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Everything posted by eekamouse

  1. Awesome cover. They also mentioned it's coming out Q3. I expected Q4, so this is a nice surprise.
  2. Awesome! Seems to be working well. You can even use the "no hero" variant without it barking at you.
  3. Warcry is Killteam/Mordheim... ? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/08/8th-feb-lvo-studio-preview-2019-revealed-new-chaos-space-marines-sisters-of-battle-and-moregw-homepage-post-1/
  4. Spectral Host is going to make even Flayers viable. Also... lol @ flying ghouls.
  5. Is the system going to be more of a Fantasy (percentile-based) system, or something completely new?
  6. This is the list I'm going to try. I still need to pick up Arkhan. Was going to get him anyway to throw into a Sacrament/Nighthaunt army. I could drop the ghoul count down to 10 each... but that leaves them susceptible to being shot off the board. But if you take them down to groups of 10, that's 300 points to play with. LEADERS Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400) Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400) Crypt Ghast Courtier (80) Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320) UNITS 20 x Crypt Ghouls (200) 20 x Crypt Ghouls (200) 20 x Crypt Ghouls (200) BATTALIONS Ghoul Patrol (180) TOTAL: 1980/2000
  7. This is the list I've got. Arkhan is too good to pass up. I don't like the 10x Ghouls to start out. That can be quickly erased imo. LEADERS Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400) Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400) Crypt Ghast Courtier (80) Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320) UNITS 20 x Crypt Ghouls (200) 20 x Crypt Ghouls (200) 20 x Crypt Ghouls (200) BATTALIONS Ghoul Patrol (180) TOTAL: 1980/2000
  8. Does anyone know what list took the Socal Open? Apparently FEC placed at the top....
  9. Forgot about those. Was hoping to convert my Destruction Ogors and double-dip them into a Beast faction.
  10. What's the outside shot for Chaos Ogors to be a thing in the new book?
  11. Thoughts on this list? Thinking to add more of the artillery, but running the Execution Herd seems so tempting since you can switch targets after you dispatch the initial unit. I could drop Draz but he seems like amazing bait. Does my opponent attack the Herd? Do they attack Draz? I feel like that’s a good dilemma. Maybe drop the artillery all together for some Endless Spells and keep the Smith and Draz to drop spells?
  12. Where are you seeing this? I just checked and they are still 50.
  13. I sent an email to aosfaq@gwplc.com asking them to fix it.
  14. Ya man. I think I'm going to just "suggest" to my opponent that they're actually on 50s and "suggest" they try a different measuring device....
  15. Why are the Gutbusters all on 50mm bases? That's huge! Wrathmongers are on 40mm round now and were also on 40mm squares (same as the Ogors, Leadbelchers, etc...) Few months ago literally bought a bunch of 40mm to rebase them round.
  16. I'd throw in for a Patreon or other subscription. This is honestly my favorite miniature-related hub on the internet.
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