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Everything posted by Fulcanelli

  1. This. I've started an army of CoS after the release of the battletome. I've never run Empire, Dwarfs or Elves before, but I now like the concept of normal people fighting against big monster, demi-god and supernatural powers. Regarding the OP, I completely agree, this faction is designed as melting pot... and yet my choice FOR NOW is to go full humans – However, I'll convert some units in order to make them human (for example my Cogsmith is human) and not lose effectiveness. The reason to exclude some races for my CoS list is purely "aesthetic": I like strong identity in an army and therefore visual uniformity on the table. Someone might argue that colour scheme can fix this, but elves or stormcasts alongside humans...it just doesn't sound visually good to me. So, this is only a matter of taste... I don't play ultra-competitive games, but CoS give me (and probably others gamers) the opportunity to converting unique stuff (what I enjoy most) and deploy a visually rewarding army. Also, I am aware I'm not using the book in the appropriate way
  2. You have achieved a beautiful result. I'm always scared to put pure white highlight, but you'll do it right I also think this scheme works well, trembling to see the whole unit complete.
  3. I love your purple, shiny and intense. A side question: do you'll paint heads separately from the bodies, for this unit?
  4. Stunning work indeed! I was thinking, some day, to make an army of OBR and slightly convert them wih Tomb Kings shields and various elements (I have a lot of old bits)...but this is beyond!
  5. I think I will go for the Warrior Priest! What a nostalgia trigger... (I'm aware of the great squat, I hope one day we will see Warrior Priest and Witch Hunter resculpted. A man can dream.)
  6. Yeah, a good catch indeed. My only complain is that he might be a little bigger/bulky than a regular human, but probably it doesn't matter.
  7. Hello everyone, If I wanted to proxy a Runelord, in order to have a "total human" army, what should I use? (GW or other brands, although I prefer plastic).
  8. Uhm that's strange...I'm thinking about some issues with the undercoat, it seems uniform? Also, probably you already do it, Nihilakh Oxide need to be super shaked before applying. Maybe it's a flawed product
  9. I've painted an entire unit of Chainrasp using pure Nihilak Oxide on a base of Corax White. In some spots it happened that, once dried, the coat resulted a little bit chalky/grainy. Is this what you mean? Anyway, I used lahmian on a couple of heroes: it seemed better, but I'm not sure if merit goes to the medium or to a special attention on more important models
  10. Hi Verengard, I try to answer you, cos my NH army is mostly painted with nihilakh oxide. I think the key is absolutely avoid pooling, moving or taking out the excess with the brush (you can also use a dry brush, in order to absorb the color). Another solution could be mixing the nihilakh oxide with lahmian medium, instead of using it pure. Maybe pro painters have more illuminating advices
  11. Very nice scheme! The green on the robe is Hexwraith Flame? What kind of wash did you use?
  12. Nice conversion! What knights models are these?
  13. Oh, thanks @Double Misfire, that's a very comprehensive answer! I'm pleased to learn that behind the construction of these cities there were such evil machinations. It makes CoS lore grimmer. And now I'm wondering if these plans are risolved or maybe there were (or will be) consequences... Also I really like your gunmaster's conversion (such a beautiful model, sad it's been squatted), thank you for sharing!
  14. Hi everyone! I'm slowly preparing a Greywater Fastness army and I'm diving in the lore of this city. I knew that Valius Maliti and his craftsmen built it, using Realmstone. Here's a first question: I have to think that part of the buildings are actually made of this prodigious stone, or means that Valius used its magical power in some ways? Also... I've read in Lexicanum that Valius "served Tzeentch and worked his secret patron's designs into a dozen Free Cities". Well, I've definitely miss something! He's always been a chaos devotee or maybe he converted after the construction of GF? Thanks in advance
  15. Hello everyone! Many years ago I played WFB with Tomb Kinks and Bretonnia... yeah, you know what I mean. After a big pause, I've returned to the hobby: I don't care to be ultra-competitive in game, but I really enjoy collecting, converting and painting stuff. At the moment I play Nighthaunt, but I'm slowly preparing an army for Cities of Sigmar (Greywater Fastness); I love the concept of a bunch of fragile humans in a world of high fantasy monsters and inexplicable magic (although sometimes I feel the lore not so solid yet...). This community seems to me very positive, helpful and polite. Regards
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