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Everything posted by MacDuff

  1. Wild Seraphon are coming. It's time they were flesh and cold blood again.
  2. Check out the City of Secrets book. The normal humans feel well grounded, and model conversions seem a good way to move beyond the feathered-cap Empire guys of lore.
  3. I have a feeling this thread is going to get very long, if you can stand it.
  4. I haven't seen any mention, but I'm sure seeing a lot of mushroom terrain popping up in these photos, and it looks mighty smooth and similar, so I'm dubious that it is hand made. I'd bet a terrain kit is still coming.
  5. There's a lot to be said for the dungeon flexibility (and many of the design ideas) of Blackstone fortress. How about going to the Realm of Chaos, and taking the fight to them?
  6. Cogforts of course, along with a total reinvention of Free People armies. Insect Men. Undead green skins of all favors.
  7. I didn't know I needed Kill Team, but I bought it (2 in fact). I didn't know I needed Rouge Traider, but I bought it, I didn't know I needed Blackstone Fortress, but I bought it. How can I possibly plan next year when GW keeps doing this to me?
  8. Hope is strong in this one. Me too.
  9. I'd like to get this kit but not until this is sorted out.
  10. GW is pushing new stuff out so fast that two days after you get a rumor you get a pre-order. I don't think outside sources can get good rumor mongering going at the speed GW is moving. It's crazy but paying off for them, and as they make more money we get more models.
  11. Never give up. Never surrender.
  12. It could be a music stand for a second sick musician like the harpist. Is this a version of Noise Marines infiltrating AOS?
  13. I haven't jumped into this game system yet, so I'm asking if these cool little dudes should be my first love. Are they any good? In reading comments it seems folks have a lot of tactics forming. I know they're little and green, but are they mean?
  14. KO ships need a big power boost. And new ships - I want a sky sub! Look at how making Orks more mobile is reinvigorating that army.
  15. Stormcast never die. They just get reforged in a new release.
  16. Since we just passed page 666 on this thread, I have to vote Chaos for this bit.
  17. Will they sell the mini sets without the Nightvault cards and stuff?
  18. I think you're right, and Darkoath will be mostly a mounted army, but what they ride will really set them apart. Are there any clues in the MP stories?
  19. It's Seraphon. Mark my words. New for Shadespire MkII.
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