but sadly you can not.
  7. Prime and paint just the inside mouth then assemble. 😉
  8. 18 damage is just as unlikely as 3 damage. Not out of this world hard to roll 3 6s. 😉
  9. Does the regular Dank Trogg get the grip ability as well?
  10. So I was interested in others thoughts about a conversion pertaining to the Loonboss with and on a giant cave squig. I was considering picking up Mangler set and splitting it up to make these two models. I think you could get them onto the current base sizes for these two. The only thing is they may be a bit too large vertically.... or as long as they fit the current base sizing do you think it would be ok for say tournament play?
  11. @Malakree Can Ironjawz even ally in Gloomspite?
  12. @Crispen Those are looking good. 👍
  13. Whys that? I Haven't seen the new warscrolls yet...
  14. How would everyone feel about Gitmob becoming Iron Gits or something and being added to Ironjawz for a new take on Orcs & Goblins.?
  15. That was a whisper on here recently of them getting their own treatment with a Hawaiian/tropical theme. So pretty much a whole new faction based on that models design.... Just a whisper though....
  16. I like the most recent daemonettes and dont even play chaos. I think their static posing detracts from the designs though is all. A lot of orruks/orks sculpts suffer this. For such a savage and aggressive race they sure do just stand there a lot. 😄
  17. @Neck-Romantic Yeah, i agree with all the Dreadblade as an elite wound counter unit. Its been stated here plenty and I wish they would have took that route with them. Its pretty obvious they are not what they were ment to be, whatever that was.
  18. I still believe a well done terrain piece(s) could really do us some good. Im just not totally sure what those stats, buffs, debuffs, etc should be. Id love to hear from more experienced KoS out there on this. Also I had a cool wishlist thought, change our Vault of Souls spell to a summoning instead of damaging spell. This would help out a bit.... Might actually see it on a table too!!😄
  19. Greenskins will be updated with 6 new chariot kits.... ???
  20. Chiming in with a vote for: changing the foot KoS +1 to hit from a command to an aura. Didnt it use to be that?... O_o
  21. @Spears Fantastic work! You got a blog or anything?
  22. Uodate: same here. I got mine off of Ebay, dirt cheap so I'm ok with it. Interesting to see how this plays out...
  23. I recieved my last night but im at work. If any one else doesnt beat me to it ill inform you tonight. Im think there's 3 though....
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