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Everything posted by Nico

  1. Typically any time between 17:00 and 23:00/23:30.
  2. Sorry about that - we're re-checking the list and will get that fixed.
  3. They seem cheap in a vacuum - every army has bargains and overcosted units. When you try to build a Sylvaneth list - the Hunters are the ONLY bargain, everything else is either neutral or as much as 20% overcosted (which is a huge amount). If any change is made it should be to the bow Hunters (only) who work too well as part of a Mixed Order army (aka Hurricanum Spam). It shouldn't be more than a 10% increase either. One better way to improve balance is to introduce soft and hard counters in the new content. So for example Stormcast have a bunch of counters to pew pew in their Battletome as well as their own matching long range pew pew (which has -2 rend!). Morghasts should be either cheaper or takeable as single models (which would help Deathlords Allegiance). DoT's bargains are Gaunt Summoners, the Shaman and Enlightened, but all the Daemon units that aren't Horrors seem overcosted. I admit it's early days for DoT.
  4. They could give Mannfred and Neferata the Soulblight Keyword and a 3+ save as an interim fix.
  5. Let's hope not. There will be hardly any Death players left by then given the endless barrage of nerfs.
  6. The SCGT pack, which we'll be using at London's Calling 2017 is available here: http://heelanhammer.com/scgt/ The battleplans look exciting!
  7. There are still tickets available. Would be a good tournament as your first event. Please see the first post regarding the details. What are you thinking to bring out of interest?
  8. What are people's thoughts about using old versions of named characters (on sensible bases) as generic stuff? By way of example, I foolishly acquired a resin Kairos in December (not anticipating the New Kairos). I'm using the new Kairos and the new LoC as themselves, but thought I could use the old one as a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch. It should be very obvious which is which (New Kairos would be double the size, on a much bigger base and generally awesome).
  9. Hmmm I'm thinking that a combo of 30 Vulkites of each type may be best - 30 to do impact hits and the others to be activated first and chomp through stuff!
  10. Are you sure that wasn't a giant volcano? Sounds like a great game and what a way to start the weekend! I was surprised by the Vulkite cost too. I cannot help preferring them over the Hearthguard Berserkers sadly, although I should try them in 20s.
  11. Nico


    Sweet. Go Mannderp!
  12. That's a good idea! As you said Chris -photos are very helpful - but at an event be quick at taking them (or take most of them during the opponent's turn) to keep the pace of the game going.
  13. I've run out of likes. That sounds great! I do like Paul's lists, I saw the Witch Aelves fest at The Warlords (I think that's right). My club mate Tom from the South London Legion tried the Witches at Firestorm Fours and they surprised a few people. I did Double Deceiver plus Thanquol back at Firestorm Fours 2016; and do have a bunch of metal Gutter Runners in a box somewhere (plus the new Skaven Bloodbowl Team, which Snikch has mysteriously joined)....
  14. The Eshin game sounded great in particular. Stop tempting me to collect a new force. I found myself reading the Pestilens Warscrolls on the weekend and trying to justify how they could be viable. If Plague Monks were inherent Battleline.... The Archaon game also sounded great. Sounds like you more than held your own against very solid (and varied) opposition (although not much Order....). I'm still in catch up mode on all podcasts due to real life intervening, but getting there.
  15. Sounds a bit like a Cygor, perhaps you could take the arms holding the rock, the Giant kit and do some greenstuffing, find an appropriate head, stick on a lot of Brute Armour and you could have an Uber-Brute lobbing giant rocks. After all, Orruks never have to stop growing.
  16. Nice work! Looking forward to the updates and photos! Well done Sir!
  17. Brute Pew Pew could also include Mega-Javelins (perhaps with a Stormcast Eternal already impaled on it to add to the aerodynamic properties or something like the Olympic hammer (perhaps a Fanatic's ball and chain) for some good lobbin!
  18. Tell me about it. Irresponsible non-core purchases for December 2016 to January 2017 include (1) an entire Seraphon army for my new Sylvaphon concept; (2) a Casket of Souls; (3) a Prayermobile (War Altar of the Melt is Real for Daemons); and (4) an entire Brayherd army. I managed to justify buying a further 5 Burning Chariots yesterday (a core purchase) on the basis that they could be used for conversions to create a whole range of other models. My Ironjawz are still in the half-assembled stage. The Sylvaneth are built and test Dryads are coming along.
  19. Taking power stance to the next level. Slambro is definitely the most exciting and unexpected release of 2017!
  20. Both awesome. Love the eyepiece on the Crossbow. What bit is the bow itself (is it a BCR piece)? I'd make the crossbow rules good for a high cost versus "meh" for a modest cost. 5+ to hit is soul destroying (i.e. what anything with 4+ to hit does against Dryads - I've adjusted lists to deal with the ubiquitous -1 to hit debuffs already). Perhaps if they were 5+ to hit, but +2 to hit and +1 to wound against Da Big Thingz? Warcanter doesn't help with pew pew, but Bellowing Tyrant does.
  21. One quick comment - this is an obvious model for conversions and has great narrative potential for #RAW17. Rocks falling off it and crushing the heads of nearby Ardboyz or nearby Stormcast.
  22. They should clarify this quickly. Perhaps the Battletome itself does so. I'm surprised by the changes to Stormcast I've seen so far. At a very high level, Stormcast were different from the other armies as they relied on alpha strike abilities and high quality (albeit fundamentally slow) troops with the best profiles (Retributor Hammers, Dracoth Knights, Starsoul Maces) and relatively simple rules and combos (Starsoul Maces, Lord Celestant plus Retributors); whereas other armies relied on inferior troops with better combos, synergies, spells other movement tricks etc.. I'm reserving judgment as to how it will look when the dust settles. I do love the various hero buffs, banners, prayers etc.. It will probably be more interesting, but it the reliable deep striking has gone away, then the army will play completely differently. It might become more of a durable bunker/gunline army, with some infiltration harrassment options and limited deepstriking.
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