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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Everything posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. I don't know about that. Deathmarch bonus movement is in the hero phase while Endless Legions happens at the end of the movement phase, so I don't see how you could resummon and exploit the bonus move in the same turn.
  2. I'll try to bring this thread back onto the topic of power creep for a bit: I think the question should not be whether or not there is power creep in AoS. There obviously is. But power creep exists in all long running games to some extent. I have read opinions of some people that it is even a necessary feature of the design process of such games, but even if it is not: Writing rules that allow you to do cool stuff with the newest thing added is definitely the easiest way to sell it. I think the question should be: Is the power creep in AoS too much? I personally don't think so. It seems to me that many of the oldest battle tomes like Nurgle and Legions of Nagash can still compete pretty well against the average list at a 7 to 8 out ot 10 power level. They may not be able to consistently win tournaments anymore, but it's not like the books are completely invalidated at this point. I would say that puts us in a better place than we were about one or two years ago, where there definitely were armies that could not compete even casually. I belive what the OP complained about was not so much power creep, but meta shifts. Which, fair enough: If you really love a slow, grindy game nobody can tell you it's wrong that you are not satisfied by a more aggressive meta.
  3. I think it will probably not be more Slaanesh and probably no Death stuff yet. Maybe more of the Seraphon Underworlds warband. Maybe Keys and Critters will finally be announced, that does not seem to be part of Slaansh or Death.
  4. That's a weird thing I have been seeing too. Although frequetly it has not even been "I hope The Old World replaces Age of Sigmar" but "No point getting into AoS anymore now that The Old World will replace it". Some of this has come from people who have only played Total War Warhammer and have never played any tabletop games at all, and I think in that case it's mostly confusion about the announcement of TOW. For anyone who pays attention, it should be obvious that GW won't discontinue AoS anytime soon with how well the game sells. But I have seen the same sentiment from highly enfranchised Fantasy players (grognards) as well, where I can only assume it's caused by a dwarf-level grudge against AoS.
  5. I think most of your suggestions are reasonable assumptions, but I would like to push back on this bit of reasoning for a bit. As far as I am aware, we have only seen some concept art for Kislev so far. But concept art doesn't tell you anything about the scale of the game. Translating concept art into models is a step that comes later. The concept artist does not necessarily have to work with the scale of the game in mind. I think TOW being 28mm scale makes far and away the most sense, just for the extra sales to people who want to convert or proxy models for AoS. But it's possible that they will choose to go with a smaller scale to capture the larger battles a rank and file game might be best suited for. So far, I don't think anything rules this out or even tips the scales more toward 28mm (other than the obvious thought of "They'd be fools not to make TOW compatible in scale with AoS, right?" ).
  6. On the one hand, I agree with what you wrote, but on the other I don't believe Forgeworld has the capacity to produce full parallel model lines even for the factions we currently know of (Kislev, Empire, Bretonnia, Wood Elves, High Elves, Orks). There is no way Forgeworld can make a complete third war game of the scale of AoS and 40k. So if what you suggest is right and there will be minimal model crossover, I have no idea how they are going to achieve this.
  7. It's probably safe to assume that everything will be delayed by another year due to COVID. All other GW releases sure seem to be about a year late, judging from rumour engines and how long Sons of Behemat took to come out.
  8. That's what I though. No doubt that data is meaningful to a degree, but I wonder how well tournament representation translates to sales. I'd guess a lot of those armies are Warhammer Fantasy armies that were converted over, which would mean fewer sales of new models. Still, it's a large install base of people who might be interested in new Cities models.
  9. I hear people say this all the time, but have never seen a source for it. Does anybody know the data this is based on?
  10. I painted around 2500 points of Legions of Nagash last year, so that's good. However, I still need to paint about 50 skeletons of different types next year to finish the army, so that's less fun. I feel pretty confident that I will manage it, though. After that, I'm going all in for my Cities of sigmar side project. Or maybe vampires if we get a cool vampire army this year.
  11. The question is if you really need a power level for that. It seems to me that you could just put stuff on the table until you both agree it looks about fair for quick casual games.
  12. Are we playing the same game? I still find big units of infantry to be some of the best stuff in AoS, if you have got a way to get them where you need them. I'd say (and I think this is the conventional wisdom) that GW is just in the beginning stages of making elite units and monsters good in AoS.
  13. Merry Christmas everyone. I didn't really get anything warhammer related, but finally had the time to finish up this boy who's been sitting on my painting table for way too long.
  14. The return of Greasus Goldtooth confirmed. Lock it in, boys!
  15. Engaging smugness routines. Although a Slaanesh reveal was really the most probable outcome for this preview. The models look great, though, I really like the new, distinct aesthetic for Slaanesh.
  16. I personally think the timeline will be: Slaanesh battletome announcement today Release of the line in February First Death stuff (like the Underworlds Warband) in March Release of Death within 3 months That seems realistic to me given the recent timeframes between the reveal of the Dread Pageant and the Slawnesh release. Would be nice if they cleaned up all saves now that the battletomes are all out. 4+ is probably the highest saves on Battleline should go without expending a resouce.
  17. It's going to be a win/win situation for me in any case, since if it's not Slaanesh I get new Death models to be excited about, and if it is Slaanesh I get the smug satisfaction of having been right with my dumb predictions 😎
  18. The christmas reveal has to be Slaanesh. There are enough units in that release to warrant a new tome plus several models we have not seen yet. It would make no sense to announce another battletome now while the Slaanesh hype cycle is not yet done.
  19. Could this be the leathery-winged creature that saved Ven Brecht? Although you can never really rule out Chaos either when it comes to bat wings.
  20. I voted Mindstealer Sphiranx. It might not be the most ambitious model, or the most spectacular or technically impressive. But I loved painting the first one I bought so much that I got a second one right after. And I don't even play Warcry or Slaves to Darkness.
  21. We have one image of another weirdly skinny hand holding a rapier in a similar way: They could well be part of the same model/unit.
  22. The +1 to saves was just especially egregious in OBR. +1 to saves gets more valuable the higher your base save is. Going from no save to 6+ gives you an extra 17% effective wounds against no rend. Going from 4+ to 3+ gives you 50% more. 3+ to 2+ doubles your effective wounds. Plus, OBR have all the tools to play a grindy game, with their access to good healing, magic and artillery. At some point you just have to adjust your design when a significant number of your players don't enjoy it, even if it's not "broken" at the top level of play. Top players can handle a lot of unbalanced stuff, but that does not mean the sam stuff won't ruin the game for the majority of players. I am not actually sure every faction has the tools to handle pre-nerf Petrifex (and Hearthguard spam Fyreslayers as well, who only ge away with it because nobody plays them), but I know that dealing with them was a struggle for the average or even somewhat tuned casual list that brings a bit of everything. and it's not like shoving a bunch of Mortek and Nagash into a Petrifex list is some kind of advanced list building, so casual players are likely to run into this wall. Of course it would be nice if Nagash was still good somewhere. Right now he's OK in OBR and probably not so good in LoN. Let's hope they find a better balance for him in the future. If nothing else, his rules should be consistent in his different factions. It makes no sense that he gets all OBR spells but only three LoN spells. Or the ability to self heal in OBR but not LoN. Even if it means nerfing him, he should at least work the same everywhere.
  23. I think we need to have all of Slaanesh revealed before we get anything concrete on LoN. If Slaanesh is the main driving force in the next Broken Realms book I don't see them squeezing LoN in there, as well. It's just too much at once. I think LoN is the book after next, so we would need to get the whole Slaanesh hype cycle out of the way first.
  24. Fence. FEC. FEnCe. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Honestly, though, this could be 40k, Death or possibly even Slaanesh.
  25. Agreed, plus it's fun to just throw something out there so you can see how wrong you were in retrospect be completely right 100% of the time! VAMPIRE HUNTERS BAYBEE 😎
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