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Everything posted by Heijoshin

  1. This is great, thanks! I will give this a whirl for sure. Regarding the purple tint, was that from pics of the desert ruins? That could be the case, as I have a terrible abilitly to take colours out of an image. I was thinking of doing something similar to what you suggest, but with a reddy brown mix as I noticed that some pictures have a reddish brown tint to them, but that could just be the sun setting in the images. I should really get my eyes checked out....😁
  2. Are you generally thinning with water or the contrast medium? Is there any difference?
  3. That's also a great idea! Pretty easy to bring it down to black then if I prime dark grey instead of trying to highlight up.
  4. Thanks for the tip! I guess I could prime it a dark grey, then nuln oil wash or glaze it down to almost black.
  5. This is great, thank you! To be honest, I never even knew weathering powders were a thing, but they seems exactly what I need though. Thanks a lot!
  6. Hey everyone, Im looking to achieve the blackish and weathered / sandswept ruins look as seen in the video game Conan Exiles. Problem is I am not sure how to 1) achieve the right black look to make it weather and 2) to add what looks like the sandy / browny coloured sand weathering seen on the top. Does anyone have any tips on how to achieve this on say the Bone-Tithe Nexus or on some larger base rocks for instance? Here are some reference pics: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CnUcHppWgAAsc5-?format=jpg&name=large https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/conanexiles_gamepedia/f/f6/Sandswept_1.jpg?version=aa19e59800d8c16bf57b56d7353fc127 https://gameranx.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/20180517110715_1-700x438.jpg (not the best quality pic, but it highlights where the sand is falling at least). Any tips are appreciated! Thanks!
  7. Hey everyone, I'm not very versed in the world of mini painting and I'm wanting to follow a suggestion and base my minis with a black, Rhinox Hide, 50/50 Rhinox Hide & Death Claw (probably optional), Straight Death Claw Zenithal Style. However, I don't have an airbrush so would like to ask if there are any spray paints that are close to the GW Rhinox Hide and Death Claw paint colours? Bonus points if there is somehow a spray that is in between these two colours (to use as the 50/50 part of the process). If there is nothing similar enough, would just a dark brown and then a light brown work you think? What about a just straight, black, grey and white zenithal style priming? I'm going for a very weathered stone & sand type of look. Black undercoat, then the zenithal process mentioned above, then sponge sandish colours, wash, then drybrush ushabti. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
  8. I forgot that I left on notifications for this thread and my phone has been blowing up this past hour. Thanks guys...... Anyway, I wanted to focus on this bit in particular, because I picked up AoS with these two armies as well and I want to give you a bit of context as to why you may feel your warscrolls are a bit weaker, beside the usual "power creep" discussion. I'm not going to go into power creep because whilst on the face of it I do agree books now are stronger than before, on the other hand this may be an intentional GW move to make factions more unique and older tomes will get the same treatment along the road (i.e. SCE and NH). Like I said, I started AoS with the Soul Wars stuff and loved both armies. I loved the SCE Seqs and the Evos, the reapers from NH and just generally liked both armies (still do). Then as a result of a lot of whining and moaning from people about how "broken" Sequitors are and how "OP" Evos are from FB pages and generally from people that refused to think for 5 minutes about how to counter them. People would simply either refuse to play against SCE, or ****** and moan about how broken Evos were and basically anyone who used SCE were noobs, meta chasers, or somehow both! Then GW eventually nerfed the newer SCE units into the ground, nerfed the Grimghast Reaper points, simply because people made better use of them IN ANOTHER ARMY (this one still triggers me). Even now, for some reason Libs are still 100 points. Then look at Chaos warriors. Basically you are complaining about the very thing which others did in the past that led to the nerfs of the armies you are playing (hope that makes sense). Maybe, just maybe you should be asking GW why they nerfed SCE and NH and ask them to bring them both UP to the level of others.
  9. Whilst I think I prefer the "lost the battle, won the war" interpretation of the whole "undefeated" thing, the lore itself portrays Katakros as prideful, arrogant but fully aware that he has been defeated multiple times. Check this out: https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Orpheon_Katakros#fn_1b (yes, it's a wiki page, but it's at least citing pages in the battletome) Here are some tidbits (emphasis my own): He knows he's been defeated and it shames and enrages him beyond measure. That's his whole deal. He hates Sigmar for getting his head smashed in, but with this new body, NOW he has reached his prime and now that he has essentially been "reborn", he can claim his title of being undefeated once again..... ....Until Wrath of the Everchosen. Nowhere does it state that he actually doesn't believe he was ever defeated. He tells people that he has never been defeated because, let's be honest, he's a complete autocratic moron that doesn't want to look weak to people that are afraid to him. That's why he does not correct them when they give him his old title back. He's prideful and arrogant, not delusional. If he never thought he was defeated, he wouldn't be so damn angry. Nagash literally uses the shame and anger of his defeat to Sigmar to shape Katakros into who he is now: That doesn't sound like someone who doesn't believe they ever lost. So when people, like myself, are confused and a bit disappointed that "the undefeated" is defeated pretty much straight away in his new incarnation, they aren't pulling it out of nothing. It's a direct contradiction to the lore of the character. Maybe going forward they will use the "undefeated" thing to refer to that he has never been truly killed (because his soul remains blah blah), or that he is always "reborn" in a new body and THAT version is undefeated - both of which I think are cheap technicalities that ruin the character. OR, if they are saying that he hasn't lost the war, so he is not defeated in that sense, then I think that is pretty cool. Although if they want to show the latter, they need to specify it clearly, as the lore and story as it currently stands contradicts what they are telling me about the character.
  10. Not really surprised really. I get that people have this fear of new books being strong, and I get that the first reaction to PE's "everyone gets +1 save" is a fearful anticipation. But surprising and wide reaching strengths doesn't automatically equate to unbalanced, OPness or even being that good (Nighthaunt all fly, but people aren't complaining about that or anything). PE is undoubtedly strong, but its very honest. It's literally just a buff to offense and defense in the most basic part of the game - The actual fighting. Here's what I wrote in another forum: I understand that petrifex is strong. It is. Its also very honest. A person drops a PE list and you know exactly what it does and what it can't do. The issue people have is that it places a lot of the countering on the opponent having to include shooting and / or mortal wounds and / or having to play the objective game and guess what? Some people often times just don't like being told they have to change something or think beyond their usual strategy. I see a lot of mild hypocrisy in the fact that a lot of people hate PE because their faction struggles more against PE than others, yet don't care when PE have struggles to shooting and or mortal wounds armies (i.e. Tzeentch, hallowheart etc). And if you're talking about only one sub-faction being played. What about all but one person taking Hermdar for Fyreslayers? (Edit: This is in regards to Cancon and someone saying "but people only took PE, thats how you know its broken!") I find Fyreslayers an apt comparison to OBR. They're sitting at 66% win rate overall (OBR AKA Petrifex at 58%), did exceptionally well at all tournaments recently, have a lot of similarities to OBR and PE, yet no one bats an eye when 20 4+ / 4++ 2 wound hearthguard berserkers are fighting first and them immediately fight again. Oh and they have movement shenanigans. I get that the answer is "they need heroes and wholly within buffs!" but my answer to that is "and?". Thats the price you pay for all those benefits. Yet PE have 2 "simple" (I mean uncomplex) buffs (the Rend buff does have the Hekatos requirements), which yes affects everyone, but also they have no fight first, no fight last, no fight again and no movement shenanigans. The most trolltastic you can get is Nagash with Protection of Nagash and he teleports himself. They are focused on the basic aspect of the combat phase: defense and offense (with the rend). Thats it. And the price of those isn't as high as say Fyreslayers, because they arent doing as many different things. Edit: To add to this "basic aspect of the combat phase". Sure the 3+ helps with shooting too. Also the 6+ FNP and the shieldwall forces you at the widest to be in a 12" bubble, because if you string mortek out, you are not getting these abilities. So your choices are to stick to 12" and leave yourself open to movement and leave your heroes more exposed, or string them out, lose the benefits and basically become the games most expensive screening unit and basically wasting their potential. The same is said for the rend buff. So You're choices are: Blob unit that your opponent can move around / play with, or an expensive screen that really is wasted in this role.
  11. I wrote some pretty memey thoughts about the Wrath book in the Katakros VS Archaon who would win? thread, and I did want to write some more serious thoughts at some point, so I guess I will write them here.
  12. Ah, thanks for the clarification. The way it is worded made me think that the "great content for every fan of Warhammer Age of Sigmar" part was the siege rules, and them specifically highlighting death and chaos for the rules etc was because something cool and specific for us was coming. Oh well. I mean I guess I will wait to see what the contents is, but as it stands I doubt I will get the book. I understand that OBR has just released, but a part of me did expect them to get something in there, seeing as they are the other major player in the book. Or is that just me?
  13. Let's be honest, the cover of the book basically gives it away. It's going to go down like this: - Archaon: "I have arrived! Tremble before my -2 Rend Slayer of Kings! Mwahaha!" *Mortek Guard look at each other and all start laughing* (see, this is why the Mortek models are all grinning) Archaon: "Why are you laughing? Why aren't you fearing me!?" Mortek Hekatos (In what I imagine is an Australian accent) : "yeah nah mate, -2 rend ain't anythin' bloody special. We can get that and we're bloody battleline!" Archaon: "Wait, what? Well, at least my 3+ save shal-" Mortek Hekatos: "nah yeah, we have that too" Archaon: ".....Ok... but I mean I can be healed D3 wou-" Mortek Hekatos: "Flat 3 for us" Archaon (In disblief): "...flat...3?" Mortek Hekatos: "Yeah. Multiple times. And this big bloody dino thing, you know, the one with the spikey balls for hands? That can bring us back to bloody life using the bones of our enemies! Pretty sweet. Archaon: "That does sound pretty cool actually..." Mortek Hekatos: "By the way mate, didn't you blow up a planet? Would have thought you'd get some better job perks, what with you meeting your targets and all that." Archaon: "Right!? All I got for it was that three headed monster-thing. It's a nightmare to look after. And the Eight Points? Let me tell you, the rent is through the roof." Mortek Hekatos: "Tell you what, you give me your résumé and I'll put in a good word with my boss. Heck, you pass your probation and they may even promote me to a Liege! Win-win for both of us! Can't promise anything though and if you join, it'll only be as a trainee at first. You any good at holding scrolls? We recently did a big recruitment drive, so we've already got plenty of -2 rend 3+ save peeps as it is, but I reckon you'll rise up the ranks quicker than a bloody kangaroo" Archaon: "What's a kangaroo?" Mortek Hekatos: "No idea, just came to mind. Anyway, we got a deal?" Archaon: "Deal" *Archaon gives the keys to Eight Points* And so, filled with resentment at the Chaos gods for treating him like ******, Archaon joins the forces of OBR so he can get that sweet sweet extra rend (and +1 save). The end. ____________ It makes perfect sense. Big "oh s**t" twist moment? Check. Everyone is still alive? Check. Fantastic narrative and believable and relatable characters? Check???
  14. The latest article about Wrath of the Everchosen is up (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/29/why-you-need-to-read-wrath-of-the-everchosengw-homepage-post-1/) and I saw this mentioned: "Wrath of the Everchosen has a lot of great content for every fan of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, as well as rules and campaigns for Death and Chaos armies." After seeing the article before this show all the allegiance abilities seemingly being only for Chaos, I was a little miffed. Now I'm quite excited to see if OBR (and of course the other death factions) get some nice shiny stuff too.
  15. Thanks for the info! Could you clarify what you mean by "spreading your drops"? Do you mean that you don't HAVE to drop if I don't want to, but can basically "skip" a few drops and drop my four nearer to when my opponent has finished, thus seen more of their deployment, but still ensuring I can choose first turn? I'm still on the fence about my own artefacts, and whether to take the Soulmason or not. I fear that against some heavy shooting (albeit with not THAT much rend) and heavy magic, I would need the extra Boneshaper. How did the Gothizzar Cartouche work out for you? Wholly within 9 is pretty small, which is also another reason I am not thinking about the Soulmason. Similar decision with taking the Shrieker or going helm of the ordained. I prefer certainty which is why I chose Helm. I guess it also depends on how tanky 9 wound, 2+ (potentially rerolling 1's) Kavalos actually is and how much damage I can do turn 1. I guess against shooting, and If the Kav was with the stalkers (and they survived) I would still get "look out Sir!" on the Kavalos still...I think. Interesting about the predator! I guess against a hero focused Hallowheart, it could work out really well. Forcing them to back off and rethink their movement. May have to switch some spells around and see if it can fit in! How fast were your Mortek in following up the deathglaive? Bit sluggish or were they in the thick of it turn 2? With so many RDP that you were getting, were the Mortek shield Corp worth it you think? I'll also let you know when I finally get my games in with this list!
  16. Pretty much the same list I was thinking and wrote at the top of this page to counter some heavy shooting or magic. What are your overall takeaways from this list? Is the double battalion too much? What do you feel about the deathglaive battalion? Did your opponent deploy a lot deeper knowing you would be taking first turn and going straight in? How did the deathglaive units fair after your opponents first round? Did they survive? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get an idea of how well a list like ours would hold up.
  17. Hey everyone, I tried answering my own question from earlier in the thread about dealing with a strong static shooting and magic list like hallowheart. But using mostly what I had / minimal new stuff until my Kata and crawler arrive and are all done. I thought about going for a double batallion list of Shield Corps and the Katakrosian Deathglaive. My idea is to hit hard right away with the battalion units and the liege. Throw in a lot of RD points for the offense and still have a point and the free shieldwall in case there is combat for the mortek guard first round. Basically looks like this: Liege Kav Helm of the Ordained General Bone Shaper Godbone armour Bone Shaper Artisans key Mortek Guard x 20 - Swords Mortek Guard x 20 - Swords Mortek Guard x 10 - Swords 1 unit Morghast Harbinger 1 Unit Stalker 1 Unit Stalker Mortek Shield Corp Katakrosian death glaive Prismatic palisade Soulstealer carrion Bone-tithe shrieker There is still tweaking to be done, like if the bone-tithe shrieker is worth it. My idea is to project the +1 to hit in more places. As i am not taking the soul mason (which is another consideration). The idea with palisade is block the line of site to move up. But against something like hallowheart I'm not sure its worth it. They would easily dispell it their next turn with its low cast value, but my thinking would be the -1 to hit from it. Although it would need the 5+ and then they would have their own 5+ save on top. Might not be worth it. What do you guys think? What about the double battalion? Its only "80" but with added endless spells that nees taking it does add up. Could easily add another mortek unit. However it does provide a nice extra benefit and extra RDP.
  18. Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for the info and I agree 40 is probably too much. What do you and everyone else advise in situations when you are against a shooting heavy list and / or heavy magic (so Hallowheart basically). Say you are going in knowing 99.9% even before list building its a heavy shooting and magic list, what are your lists looking like? Would you recommend something like prismatic palisade? What about Immortis guard for the heroes? By heavy shooting and magic im talking 30 Darkshards, 2-4 reaper bolt throwers (we allow them in our group despite them not being "legal"), and basically 4 casters, (2 sorcs, 1 battlemage and dreadlord with artefact to cast). The Battlemage with the Transmutation of Lead spell is a pain, and a lot the Hallowheart spells look like massive kick in the groin as well to boot. I may have a game soon with this list, which is VERY un-optimised - at least whilst I am waiting for my crawler and Katakross to arrive and be built etc. I name it my "I finally have close to 2k, this is what I have and I am tired of building, I just want a game for heavens sake!" list: Legion: Up for debate but i'll stick in PE for now. Liege Kav Helm of the Ordained General Bone Shaper Godbone armour Bone Shaper Soul Mason Mortek Guard x 20 - Swords Mortek Guard x 20 - Swords Mortek Guard x 10 - Swords 1 unit Morghast Harbinger / Archai 1 unit Morghast Harbinger / Archai 1 Unit Stalker / Immortis Mortek Shield Corp. 1990 / 2000 So yeah, far from the best and still unsure on a lot of things like which of the Morghast variants to go with and whether to go with them as one or two units. Same with stalkers over immortis. I may pull a Morghast unit or the stalkers / immortis and just buy and build a harvester quickly. Also may even get the Endless spells and build the Carrion as well if I drop a Morghast unit. Would this be a definite Null Myriad choice? Or even something like Stalliarch to get in there asap and cause some mayhem? Or is PE still the go to even in this scenario?
  19. Splitting the 40 block and swapping for the shield-corps would make it 100 points more expensive. Even removing the endless spells it still brings it to 2020 (very fitting given the new year)
  20. Ah sorry, I didn't even see the "3 Stalkers" in the list! This old man needs to remember to put his glasses on when reading! It's an interesting list with most of the stuff coming from Feast of Bones! I may have to piece something similar together as well.
  21. Isnt Vok's Retinue only with Stalkers, and not Immortis?
  22. Going to have to disagree with pretty much all of this (except the not being fun to fight against, where I have no opinion of it, as I haven't fought against it). I am presuming by "last tournament" you mean the Krigsluntan GT? If so you are clearly skewing results and stats to fit your own agenda and impression of the army. Don't say the "data" shows this when it clearly doesn't. As I mentioned in this post: Only ONE person went higher than 3-2 in this tournament and the one that did is one of the best players in Sweden. They probably could have taken a GA: Death army and still come in the top 3. As for the win %, what about that DoT win percentage of 70% with only 4 players? Where is your outrage there? Yes, DoT have less than 50% in general and you know why that is? Because the more play an army, the lower the match win % goes (ok that is not the only reason, but it is a contributing factor). How many players took OBR to the tournament? 8. Only EIGHT (I thought it was 9 but one player didn't show it seems) players and you are basing everything on that. So with that in mind, how can you say they are OP based off of ONE tournament, with one of the players being the best in the country. Oh and the OBR win % was 62.2%. Don't round up the number to fit your own agenda. If you are going to use "data" as your argument and you want to round things, you should round down in this instance. Lastly, regarding this particular win %. How much are you willing to factor in novelty, freshness and the lack of opportunity for opponents to get accustomed to OBR? This is obviously a factor when facing off against a brand new opponent. Do they seem strong as a result of this tournament? Yes, but it is questionable to what extent. 5 out of the 8 players went 3-2, which is perfectly reasonable. You know what 5 out of 8 is as a %? 62.5%. You know what 3 out of 5 is (3-2 win/ loss)? 60%. So 62.5% of OBR players won 60% of their games (3-2 result). Are you seeing a pattern here? The pattern being that based on this one result, it seems that they are good, but if I am a good player, I can do better and if I am not so good, I will do worse? And again, how much does novelty and freshness factor in? What happens when people get used to OBR? Will this go down? Could also be that people start finding more powerful synergies and so it could go up? Who knows what could happen! And that is the point, no one can yet. If anything can be taken away from this tournament regarding OBR, and as much as it doesn't make sense really, it's that they seem to be a consistent 3-2 army. But to say anything more than that based on one tournament result is pure madness until more come in.
  23. I have to say these look great! Bases are another thing I will consider. I typically glue my guys on first, but perhaps I will get the bases sorted before I put them on. And thanks for the bone tutorial! This one seems nice and easy also. It's really hard to decide to be honest! I always suffer from analysis paralysis, which is probably another reason it takes me ages to get stuff done.
  24. @Scurvydog Thanks for the tips! This is really helpful. I thought about going for the skeleton horde bone look, with some Bronze for the rims and a greenish tinge for the shield. How do you find the Nihilak Oxide? I thought about throwing some onto the bronze as a kinda of wash to dim it down a little and have a weathered effect. Are you using it solely for the ghostly look of the bones, or also to weather the weapons and others etc? @Death1942 I've been seeing the "contrast and shield & edge" style a lot as well. It does seem that contrast paints are probably the quickest way to go about it and to get stuff on the board as quickly as possible. The army as a whole has something about it that makes it as simple or as detailed as you want it. There is always some tiny detail that you can paint different, if you want. @Sleboda Fantastic blog! My initial idea is a kind of mix between the left and middle models in this image of yours: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/tgacommunity/monthly_2019_11/20191119_104823.jpg.0e81d7c7e1d54e10a48dbc72e2052578.jpg With the darker green and more bronze in the middle, but most likely the bone colour of the left. Although I am undecided exactly what the bone colour might be. I do also like the greyish stone look of the middle. How did you get that effect? I'm excited to see your progress and look forward to seeing more! I know you are probably trying to say "hey, take your time and enjoy the ride!", and it is important to remember that, but the way this is written isn't helpful. Where did I say I wasn't doing anything about it? Clearly I am because I am asking for advice. What is dishonest about wanting to do it quickly? If I am more of a player rather than a hobbyist? Why is it impatient of me to want to reduce the time I spend on the aspect that isn't as enjoyable as the other part? Also speed =/= bad. Vince Venturella painted 2k of Ogors in 24 hours. Does that make it bad? Only because I want it done quick doesn't mean I am going to splash on the paint like madman with a crayon. It seems like the hobby part is something important to you, which is great. All the best to you. I just prefer to play the game. Of course having something nice and painted is great, but like I said in my original post about it, I know myself and I know it's going to take me ages. I don't have a lot of time to do it, I don't have a dedicated place, so I have to take things out, put them back, move this, move that. I know the best solution for me is to make this as efficient as possible, so I save time and can spend more time playing, cos that is what is important to me.
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