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Everything posted by Causalis

  1. Chosen seem good but they've only got rend -1 and we all know how prevalent save-stacking currently is. There's a good chance they'll just bounce off from whatever they're hitting.
  2. I'm surprised there is hardly any talk about the Theridons. They look INCREDIBLY strong (on paper). Give 'em the Khorne mark + Unleash Rage and they clock in at 16 attacks, 3+/3+/-2/3D for only 190p. Add AoA etc. to boost further. That's enough to kill most targets outright and if they get shot to pieces before they can fight they are "cheap" enough that you can compensate. A neat combo to me also would be a normal Chariot w/ Slaanesh mark + Warshrine buff. 3D6 charge, every 5+ a mortal wound.
  3. A buddy and I are playing a Path to Glory campaign. His Fyreslayers vs my StD. We started at 1000p and each time we play we up the points-limit by 200. Today we played 1400p each and I thought I may share my experience: List: We played a mission in which I was the ambusher and he the defender. My objective was simply killing his units and he had to try and get into my territory. I got to deploy 12" away and could decide who gets the first turn. I went first and charged with the Knights, Kakadrak and a unit of Warriors. He uses the counter-charge command the Fyreslayers have to activate a unit of Hearthguard. He kills two Knights. My Knights had the Kakadrak warscroll command on them + Oracular Visions + Sorcerer Warscroll spell. They tanked A LOT of hits and dished out the hurt in return. It's not even funny how much better they are with handweapons in comparison to lances. The charge bonus is nice, yes, but if they don't kill their target or get charged then they will hit like wet noodles. Ensorcerelled weapons is the way to go, 100%. Over the course of 4 turns my Knights were killed to 1 remaining guy but managed to kill almost two units of Hearthguards. The Kakadrak was ok. His lack of rend really hurts the guy. Look at that big axe and tell me how it can have 0 rend...! Anyway, he charged, killed a few models and promptly died next turn because unlike our heroes, the Fyreslayer heroes hit like a ton of bricks in melee (3" range and flat 3 dmage, lol). My units of Warriors were simply existing. They did hardly any damage, because god forbid they get any rend, but were ok at tanking hits. The Centaurion Marshal was fire! The command trait is very well suited (probably even when he isn't fighting Order) since it let's him almost guarantee getting +4 attacks on his Bludgeon. 14 attacks in all is nothing to sneeze at and he managed to win a duel against a Grimwrath Berserker (eye of the gods roll gave him a 5+ ward) and then went on to annihilate a troop of Vulkites. Another real star were the Darkoath Savagers that I summoned. Holy moly, these guys rock! I dropped them behind his lines turn 1. They failed their charge but turn 2 they got in. They have a lot of attacks and hit decently hard with AoA. They even have 4 attacks at damage 2 and every 6 to hit does a mortal wound IN ADDITION! That's such a good deal for 100p (or for free if you summon them)! They killed a Priest, finished of a Rune Son and killed a unit of those missile shooting Fyreslayers (forgot their name).
  4. Well, from what we've seen we'll get the Theridons as a confirmed hammer. Likely Chosen will be killy too. I just want my Chaos Knights to be good dammit. It's crazy how much cav sucks in this game. There are hardly any cav units that are real hammers, most of them are skirmishers! And I also hope for Rend -1 on our Warriors. That's a realistic expectation and since GW is doing away with re-rolls I would wager that all our prayers and abilities will now give +1 modifiers to the respective characteristics.
  5. Does anyone have a pic of the supposed new Exalted Hero of Chaos? When the images were leaked I saw a post on reddit that listed what we could see in the pics and the list include the Exalted Hero but I don't recall seeing a fitting mini in there.
  6. @Lord Krungharr Just painted fire, no LEDs. I used the fluorescent paints from GSW. Airbrush white where I want the hottest fire to be, then airbrush yellow and slowly add orange at the edges. For the spear and sword I followed Artist Opus tutorial on YT. I've got two SC Boxes now, plus a Sphiranx, the Centaurion Marshal and a box of Ravagers. That's about 1300p. I'll probably just try to get everything painted and wait for the new book before I make any more purchases.
  7. Just wanted to share some minis I'm working on: I just hope the blue doens't make the army look too tzeentch-y...
  8. @Skreech Verminking I see 3 Poison Wind Mortar units in the pic. Did you proxy them for something or did you agree to play with legends units beforehand?
  9. That's nice actually. You sure it's Lore of Fate (mortal Lore) not Lore of Change (Daemon Lore)? I've also heard that the Changeling changed (lol) again from the battle box. He has the box weapon profile but he can throw back enemy spells that he unbinds again. Any confirmation on this? Can he also cast/unbind 2 spells again? Kairic Acolytes are also 5+ save again and can still cast their - 1 Rend spell if they are at least 9 models. So they are pretty much as we know them.
  10. Anyone tried the new Centaurion Marshal? The model looks amazing, he's not too expensive and the combat profile is decent. Any luck with him? I also love the War Queen and Chieftain models. Are they any good?
  11. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
  12. Any rumours regarding the new Tzeentch book? It baffles me that we haven't seen any rules leaks yet. Or anything on my beloved Gitz? I had really hoped for a new book only to get disappointed that SoB get their second book already while my little green losers are still the bottom of the barrel...
  13. Thanks! You can find all the files on Cults3D. Maker is EmanG. GW not selling Skaven is simply a self-fulfilling prophecy, No marketing, no new models in ages = low sells. I would bet my hands that if GW wouldn't have pulled the whole Tomb King range and instead updated them, they would sell like hotcakes! We can see it with 40K: Necrons had low sales, then their range got a big update and now they are the most played Xenos faction. So if GW would update the Skaven range and actually promote them a bit, I'm sure people would buy them. Back to more gaming stuff: Does anyone take Acolytes? Are they valid if taken as MSU? For 75p they seem pretty good to me. Could easily make their points back and are cheap enough to use as speedbumps or screens in a pinch.
  14. Regarding those printed models: I'm currently printing a whole army and the models are really really good!
  15. Has anyone tried running the new Screaming Bell? I know it's probably too expensive but I love the model and if there's a way to make it viable I would be interested.
  16. @Riff_Raff_Rascal I'm looking forward to trying different builds! I'll share my experiences here. A buddy and I will start a Path to Glory campaign in August, beginning at 1000p each (he'll start with Fyreslayers). With Clanrats being a screen or tarpit, what do you guys recommend for damage? There's obviously the Warbringer with various buffs layered on top. Would you say 4+ weapon teams are viable? They are individually cheap and seem like efficient "bombs" that should be able to easily make their points back. Then there's Stormfiends. I really like the models but I'm unsure how good they actually are. The standard load out of Ratgun, WL and Shockfists seems ok but not amazing. And 6 of these guys are too many points in one unit for my taste. So just use them as durable harassment? Or do you stack all Skryre Buffs on them to deal damage at range? And finally I want to talk about the Clawlord. Ironically his profile is something my Khorne heroes would salivate over ^^" With the artefact that makes opponents saves -1 worse he is effectively -2 rend. Throw Skavenbrew on him and he actually looks quite scary. Is this a trap or actually viable?
  17. @Riff_Raff_Rascal Thanks for the input! I definitely have experience with horde armies as I also play Soulblight, Gits and Cities. Yet I still can't see why I would buff the Clanrats instead of other units. 20 Stormvermin or even 30 Plague Monks will dish out more damage with the setup you described. A big Blob of 60 Clanrats is also very unwieldy and may only hold one objective at a time. And with the new Hunters Battalion, 60 rats can even be killed in one turn. MSU Clanrats would give more board control and can screen better but won't take Buffs as well as 60 would.
  18. How do you use Clanrats? Since I'm brand new to the rat-men, they seem just like bodies to me. But somehow I see a lot of people on reddit or YT talking about potential buff-stacking like Skavenbrew and Clawlord CA etc. to give them a lot of attacks. I just don't see why you would ever want to buff these guys. Or is this actually how they are ment to be played? As I read their warscroll, I would just use 2-3 min sized units as screens and to swarm objectives, but that's it. Any buffs I would rather throw on Plague Monks, Rogers or Stormvermin etc.
  19. So I want to play a few weapon teams. Thinking about including 2 of each flavour (excluding warp grinders). Any tips for using them? Flayer + Deathfrenzy seems like a nice combo. And buffing Ratling Guns with +1dmg is obvious too. But I'm unsure about hiding them in my Clanrats. 20 die very easily and since we can't unveil the weapons teams in the opponents turn they just die too if they are hidden. Buuuut, Overseer of destruction also seems like a waste... Would Deranged Inventor be worth it or better go with a Command Trait on a different hero altogether?
  20. Hello guys. I'm interested in maybe starting a Skaven force. I know that I want all the randomness all the time. I'm not looking to win tournaments but I'm also not interested in unplayable garbage. Can you give me some pointers? Clan Skrye is probably the most randomness, right? Aesthetically I also love the Screaming Bell! Is there a box or Start Collecting box etc. that would make a good start?
  21. Yeah, I agree. NH will love this. But my Blades of Khorne are weeping. Same with my Gloomspite Gitz. Giving every army out there essentially "+1 dmg vs hordes" is just nonsense. What good does it do that 60 Stabbas could count as 180 models on an objective if everyone and their mother deal 2 or more damage per swing to them? Hordes will now evaporate even faster, without having gained any meaningful way of doing what they are supposed to: boardcontrol and holding objectives.
  22. Nope. One had Soul Cage on it and the other got hit with the WoT result.
  23. Just got back from my game vs BCR. Opponent conceded after Turn 2, lul. Here's how it played out: Three Stonehorns charge my right flank, two Mournfang charge my middle, two other Mournfang charge my left flank. He kills a few Chainrasps, puts a few wounds on my Lord Executioner, kills some Harridans and Spirit Hosts and kills a few Grimghast Reapers. I had Discorporate and Seal of Shyish online, since he gave me first turn. On my turn Olynder uses her once per game ability and brings back about 11 Chainrasps (multiple units), 3 Harridans, 5 Reapers and 3 Spirit Hosts (multiple units). She then sucessfully casts her WS spell and Shademist and blasts his Frostlord on SH with 6 mortals (5+1 for terrified). My Spirit Torment with Arcane Tome casts Seal of Shyish and my GoS (MoM) casts Soul Cage on his second Frostlord. Then everything retreats and charges him. I roll a 12 with my 20 blob of Reapers so now both his Frostlords fight last. I get a lot of -1 saves off and use the Lightshard that my GoS holds. In this combat phase I kill both Frostlords and all his Mournfang cav. Meanwhile my army has only lost a single unit of 10 Chainrasps. He concedes since he now only has one BCR on SH, a Butcher and a Huskard on TT. Olynder ate like 4 commands of his and brought back so many wounds that I honestly felt a little bad for the poor guy. But on the other hand, had he gotten the double turn I would have been in a lot of trouble. Another highlight was my Lord Executioner pumping 10 wounds in his Frostlord, lol. Thanks to WoT he was effectively -4 rend and his Spirit Host bodyguards also did work. Seriously, I think with just one or two 8+ charges many of our units can suddenly punch waaay harder than their warscroll would suggest. Even my Spirit Torment punched 4dmg into a Stonehorn and my Harridans just blenderised two Mournfangs. The secret to my success was essentially the very same strategy that I used against Ironjawz. Castle up in my buff/debuff bubble, laugh diabolicaly as my Krulghast drains all their damage and then just murder them on my turn. Against these fast and hyperagressive armies this seems to work really well. I have to see how I fare against other armies that aren't as fast/aggressive and that have more quantity than quality attacks.
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