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Everything posted by Causalis

  1. Tuesday I'll have another match. Playing 2K points against Beastclaw Raiders this time. I'll post the match if you want. As for the discussion about playstyle: I feel like we can definitely be tanky since we ignore rend and have an army-wide FNP, plus all the debuffs we can dish out. In my match against Ironjawz I kind of did play my army hammer-and-anvil-style. Chainrasps were my anvil which soaked up all my opponent's damage and my big unit of Grimghasts were my hammer. I think what makes comparison between armies more difficult atm is, that all 3.0 battletomes have increased the points for units so armies with updated books are more expensive and smaller than 2.0 battletomes. This means 3.0 armies will generally field a smaller amount of wounds on the table which could make us percieve them as more squishy than they might actually be. But I do agree that Nighthaunt want to be agressive. No questions asked there! We want to ABC (always be charging) and really cripple the enemy on our turns because we our WoT debuffs fade away on their turn and thus we our ghosts will die in droves if we didn't manage to weaken the enemy forces enough. In my mind we play probably almost as agressive as DoK but we do have some tools to up our defense, so we aren't a pure glasshammer army. A question I would like to ask is, how do you rate Lady O? I think she's really good but I don't know if she isn't a little bit too pricey. This may ofc be just my perception because I am used to the point costs from 2.0 and in my mind a 340p model should be a BIG influence on the table. I feel like she should be 320 or maybe even 300p.
  2. Just got home from 2000p vs, Ironjawz. Lists: Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 So in conclusion: Krulghast is very, very good against multi-damage attacks (no surprises here) Lord Executioner feels like a good combat character and having his debuff active in the enemy's turn is very valuable! A "castle"-playstyle feels quite viable. Yes, we are fast but we also want to stay in our 12" buff/debuff bubbles. So the army moves more like a coherent block than everyone going independent. 2" reach on the Grimghasts is a godsend.
  3. Got a game against Orruks tomorrow. Probably Big Waagh or Ironjawz. My list will be: These are the models that I own. Certainly not an optimised list but I think it will have some proverbial legs. I'll go Emerald Host. The Krulghast will be clutch against his Mawcrusha and Gruntas! I'm unsure about making the GoS my general. I could also go with the Lord E and give him re-rolls against non-Death units. But on the other hand Sould Cage only goes off on a 7+, so I feel like the re-roll from MoM is needed here. Thoughts? Other than that I'll bodyguard Lady O and the Executioner with the Spirit Hosts. Hexwraiths could either block enemy movement turn 1 or grab objectives. Chainrasps will probably be fodder. I just hope that the 20-ghost unit survives one combat phase so that I can replenish them a bit. Grimghasts are my hammer unit. Harridans will be in the second wave. I'm unsure which unit(s) my Krulghast should follow. My Grimghasts are the most valuable unit so he probably follow them for extra protection. Or he could be near the Chainrasps to help them tank more damage. I also have a Spirit Torment on the painting desk but I can't fit him in the list (and I don't want to drop the Lord E without trying him out. I feel like the rend on his attacks will be valuable). I'll leave you with pics of my first two finished units.
  4. Any recommendations as to how we should approach being given the first turn against shooty armies? Just deepstrike as much as we can 9" away and hope to make some charges? Because I just don't see us fairing well against 60 Sentinels or Bowsnakes + Morathi etc. What are your thoughts on the Spirit Torment? His healing seems really nice, but is he worth taking on his own, without the Chainghasts? As I predicted, we already see that 10-ghost-units are too fragile since we want them to survive in order to bring back models with Lady O etc. But I also think that MSU of Chainrasps can work as screens, speedbumps or to absorb unfavorable charges so that our important units can counter charge. For a TAC list I would probably always recommend taking Emerald Host. Soooo many armies rely on small heroes to provide buff-bubbles and synergies and having the chance to kill these by just playing this Legion is huge. I'm thinking Warchanters, Carthallas, Blue Scribes, DoK heroes that aren't Morathi, Knight Incantors and many, many more. I also loooove that our close combat heroes like KoS, Lord Executioners etc are actually decent in melee (looking at you, all of my useless Khorne heroes!) AND give the added benefit of stacking WoT charges. So often I find myself grumbling because I would only take those heroes for their buffs but paying points for their perceived "fightyness", even though they almost never see combat.
  5. Today many reviews got released on YT, with the usual suspects like "man reads book" etc. in there. I've watched a few while painting and cobbled together a few neat synergies and combos I didn't think of at the first glance: 1: GoS + Reapers/other hammer-unit. Our lantern-bearer used to be best buddies with our Chainrasps but those now have +1 to-wound native when they charge, making his +1 redundand (they can still benefit when they are on the recieving end of a charge, of course). So I would rather pair him up with a reinforced block of Reapers or Bladegheists etc. He'll buff their dmg output even more and bringing back D6 of them with his spell is much more valuable than returning Chainrasps. 2. KoS (and by extension his steed version) with Spiteful Spirit. This is a fun combo to take in casual games. KoS can potentially get +10 wounds, making him roll A LOT of dice with the Command Trait. Are there better choices for our CT? Absolutely. 3. Cairn Wraith + Hatred for the Living + Reaper of Sorrows. I really do believe that this little guy is a bit of a hidden gem. Sure, against low-model-count armies he won't be good but seeing how scary the new melee Snakes for Daughters of Khaine will be, it would be a shame if a lowly 115p model just dumpstered all those sweet melee ladies... 4. Lady O + Kurdoss + Banshee. Another combo for casual games or for when you really want to ****** with your opponent's CP stash. 5. Dreadscythe Harridans + Hexwraiths/Awlrach/KoS/Coach/etc. We have a few units that do impact hits, thus empowering our Harridans. Alternatively we can shoot an Arcane Bolt or chain-activate with KoS. 6. General with Terryfying Entity + Lady O. Lifting the veil does 1 more MW if the target is terrified. Shame that we probably can't accomplish this reliably first turn, since combats will probably only begin 2nd turn, right? Just take this combo, park the General 6" near target unit and now it is terrified and Lady O does a bit more damage. There are probably loads more combos that I didn't think of but these are the one I've got so far.
  6. With all the ways to regenerate models, what would you recommend is a good size for our Chainrasps? I feel like min sized units would just die instantly, thus giving no chance to bring back models. So maybe 20 Chainrasps is ideal?
  7. Hello guys! I'm selling my OBR force. Katakros 5 Deathriders 20 Mortek Guard 6 Mortis Stalkers 2 Morghasts My price is 250€. I get to this number because of the paintjob. I really tried to do my best here, especially on Katakros and it would be too painful to just dump all this for ~150€ because it is "used". I'm located in Germany and will priotize in-land shipping but I am willing to ship international. Shipping cost will be added to the cost-total. Payment via PayPal. I'll provide you with fotos of the package and the tracking number so that you can track the minis! If you have any questions or want to buy my minis, please contact me via PM.
  8. I want to highlight something I learned the other day: Take Blightkings and Pusgoyles as reinforced units! Let me elaborate: When I took BKs as 5 men units and PGBLs as 2 men units they were fine but never a real threat. These small units work well to block enemies but they simply don't push enough damage. I would charge something, do a bit of damage and then lose a Fly or one or two BKs. This crippled the units so much that they were no threat at all anymore. So yesterday I decided to take a bigger unit of 4 PGBLs with a LoA (Overpowering Stench ofc) and a big block of 10 BKs. Yes, the 10 BKs obviously suffer from 1" range and coherency. But they are much better at contesting objectives, especially if buffed with Fleshy Abundance so that they count as 2 models each. More models also synergieses better with Relentless Killers. And the PGBLs are soooo much better with 4 guys! They got charged by 6 Hammernators and I only lost 1 Fly and one down to 1 wound. This left me with 3 Flies which was enough to punch back. I highly recommend you try running one or two bigger units to see the difference it makes in terms of damage output. This gave me the ability to actually threaten flanks and push enough damage to delete a unit on the charge instead of grinding them down slowly.
  9. So, after a few games with the new book I want to give my impression of it. Overall I really like the book's internal balance and feel. I also played with the old book and it always felt really weird that Nurgle of all things would be one of the fastest armies out there. Subfactions: Previously these were list- and game-defining. But tbh one mostly just saw Munificent Wanderers. Now these are vastly less powerful - a theme that seems to be the new trend in this edition. I'm ok with this. It opens up the listbuilding a bit more. Army rules: Yay, mortals finally get DR! I am a big fan of the Diseased mechanic. I know people cry a bit that its "strictly worse than 6s to hit MWs" we had before. But actually it's not. Let me explain: Previously one would buff a blob of Plaguebearers or some Flies with extra attacks, cast Blades on them and use AoA to get mortal wounds on 5s to hit. That was often enough to delete a unit or do some serious damage. This, indeed, is gone. Instead, the army now does MORE mortal wounds but spread out over several units and over more turns. In essence, we went from a laser to a wide spread. Units: GUO: The big boy himself had a drastic change in his role! Previously almost exclusively a buff-piece, he is now a combat monster. He really packs a punch and is incredibly tanky, especially if you take the Emerald Lifeswarm with him. While I'm a big fan, I also think that almost 500p is a bit too much atm. The GUO's warscroll spell is utter rubbish! It is a worse version of Gift of Disease in every way. And whilst he does good damage in combat he has to compete against e.g. Orghotts who does comparable damage and is also almost as tanky. So the question arises why you would take the GUO over the Maggoth Lord since he simply doesn't bring 200p of extra goodness to the table. Maggoth Lords: These 3 guys are all fantastic now! Orghotts is probably the best since he hits quite hard and can give a free command each round, right on his heels comes Bloab who has a nice debuff aura and a great spell. Lastly Morbidex who is overshadowed by the other two. Sloppity/Scrivener: They stayed almost exactly the same. Still good for buffing. Moving on. Blightkings: My fat meatbags are actually good now! The thing I like the most about them is that they are really independent. Best picked in units off 5 since they'll struggle with coherency otherwise. Pusgoyles: The new hotness right now! Just like their brethren on foot they act well independently of a hero. But I feel like you need to ram either 2x2 or a 4 man unit into a target to delete it. Just two Pusgoyles often don't cut it. Plaguebearers: Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Previously they had a 5+ save, +1 save (locus), could worsen rend and were harder to hit in melee AND shooting. They lost all that to gain an additional wound, which is nice but they aren't as tough as they were before. And since there is almost no way of stacking attacks on them, they simply deal no damage at all. I often just bring them to have bodies on objectives or to buff them with Fleshy Abundance which makes them a nice tarpit. Plague Drones: I still like these guys. They are fast and essentially shotguns with their missile weapons. Sure, we see not many hordes these days but there still are enough 5 to 10 men units out there that they can generate a lot of shots. Beast of Nurgle: A hidden gem if you ask me! I highly recommend taking one or two of these in every list. Their goal is simply to be reaaaally annoying by tying up enemy units. Charge those Fulminators or other units that get a bonus for charging or ping-pong them around the board. Any damage they deal is just gravy on top. Use them like mobile speed-bumps and don't forget that their impact hits ALL enemy units within 1", not just ONE enemy unit! Nurglings: Love these little troublemakers. I try to take one squad in each list just to have them appear in the enemy territory to generate extra summoning points. In almost all my games my opponent either diverted way more ressources than necessary to deal with them or ignored them and they gave me CP all game long. Gnarlmaw: Oh it's bad, it's so bad. It essencially just gives 1 CP and maybe coughs on some nearby enemies. I have no idea why it would be so expensive to summon since it hardly does anything. And I fully expect the exponential stacking to get FAQd.
  10. Ok gang, I got a few more games in and tryed the StD coalition units I talked about. Here are my observations: My Changecaster cranks out spells like there is no tomorrow. I use the Mass Conjuration Agenda on him, use his 3D6 to cast something and use two DD for the second spell. Thus he easily can cast 2 spells with 9+. Along with the CA from my LoC he now has +2 to cast and with the spell from the Blue Scribes he only needs to roll a re-rollable 7 to keep casting. He often casts about 4 spells each hero phase that way. Very potent! Chaos Sorc Lord + 5 Chaos Knights worked like a charm. In my game I charged a 10 man Chaos Warrior squad, killed a few of them and piled into a 20 man Chaos Warrior squad, effectively tying up 30 Chaos Warriors. I have to experiment more but this seems like a good budget deal to me. The Chaos Knights bring speed, durability and a good melee punch. How I wish our Kairic Acolytes were a bit cheaper! I run two min squads and they are fine for holding an objective and as fodder to keep the enemy occupied. But they rarely deal any damage. Speaking of damage: I ran a squad of 6 Flamers in Eternal Conflaguration. Needless to say they are very strong, lol. I'm still a bit unsure which endless spells to take. I mostly take Cogs, Spellportal and Shackles. The latter two are mandatory and have a huge impact. But I'm not really sure on the Cogs. Any recommendations (besides the bridge)?
  11. Wow, not much traffic in this thread, no? Anyway, can someone recommend some StD units for the whole coalition thing? I was eyeing the Chaos Sorc Lord + 5-10 Knights. Knights with the buff are very tanky and can put out the hurt in melee - a phase which Tzeentch isn't great at.
  12. Got two games in (one against Troggoths, one against BCRs) and wanted to share my observations. 1: It feels like 90% of damage comes from the heroes. Mind you besides my heroes I only had Pink Horrors and Kairic Acolytes, so I'm currently trying to shave off some points to get 6-9 Flamers in there for some added punch. 2: All our units are wet noodles in combat. The only thing actually pushing some damage in melee was my buffed Ogroid. 3. Pink Horros sadly feel like a massive crutch. We HAVE to take them, since all our other units have so bad saves and low amount of wounds that any melee army would just smash us from any objectives. Obviously the Pinks are good at holding objectives and screening but I can't see, say a list with a focus on Acolytes actually winning against Ironjawz, Ogres etc. Am I correct with my views or do you know some secret combos that suddenly make Acolytes super deadly or help us out in melee? Cheers.
  13. Greetings! I'm currently building a 2000p force of Tzeentch and wanted to get some feedback, if this is viable. My main concern is that I'll just get run over by Orks/Ogres etc. and don't have enough stuff to hold objectives. Gameplan would be to sit on 2-3 objectives with the Acolytes and Pinks. I would try to protect the Acolytes with the Shackles and have the Ogroid nearby for some counter charges. Kairos can snipe support heroes with his spell and hopefully tarpit enemy units by transforming them into a Spawn which I can place at the edge of the unit so that just a few models can reach it. Do you think this list has any teeth or will it just collapse?
  14. Can someone send me the Kruelboyz Warscrolls via PM?
  15. To be honest it was never a question for me if BK can retreat and charge. It was very clearly RAI and anyone who was arguing about it was intepreting too much into it. That aside, what do you guys think are the winners for SBGL regarding the new 3.0 rules?
  16. Had a game against StD this weekend. He played Belakor, a Chaos Lord, Khrone DP, max blob of Chaos Warriors with dual blades, a shrine, ten Chaos Knights and some Furies. I played Vyrkos with Mannfred, two Necros, a VLord, max blob Skeletons, max blob Zombies, ten Wolves, six Vargheists and a Mortis Engine. Some highlights: Zombies did consistent mortal wounds to the big Warrior blob. They killed about 8 Warriors before being torn down by the many attacks. Their 6" pile-in was very handy as it allowed me to park the Zombies outside of combat and activate them later, without having to fear retaliation until they get to swing. My Skeletons were supported by a Necromancer. They tanked the Khorne DP and 7 Chaos Warriors for THREE turns! Absolute unit those old bones! With the support of the Mortis Engine they even managed to kill all the Knights. So HA! I told people that Skeletons were good but noooo. I've seen so many people decry them as "garbage". Try 'em out before you toss them! They are a really good tarpit now and excellent for holding objectives. A nice combo I unwittingly discovered is Mannfred's warscroll spell and the MW aura from the Mortis Engine. This makes it easier for Manni to cast his spell, which will splash around a lot of D3 MWs if the enemy has some units clustered up. And the Mortis Engine will drop additional MWs onto those enemies. This is really dangerous for small heroes or elite units! All in all the new bloodline felt (to me) better to play with than the old LoN book. It felt like each of my units had a distinct role. Mannfred is obviously sooo much better now. Being able to just teleport away is extremely annoying for the enemy. Mannfred can theoretically stall a unit every turn by just sitting just outside of 3". They either have to go around his big base (and stay 3" away" or charge him and he can just teleport out of there.
  17. Very true! I think this shifts the "use" of Endless Legions. Currently we can pull a whole destroyed unit out of a grave for 1 CP. In numerous games I resurrected my 20 Grave Guard (that's what? 280p every time?) to crash them into my opponent's lines again. But now we only get half the unit back and it's at the end of our turn. Which shifts the ability - in my view at least - to a much more defensive option. I strongly assume that we will have 4 graves (the article only mentions 2 but the Warscroll cards have 4 graveside markers). It will be hard to deploy the recycled unit on a foreward grave. So instead we will likely set up our 20 Skelletons etc. on a grave more in our territoy. That way the new unit is somewhat safe from the enemy and can hold a home objective.
  18. I don't think we will see customizable Vamps. Sadly. Because no army out there has any customisation (to my knowledge) that goes beyond a Warlord Trait, Artefact and maybe some bonus ability gained from their subculture. Worse yet that often a specific WT and artefact MUST be taken if you take clan/bloodline/subculte XY. I just hope that the bloodlines will get cool and good abilities without an autotake that trumphes all others. Also I agree that Vamps should get stronger. Bump their points a bit and make them melee powerhouses. Hopefully GW will move away from giving every melee hero the same "3+ 3+ -1 D3 Dmg" statline. The Freeguild guy has it, my Loonboss has it, the Khorne Lord has it, our Vamps have it. Differentiate them!
  19. Oh come on. Why is it that people here start getting the pitchforks every time we see the teaser for a new and powerful unit? It's ONE unit and the Stormcasts are pretty mediocre right now so I'm all for them getting some love. And I don't even play SCE! This was a problem with OBRs because Petrifex gave the whole army such a good save. Let's wait and see until their Battle Tome is out before we start condeming them.
  20. How so? Their base size is waaay to big for a generic Vampire Lord isn't it?
  21. Awesome models but a bit disappointing that almost all of the new models are unique characters that we won't be able to customize...
  22. Question for you guys: Do you think GW will show us some new units for the Gravelords? Obviously I'm all over the updated models like the new Wight King. But so far the only new stuff we've seen are Rat Vampire and the female Vampire with spiky hair. If all ghost-type models move over to Nighthaunt I think the army could use a few new units. Obviously the Gravelords won't be starved for diversity like for example Ironjaws but I'm itching to see what GW would envision for our updated Vampire Counts 2.0 We've talked about Vampire infantry. I would also love to see something for the Gravewalkers. Maybe some big flesh golems akin to Zombie-Trolls. And a unit of magic initiates would be cool and thematic. Some Acolytes that can cast a specific spell akin to Doomfire Warlocks.
  23. I think the difference between Skeletons and Zombies is that Skeletons are raised by actually calling the spirit of the dead person and plopping it into his calcium mech-suit, whilst a Zombie is just the body being reanimated by black magic with no soul in there. Wight Kings and other "higher undead" have their whole personality restored, whilst the common lowly skeleton may only be a shadow of their former selves.
  24. This! In Nagash: Undying King there is a whole tribe of people who raise their dead relatives. The heroine has the skeleton of her brother by her side and they commune via telepathy. He's still capable of thought etc. but his character is very... muted.
  25. Oh, what's this, yet another plan of Neferata that fails? If the lore we have read so far is anything to go by then the Lumineth will now find that ritual-site and foil Neferata's plans because the Queen of Intrigues and schemes is so far extremely incompetent in the AoS fluff... Hopefully I'm wrong and the Lumineth finding out about this is "just as planned" and Nef kicks their haughty butts.
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