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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Thanks this is really helpfull. I will be aiming to get some more bodies (ghosts?) on the table. I think i'll run the Spirit Hosts 6x/3x and add another unit. Dont want my army to look like only spirit hosts for now :P. I'll be playing these models for fun until i get some more models. I'm having a blast painting these characters. I also have another question. Does GW plan on ever releasing the Guardian of Souls and Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed models? Any other limited models out there?
  2. My wife got me a black coach for my bday and i'm wondering what to do with it in 1000 point games. I dont own many Nighthaunt models yet but i could run something like this. I also own the Spirit Torment + Chainghasts and an Executioner. LEADERS Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief(200) Reikenor the Grimhailer (160) UNITS 3 x Spirit Hosts (120) 3 x Spirit Hosts (120) 3 x Spirit Hosts (120) BEHEMOTHS Black Coach (220) TOTAL: 940/1000 WOUNDS: 53 How would u run a Black Coach? Would this be any good? Thanks!
  3. Could i also use the Poison Wind Mortar as a second Warpfire Thrower? That would free up some more points and a Leader slot.
  4. If i put this in Warscroll Builder it centainly looks like a legal list to me. LEADERS Clawlord (100) - General Warlock Engineer (110) Warlock Bombardier (120) Master Moulder (100) UNITS 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 2 x Rat Ogors (90) TOTAL: 830/1000 WOUNDS: 71 What fluffy/different units could i buy to make this a fun small army for the leftover 170 points?
  5. Hi, I recently got hold of the skaven sprues from the old isle of blood set and i've got some questions about them. Does anyone know what units i got? I havent received anything besides the models and i dont know anything about Skaven to be honest. Are these units are still playable in AoS? How many points would this get me at the moment? Would be awesome to display some skaven next to my older orks and goblins models. Thanks!
  6. Im going to start with the underworlds vampires and maybe the start collecting skeleton horde. I just like them as vampire lords for now and i"ll make me some hexwraiths out of the skeleton horde and magnetize the mortarchs and keep the skeletons. I also plan to buy the new bats when they get released.
  7. Sorry i wasnt clear but i meant the Spirit Hosts on the Mortarch models. I wanted to say that they could have put most older models everywhere with a different story because they were not designed for the armies they are included in now. The hexwraiths are also a good example. They are old units and gw made them fit somewhere. They could just as wel have been put in Gravelords with a different story. Same with the Black Coach. Edit: It just made me wonder what they are going to do with Spirit Hosts.
  8. I thing the old fantasy centrepieces just need to be somewhere and the mortis engine is in a weird spot at the moment, just like the Mortarch models. They (the mortarchs) have Spirit Hosts on half the model but isnt Nighthaunt playable for some reason. This makes me wonder if Spirit Hosts will be included in the Gravelords book. I wouldnt mind some more haunted objects like the Black Coach in Nighthaunt though.
  9. I like this kind of thing a lot. What i care about more is that i can use all of the models i like in friendly games and dont care about all the themed lists. If i want to run skellies with vampires and rats/bats/cats i want to be able to do that, even if its not winning any tournaments or doesnt make any sense fluffwise. I also like running squigs with a scuttleboss and fellwater throggoths, i even ally in some orruk morboys if i feel like it. I just want to be able to do all the things and have fun.
  10. They should make a black cat hq model. Could even throw in a witch vampire.
  11. I noticed the same thing. Although it would make it feel like she is moving sideways XD.
  12. I think i'll just buy the Warband and wait for more info for a while. With all the new models being revealed last weekend i dont really know whats happening. Seems a bit like they are going back to the old vampire counts style army.
  13. Thanks, i missed this somehow XD. Also Grom the Paunch should get a spiritual successor in some way.
  14. Gloomspite Gitz - I really want something like the old doom diver and pump wagon to get some GG sauce. I need more goblins doing fun useless stuff like that. Also my whfb spider riding army really needs some love as well. Bonesplitters - I think they can use an image other than boar riding orruks or blobs of samey looking batteline units. Maybe use some kind monster versions of elephants, gorillas, hippos or giant tigers. Since i guess Ironjaws will get the wyverns. Soulblight Gravelords - Was hoping for new vampires for a while but i guess thats already happening. Humans - I always liked the whfb human armies - i hope they get some kind of release. Dont like sigmarines at all. I kind of want my bonesplitters to be reunited with my spider riders but i guess thats never happening again XD.
  15. I dont own any book besides Nighthaunt yet so i picked one that could make a legal list with these models (blood seemed appropriate XD). I also dont know how to make the vampires look good in any list. I could just play a NH list with allies but i kind of want to do it the other way around to make it feel different enough. It doesnt have to be a competitive list but i dont want to get stomped easily by having no synergies at all.
  16. Tbh i am not invested in the AoS lore at all. When they killed off the old world i kind of stopped caring (yeey for getting it back). I dont get a sense of massive battles taking place to defend the last stronghold of a race. Although they produce beautifully detailed models i still prefer most of the old armies over the new ones. I think the Lumineth are an upgrade of the old high elves. But so many of the old armies feel really outdated now and it makes a collector of those armies feel bad for not getting anything at all. Especially when other armies get second or third wave of models. It is really hard to stay happy with playing an army thats put on the side lines for to long, also for the fluff. Everyone wants a new shiny toy once in a while. Ofcourse the old world also had its flaws but i prefer it over AoS. I get why they are doing things this way now. It is really easy (maybe a but to easy) to add new stories into a setting like this. But it feels a bit to much like 40k for me. Like it is an universe with different planets etc. I do think the setting fits Warcry a lot.
  17. My greenskins dont mind bashing some other greenskin face. I dont think any 2 armies are the same so i dont really care about that. Maybe i'll ask if the characters could be different for fluff sake in a friendly game. I do appreciate people that make their army look a bit different.
  18. Are there any rumours at this point of Nighthaunt models being seperated from LoN when the Soulblight Gravelords hit the stage? If the transition takes forever to completely take shape like they did with the Orks and Goblins army i dont really mind buying a few models tbh. What would a nice 1000p LoB list look like with the models i own + some vampire lords? What models should i add? Something like this? I could add Olynder or Reiknor by removing a Vampire Lord and the Chainghasts. Allegiance: Legion of Blood LEADERS Vampire Lord (140) - General Vampire Lord (140) Vampire Lord (140) Spirit Torment (120) UNITS 5 x Dire Wolves (70) - Battleline 5 x Dire Wolves (70) - Battleline 6 x Spirit Hosts (240) 2 x Chainghasts (70) - Allies TOTAL: 990/1000 WOUNDS: 62 L
  19. I like armored vampires with all the bats, wolves and monsters. After seeing all the lumineth beasts they came up with they can easily make something scary to go along with vampires.
  20. Hi all, I love the new Crimson Court models announced for underworlds so i have to buy them asap. I am wondering how i could run these models preparing for a potential new vampire army release/ new model wave. I really dont know much about Death factions as i mostly play Destruction. The only Death models i own are a small Spirit Host themed Nighthaunt army including. Lady Olynder Reiknor Lord Executioner Spirit torment + Chainghasts 9x Spirit Hosts This comes close to a 1000 points. I also own 10 Fenrisian Wolves i could run as Dire Wolves. Now i think i can do 2 things at this point. 1. I could include the vampire models into a new 1000p list combined with the models i already own while waiting for more info on newer releases. 2. Add the vampire models to this list to make a 2000p army (and possibly change factions). I do like vargheists/dire wolves/bats/more vampires. I would like to dodge zombies and skeletons to keep a more Spirit/Monster theme. I am thinking about getting Mannfred/ Neferata to add to the theme, but this doesnt have any priority. Does anyone have a clue on how to proceed? Any tips/tricks/information are more than welcome.
  21. I like the models a lot. I just use the mages as basic shamans or use them for warcry. My most disappointing unit are the spider riders. They cost quite a lot and they always die fast or lose to other cav. The models also look a bit dated next to the newer Gitz and the bigger spiders.
  22. I did buy the destruction battletome. It has loads fighter profiles i could use ^^. Also thinking of getting the death battletome soon. I am still waiting to get some warcry terrain. I really like the mausoleum one but it seems to be out of production .
  23. Im short on terrain so i think i will pick a terrain set anyway and add the terrain i already have to change it up a bit. Will i also need card decks to set up the game? I only played this once at a friend. I dont really know if the cards are needed for deployment or missions.
  24. Hi all, I have loads of destruction aos models i can use for warcry and i'll get a rule book from a friend who has 2. I dont really want to buy a base set as i already own enough warbands to get started. Will a ravaged lands terrain set be enough to keep the costs down or will i be missing some essential components? Also is there any news about upcomming terrain sets?
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