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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. @Koradrel of Chrace There's a clan of Ironjawz known as "The Skybashas" that are mentioned here and there throughout the books. I think they use stolen Kharadron ships and tech.
  2. Far fetched speculation time... What if the narrative plays out in a way that severely cripples the Eternals to such a severe extent that they become very few in numbers. Something like Sigmar is not able to make any more. This would allow more of a focus on regular mortals to take the spotlight for awhile and give them more OF a reason for focus. If I recall in the narrative, the opposition has indeed even completely killed an Eternal before. So if they were not able to make more this would give them an even more heavenly elite feel and humanize them with a sense of dread. Also as an Orruk fan, part of me doesnt want them as a first army of 3rd. Gdubs track record of early edition armies isnt all that great. If 3rd is indeed kicking off with the massive waaagh of mixed destro then make the starter reflect that with representation from all current armies. Rub a dub dub...
  3. Really cool stuff!!!!!😍 @jeanfluflu I'd be interested to se a combo of the two, the mammalian of the first coupled with the silhouette of the second, like a pitbull on steroids. Are you going to add plates and straps? The mouths on the gruntas are a huge no no for me as well. I dig the rest of their design minus the little horns though. Looking forward to more. Do you have a gallery or anything anywhere? Damn, I have got to get a printer!!
  4. Hey peeps, I'm looking to get some answers in regards to shootas. Now I know the general consensus is stabbas with hand weapons are the best with spears coming up next BUT I'm looking to hear about how shootas have been used effectively. I'm planning a heavy conversion project and haven't decided what to build my grots as. I really do like the idea of shoota grots backing up troggs with -1 to hit and some plink damage. Seems like they'd just get ignored, apply a debuff, and cause a few wounds here and there. Thanks in advance.
  5. I see this a lot and not to pick on just you, @Fyrenn but aren't BoC THE original children of chaos? Like the very basic core of chaos energy is what makes them? So removing them would completely retcon their whole idea and lore?... I can see where they would fit aesthetically but wouldn't this just be goat orruks and grots? @Overread explains it well a few posts up as to why this doesnt wok. Keep your filthy goats and goat aelves out of destro!!😅😜
  6. Perhaps a "Kurnothi speculation" thread is in order... It's getting kinda crowded up in this thread. 😉
  7. @SeanMaguire1991 Ive heard many times that LotR has a pretty phenomenal rule set. Has anyone ever tried to apply it to AoS as an experiment? I'd be very interested to hear how it worked out.
  8. I have minimal experience with other miniature tabletop games. Are most you go, I go rules without a potential double turn mechanic?
  9. @Chikout I think that rumor pic does indeed belong to a fell bat. To me it looks like it's this one on the left. if you swiveled the model around, the anatomy matches up and looks like it would align to where its foot is on the ruins. I very well could be wrong though. @novakai To me the top rumor pic with the hand and sword gives off serious Flesheater vibes. The other I have no idea.
  10. @Gothmaug I dont believe they are. The CC ones are easy to build. They other have more options, a little less flowing robe, and what looks like a different champion. This Is my guess on the new skellies • Box of 10-20. Hoping 20 • spear or sword option •2 champion weapon options. One appears to be a mace and the other a halberd. •banner carrier bits •probably enough heads for full armored or just skull. That's my guess.
  11. @Captain Badruk This seems to be a popular theory. •I can't see Gdubs getting too much more $$ from that existing Mortarch kit. •Its in a start collecting that's soon to be removed, I'd wager. •Mortarchs are pretty important characters so going forward it would seem better for those three to get their own sculpts. •In fitting with the OBR lore, I could see him being fused with his mount Razarak into the same bone construct body.
  12. I'm curious as to the contents of the new skeleton kit on a few things. The first being weapon options. We know they'll have spears or swords but as you can see in these pics, there is either going to be two more options, mace and halberd, or these are champion option. I'm leaning towards champion options. I'm also hoping for a box of 20 like Mortek but think it'll be 10s. And to top it off, complete helmet or unhelmeted options. Sound about right?
  13. This is a pretty safe guess. From a business standpoint I cant see that Mortach kit bringing in too much more $$ for Gdubs. It's in a SC that's soon to be non existant with the replacement of the skeleton kit as is. Also with Gravelords on the horizon I'd love a new and different take of a Neferata model.
  14. Been a min on this one but this just came to mind while thinking about the new Gravelords. I'd like spirit hosts to become universal battleline choice across all death armies. Maybe even with a rule of "only one unit" counts towards that. Thematically this would be awesome! They're already sprinkled across other factions model ranges as well.
  15. Couple of things, first, I think that new Nighthaunt will be in an expansion to Cursed city. It'll probably have some chainrasps and glaivewraths to help get rid of some of those models. Second, what if those blurry fellas in the the back are Ogor Deathrattle skellies? That would be cool!! We'll see.
  16. What if they're not stormcast and actually new humans like the two from cursed city. I could see where someone catching a glimpse could be mistaken. 😉
  17. I really like the lore and idea behind the Ossiarch. The idea of this ancient elite force of bone constructs hidden away and created by the god of death to serve him unconditionally. It was the model design that killed it for me. 95% of the line just comes off as too cartoonish and does not feel intimidating, dreadful, or elite at all, just... goofy. Now that new fella from the new Underworlds warband... damn... just, damn! If THIS had been the design direction I'd of been all over them. This guy OOZES all of those earlier stated attributes for me. I feel like Gdubs really missed the mark to make a truly unique death army. If these had been the basic infantry, these 10' foot tall, several soul filled, bone construct, executioners of the god of death, they would have stood out as truly different and elite. Instead we get just a goofier version of basic skellies with some better rules. Just this guys opinion.
  18. I still think that the new starter will have more updated sculpts than new models on the Stormcast side. It's a great opportunity to update the warrior chamber (Liberators, Judicators) to include woman Stormies. Sprinkle this with a few new tools and I think this is what we'll see. Part of me hopes that the destro side is NOT Orruks as the track record of starter armies is not so great in AoS and more of a mixed destro faction. This would also be a great opportunity to update some sculpts.
  19. @Loyal Son of Khemri Here, have these. 😅🤣😄😃
  20. This could be nothing but the horns in the background seem similar to those of the creature in the teaser.
  21. Keep yo filthy goats out of destro!!! 👊 😜
  22. This. Also, No one finds it weird that Nagash sent reapers to get a tithe from silent people but they are "gone".... My bets on them or something BoC, Ogroid related still.
  23. I think this as well. My bets on Silent People.
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