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Everything posted by Bayul

  1. So if anybody – a TO for example – would try to question the Nighthaunt battalion I choose for my Legion of Grief army, I would just need to point out that I can select it in GW's own app and I'll be fine? I need to own the Nighthaunt Battletome as well in that case, right?
  2. Based on which rules / FAQ / Erratum / GHB specifically? The Warscroll Builder on https://www.warhammer-community.com/ does not let me choose a battalion.
  3. That's almost the same 1000 points list I have currently, but with a Necromancer for Deathly Invocation instead of the GoS.
  4. That's really good advice @flowerpot_chimp, especially the 40-10-10 battleline and KoSoES. I am still shopping towards 2000 points, but this my planned list: Allegiance: Legion of GriefLeadersDreadblade Harrow (90)- General- Trait: Vassal of the Craven King- Artefact: Grave-sand GemReikenor the Grimhailer (170)- Spell: Wail of DoomKnight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)Spirit Torment (120)Necromancer (130)- Spell: Wail of DoomBattleline40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)Units20 x Bladegheist Revenants (320)20 x Grimghast Reapers (320)12 x Myrmourn Banshees (210)Endless Spells / TerrainHorrorghast (60)Suffocating Gravetide (20)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 140 I'll probably take a Spirit Torment as support for my Bladegheists instead of Kurdoss Valentian. That leaves me some points for endless spells for Reikenor to choose from.
  5. I don't understand your statement. Why wouldn't NH units benefit from cover against Bonesplitterz as usual? Why is this worth mentioning in this context?
  6. Did my rule book from Soul Wars just become obsolete? I bought it a month ago. What would I miss?
  7. Would be cool if you post your list in this thread: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22469-aos-2-legion-of-grief-discussion/
  8. Why not? Which artifacts would you take?
  9. Thank you for the answer, but in the context of an event like NOVA: Do you think LoG is a explicitly viable option? I do believe there wasn't a single LoG list at NOVA and the excitment for LoG since the Forbidden Powers announcement seems to fade.
  10. @Graywater Do you mind to elaborate on your Legion of Grief statement?
  11. I'm interested in the lists aswell. No pressure, though. ... maybe a tiny bit pressure.
  12. Not one LoG list at NOVA: https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/r/e1j0rdl9 Are people even trying to figure out this army anymore? I'll need to overthink my decision to start AoS with Legion of Grief and might sell Forbidden Powers. Buying units for Legion of Grief feels like betting on a horse that doesn't even take part in the race.
  13. Is it possible that LoG might get some battalions in a White Dwarf release some day? Or do we have to wait until a new battletome for LoN devours LoG and makes it a proper Legion?
  14. Look what I discovered on Twitter: https://twitter.com/golongdesign/status/1163530947834200066 Printable Legion of Grief cards by Andrew Long: http://bit.ly/legionofgrief
  15. I know that. The additional 150 points seem redundant in his posted list, so I thought it might be a bug.
  16. @ArcTrooper525448 So you already played 35 games with this list? What was you hardest matchup? Is movement control a meta call? Aren't Thorns of the Briar Queen 0 Points if you take them in a set with the The Briar Queen?
  17. @RuneBrush The only thing I could find out is that the other LoG list placed 24th and was played by Dan Arnold. Where would you look it up?
  18. @Tropical Ghost General Where did you find the results? Are the lists released too? It would be great if somebody could post the Legion of Grief list that placed 24th.
  19. Is this statment for pre- or post-FAQ Legion of Grief?
  20. So I tinkered with the warscroll builder and came up with this 1000 points list for my first AoS army. Do I have too many leaders? Should I replace one for some Mymourn Banshees to dispel endless spells? Allegiance: Legion of GriefLeadersDreadblade Harrow (90)- General- Trait: Tragic Emanations- Artefact: Grave-sand GemReikenor the Grimhailer (170)- Spell: Shroud of TerrorNecromancer (130)- Spell: Shroud of TerrorKnight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)Battleline20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)- Ancient SpearsUnits5 x Dreadscythe Harridans (80)5 x Dreadscythe Harridans (80)Endless Spells / TerrainHorrorghast (60)Suffocating Gravetide (20)Total: 990 / 1000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 63
  21. @Sauriv Did you have the opportunity to test your list or are you still theorycrafting? What's your opinion on a Mortis Engine?
  22. Hi, I hope you don't mind beginner questions: Warcry sparked some interest in AoS and Nighthaunt in particular purely for aesthetic reasons and I'd like to expland my warband to Legion of Grief. Summon flying spooky ghosts and stacking up bravery reduction sounds like a fun theme. How should I start building up to 1000 points? Is Ben Savva's list a good orientation? So focusing on myrmourn banshees, chainrasp horde and proper endless spells? I know that Forbidden Powers plus FAQ is mandatory, but do I need both NH and LoN Battletomes or the GHB 2019 even?
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