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Everything posted by LordRhulak

  1. Thank you for your replies. I really like the ellegance and sleekness that the flying stands give the eels, so I think I'll opt for magnatizing. Do you have and tips? I haven't actually magnatized anything before... Also, what size are you using?
  2. Hello How are people managing to glue the flying stands on the eels? Do you have any tips? I've only done three but it took a ridiculous amount of time!
  3. I forgot about that so thank you! What artefact would you recommend?
  4. Thanks. I know I'm goign to field lots of sharks, so I think I'll make Ishlaen Guard. On another note, can anyone suggest a 1300 point list? I'll be playing along side a Skaven Pestilens army. I was thinking something like this: I'm taking born from agony to help against mortal wounds.
  5. Hi, I'm starting an idoneth army, and I have 6 eels. i was wondering what the best combination of ishlaen to morsarr would be? Thanks
  6. Hi. I have a question regarding the Fuethan ability ‘Fiercest of creatures’. It says that you can re-roll wound rolls of one for mounts, but there isn’t a mount section in the description on any of the warscrolls. I was assuming that the warscrolls were old so it didn’t have the mount section, but now with the Leviadon and Allopexes, I’m not sure. So what can we re-roll? Thanks
  7. @Grim Beasties I’m not so sure... I rest my case.
  8. Thanks! I think I like the first list more. As you said, bigger range for +1 attacks from the warthmongers and more punch. I have a couple of questions. Do you think that the command trait outweighs the negatives of having no slaughter host? Also, when mortal wounds are applied, do you get to roll the Chaos Warriors Runeshield and then the Warshrine 6+ aura or can you only do one?
  9. As I read it, that would be the case. It doesn’t say anything about once per battle and it doesn’t specify a particular movement phase. Hope this helps.
  10. Thanks! I think I might go for an easier list to play. I was thinking maybe Vostarg? I found this list on the honest wargamer website. What does everyone think? I think it looks really fun to play but screening might be a problem with no fight first.
  11. Yeah, he’d be quite a good hero to have. What do you think I should swap him for though? Also, what do you use for screening? It seems like the bloodreavers fall short and it would be a shame to waste the damage output of the Marauders on screening.
  12. Hi, So another guy has joined our gaming group and he is going to play Tzeentch. (Guess where this is going) So of course, I’m worried about the shooting. Would the tactics vs this list be roughly the same as vs Skaven? (Ie units that dont need heroes to function well. Thanks Salyx) Roark’s list looks really good so I’ll try it as soon as possible. Should help a lot against that stupid, cowardly shooting...
  13. Looking good so far! I’m excited to see the finished result!
  14. Hearing that, I think I might try a list more friendly for beginners first! Are there any other lodges that Auric Hearthguard would be better in? (I love the models too much 😅) Would this work as a list? Allegiance: Fyreslayers - Lodge: Lofnir LEADERS Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (270) - General - Command Trait: Explosive Charge - Artefact: Igneous Battle-throne - Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart Ancient Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth (250) - Runic Iron - Artefact: Ash-cloud Rune - Magmadroth Trait: Ash-horn Ancient Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (230) - Ancestral War-axe - Artefact: Obsidian Glowhelm - Magmadroth Trait: Flame-scale Youngblood UNITS 10 x Auric Hearthguard (240) 5 x Auric Hearthguard (120) 5 x Auric Hearthguard (120) 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (140) - War-Picks & Slingshields 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (140) - War-Picks & Slingshields 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (140) - Handaxes & Slingshields BATTALIONS Forge Brethren (160) Warrior Kinband (140) Runic Fyrewall (40) I tried to get low drops using the battalions and I felt that I had to include a screen, hence the Vulkites.
  15. Gorebeast Chariots fill a rather specific role, one which I think we could do better with the units in the Khorne book. I think Chaos Chariots would be a better option thanks to the extra speed. That being said, Gorebeast Chariots do have the advantage of doing mortal wounds per model not units, so you can gather them into a big unit and pile buffs on them that way. For casual play, they are a really fun choice, but if your looking for an ultra-competitive list, then there are other, better options
  16. Thanks! That’s great to hear. I’ve decided to try and avoid Hearthguard Berserkers. I was thinking running Lonfir lodge with lots of deep striking Auric Hearthguard. Would that work?
  17. Ok, thanks. Bit of a shame to see it doesn’t let you re-roll twice but its good it still has some use. On another note, does anyone think the Broken Realms Slaves to Darkness content will have anything for Khorne?
  18. For the Flayed command trait in Wrath of the Everchosen, it says you can re-roll prayer rolls of one for priest wholly within 8” of the general. Is this in addition to the re-roll from the skull altar, and if not, what’s the point of the command trait when we have the re-roll? Thanks
  19. Thanks for your help. Although I don’t run daemons much right now, I am looking to in the future so this is really helpful for when I come up against the Flesh Eaters.
  20. Hi, I’m considering starting Fyreslayers but from what I’ve read, they seem quite boring to paint and play with all of the models looking the same and such small unit options. Is this true? If it is, is there any chance of new models that might make the faction a bit more diverse?
  21. Ah, thank you. That is a really useful combination there! Now to get out and smash some filthy rat-men! (in a few months of course)
  22. Thank you so much for your amazing response! I’ll double up on Wrathmongers and get Skarr Bloodwrath then. I also think a Skullgrinder might be in order for the Bloodforged. Wrathmongers attacking twice on death sound rather nice! The idea of using Mighty Skullcrushers had never occurred to me for Skaven. I love the models so its great to now have an excuse to get some! Just one question, you mentioned all out defence, I haven’t seen that ability in the battle tome, where can it be found?
  23. Hi I’ve been collecting for a while but have a terrible win rate on the battlefield. Could you give me some advice on a mortal list that I could use against Flesh Eaters (Terrorgheists in Gristlegore), Orruk Waclans (Big Waagh list with Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz) and Skaven (Pestilens priest focus with Grey Seers and Warp Lightning Cannons)? The Skaven just kill my heroes with Warp Lightning Cannons before I can get into combat, then turn my most powerful unit against me using the redmaw plague. The Orruk Waclans use Boarboyz with double move to bypass the Daemon Prince’s aura and then charge me using loads of 2+ hit and wound 2 damage attacks that I can’t survive (the screen has been shot by this point) and with their mighty destroyers I can’t reach them before they reach me. And with the Flesh Eaters I just can’t kill the Terrorgheist because it just kills anything it wants at the start of the combat phase before I can even attack. It just feels like mortal Khorne can’t compare to these armies. I can’t wait for you to prove me wrong! For Mortals heroes I have: Aspiring Deathbringer Exalted Deathbringer Blood Sectrator 2 Slaughterpriests Chaos Lord on Karkadrak Chaos Lord on Manticore Valkia the Bloody Daemon Prince (I know he isn’t mortal but he’s Slaves to Darkness to that's fine) Bloodstroker And for units: 10 Bloodwarriors 20 Bloodreavers 2x5 Skullreapers 5 Wrathmongers 1 Khorgorath 2x5 Chaos Knights 20 Chaos Warriors 1 Chaos Chariot I also have quite a few daemons for summoning and Skarbrand. No standard Thirsters though. I don’t mind having to get more models and the group that I play with are quite relaxed about proxies so the list doesn’t have to be using only the stuff listed. Hystarion, your list has already helped me loads and it is really encouraging to see a mortal list to so well agianst such powerful armies so thank you! Thanks for your help!
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