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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. It might be a new option, it might be a mistake. Either way, I'm holding off on finishing those griffins. And yes, the Empire General on horse will be missed. I was at it quite fast, and luckily puchased one on ebay before prices were rising, since I did not want to wait for a long time (even though, in my youthful innocence of the monday before yesterday, I thought they could not remove that set).
  2. So, I've done some thinking, which is always dangerous. Since GW hasn't really recognised this culling, could they do another one with the models that do have a replacement at launch? So first kill everything that does not get a replacement. Then, at launch, give everything that you want gone but hasn't a replacement but currently pushes square bases or does not fit new aesthetichs. This would mean the disposessed lords, the Empire captain, (maybe) the Phoenix guard, the Assassin and the Black Ark Fleetmaster. Maybe even the Sorceress, as it has a square base on the sprue (but could be glued on a round). I can hope it would also mean the Crossbowmen/Handgunners and Guard, because I don't want to purchase the current sets.
  3. Yes, we can play with the remainder of the units, and the others will not be deleted until GHB 2020, but also will not get updated warscrolls. Updating the warscralls could change keywords, so lords from retained units do not affect dumped units and vice versa. Shiny new warscrolls can be a blessing or a curse. I expect a net loss for Freeguild at the loss of Militia units and maybe even every sane loadout for the general.
  4. I just painted my mini gryph hound, a bit less colourful. I as a person don't like Stormcast, so my city won't either and by proxy Sigmar. Taal fits my city perfectly for the Ghur side of town, with Verena for the Hyish side. I would have liked that to also be one of the northern gods, but those do not really fit Hyish. I like the dichotomy of a bit of Kharza mashed with a Hyish town, making savagery and philosophy two sides of the same coin.
  5. Seeing as I've had quite a bit of trouble purchasing my units between unavailabilities, and others too, selling models seems not their prime directive
  6. Oh, they are not going this moment. Just next year or so. The undersized legs on Fyreslayers are both a matter of opinion, and consistent. The gryph hound does not fit others with the same warscroll. And Ulric, Taal and Morr are all better gods than Sigmar. Sigmar probably does not like that, and will instruct his acolytes in Nottingham to take them out. My city just got a bit of lore added to it.
  7. A girlfriend who got me into warhammer, even (even though she assumed I would go for 40k).
  8. I think everything with horses and/or Karl Franz lettering will probably go out in the coming years, as well as the guards and crossbowmen. The general on griffin is the one of those that I see being replaced with another model if the lettering cannot be retooled (which is actually far from impossible). That is Luminarch/Hurricanum (horse and KF lettering) Outriders/pistoleers (2009 set, horses) Guard (2007 set, I think) Crossbowmen/handgunners (2007 set, I think) Empire captain (old set with square base it needs to stand) This would leave General on Griffin (simply too glorious not to use) Greatswords Demigryphs On the Duardin side, the Warden king and Runelord also need their square bases to stand, I don't think those will stay for long. I don't think they will leave in the coming year, but they won't last to 2021
  9. Well, the light among the dark is that it needs to support way fewer warscrolls (63 if I count correctly) so it'll have more pages per city (say some 15 pages per city). I suspect we'll see a few cities, and the "core" differs. Freeguild, Ironweld and Disposessed as well as Kharadron: The more scientific city, Chamon would fit best. Freeguild, College, wanderers and the remains of High elves: The more magical of cities, Hyish would fit best. Freeguild, Disposessed, Phoenix and College for Aqshi. Freeguild, Wanderers for Ghyran, perhaps with Ironweld or Disposessed. Dark elves and Wanderers for Ulgu, perhaps with Disposessed added to them. Freeguild, Dark elves and Wanderers for Ghur. Dark elves, College and Disposessed for Shyish, or everybody for Azyr (Hammerhall). Stormcast are probably going to be able to fit everywhere. As for abilities: I hope there will be about 3 batallions per city, with an additional flavour for the faction of the general. Every faction ability should be reworded to encompass everyone from that city. So three layered: Allegiance: on city basis, gives general ability and decides what is in the army and the allies that can be taken Batallions General, the faction of which you choose your general decides an extra bit of the city Ironweld, I expect the copters and bombers to go to Kharadron or Disposessed (but see next bit), and the others to go to Freeguild. Perhaps there is one or two new models, if so, the old models will get a warscroll nerf to invalidate them, if no new models, this faction will be removed in 1-2 years. Steam tank has Karl Franz text on it, and helblaster/helstorm are dated (though KF is more subtle on them). College: Does not have a god tie. If they are not rolled in with Freeguild, they are going to be removed, if they are, they may still be. Wizards are dated, and both the griffin and luminarch/hurricanum sets have Karl Franz text on them. Devoted: Excelsior Warpriest shares a sprue with an undersized gryph hound, so that can't be reprinted. I don't see a use for Flagellants without leaders. Disposessed: Maybe the Kharadron rules taunted are just "what remains of disposessed can be employed by Kharadron", otherwise they will need quite a bit of meat somehow. If they do not get new models or are rolled in with the Kharadron, I expect the faction to be removed in 1-2 years. Freeguild: Posterboys of the book, I expect warscroll buffs for Demigryph and Greatswords, same or nerfs on the rest. Militia option of guard is removed. If I could guess for new models, a model of a general on foot (the empire captain can't stay) and general on demigryph are logical for Freeguild, and maybe we'll see the units that are going to displace the crossbowmen and downgrade the Greatswords. Unit by unit: Greatsword: Has longevity (2011 set), good set without Karl Franz lettering. May get downgraded to guard status if there is an elite infantry option. Demigryphs: Brilliant (2011)set with very subtle KF shield that can easily be filled on the mold. Looks quite extravagant without being ugly. General on Griffin: Brilliant (2011) set, the only weakness is KF lettering you cannot circumvent, if that is retooled, it will stay. Crossbowmen/handgunners 2007 set (I think), if new missile set released, will get some sort of nerf Guard: 2007 set (I think), loses militia option. I do not think other changes will happen, though if new elite infantry, Greatswords will take their place Pistoleers/Outriders: 2009 set, looks good to my eyes, but has horses, may stay for now. If a new set comes, I expect outriders as a warscroll to maybestay, and pistoleers to go, since pistoleers can be found in history, while repeater guns cannot on horse. Empire Captain: Awful set, 2007 I think, with square base on the sprue that you need to even get him to stand straight, needs to go. If this thing is not replaced by a general on foot or Demigryph, Freeguild is doomed. With no new plastic. Freeguild will be removed in 1-2 years. Alternatively, the Disposessed are rolled in with Freeguild, this would make the Ironbreakers and Hammerers the new elite infantry, and the Irondrakes the new missile weapons, but I don't think so. It would make sense with the Cogsmith remaining without dwarf artillery. Dark elves: No idea, haven't investigated them, reunited as Malarion aelves most likely though. They have enough units to stay, and are probably AoS enough to do so. High elf remains: This is hard. Either their remains will be folded in with the wanderers, or the dark elves. They don't fit with either. Maybe the guard will be removed after all, they are doubled with other spearmen, but why not now? The birds would fit the wanderers better, and the sisters/shadow warriors are neccessary with them a lot more, but the phoenix guard fits neither. I do like the notion that these would become Teclis aelves, with the dark elves becoming Malarion aelves. Phoenix fits Aqshi more, but Teclis fits Hyish better. Wanderers: Rolled in with Kurnothi later, splashed in a few cities for now. Maybe all cities, to give them more legitimacy.
  10. They were upfront that a handful of models were going to be removed. 26 sets were removed, which is a far cry from a handful. They were also upfront that they would give a full list of what was going to be removed, and they didn't. Except for the New Zealand guy, that added a list in the email warning players. In other countries, that email came when half of the models were gone. Some sets entered "last chance to buy" when they were sold out worldwide. "Wizards from different factions" is only Dark elves and College, the rest is removed. I will probably get CoS, as it's the only thing I expect to happen for Freeguild, if it's even halfway decent. I can absolutely see people leaving the hobby over this. If you've been strung along for four years, maybe starting with an AoS branded kit which no longer has any models for matched play, you have been quite badly burned.
  11. Thanks! It is a possibility, but I think they will not put any effort in this set. It already makes a MSU, and GW does not even care enough to change the URL on the website of every model (nor the sticker when you buy them).
  12. Could you tell me which boxes that would be? I am sort of new, I don't know all that much about anything from before the end of may.
  13. They also want the disappointment to die down before they do a release. Wait a few weeks, and the affected players may have left the hobby entirely. If they don't give any sound to this, new players may not know they are buying into quicksand. If, however, they release now, there will be more disappointed players that still care enough to let potential new players know how GW operates.
  14. One could assume that, but lore is the cheapest way to keep people buying armies they have no plans of supporting. As soon as production capacity is needed, tossing them out is easy. Even a battletome is cheaper to invalidate than a new mold (and perhaps even stock).
  15. There still is the Empire captain, it has the worst loadout possible, and the ugliest model, but it does use the General warscroll. The general on griffin has a wildly different command ability. I do not think they will increase unit numbers, all new units are with a lower amount of units, not a higher one, and even if, they would not add the discarded sprues in the new sets. If Freeguild gets a new missile troop, I expect a second culling where the battleline remaining is greatswords, and the guards and crossbowmen are removed.
  16. It has not meant direct removal from the rules, many of the discontinued Destruction models are now gone from the rules as well. In any case, at the CoS reveal, they stated that the models they cut would join Warhammer Legends, i.e. being removed from the game.
  17. One thing I should mention, is that if you are not ready to take the plunge in a Warhammer army, but are interested, Underworld is a very good way to get to know them. I purchased the Eyes of the Nine for my girlfriend, so she can make them and check the painting scheme before committing to more Tzeench, I have heard more people liking Saga, but also about Frostgrave, which has excellent models and is model agnostic (like Saga), which helps if you are interested in more different things.
  18. Lore is just created to sell miniatures. I do not think the lore should be relied on for planning purchases. It's just as easy to write a few pages where all the slaves to darkness kill off all the remaining dark elves after deleting both their lines.
  19. You have a point (though the iron drakes vs thunderers come to mind for the Varanguard). The marauders and their horsemen I would think are not long for this world though. The reason why I would think the Chaos warriors and Knights are going out is their price, they are priced quite low for newer lines. They are not selling well. The StD godsworn hunt has been sitting in last chance to buy since before I was even in the hobby. In the same vein I expect the Freeguild Guard and Crossbowmen to go away, GW wants unit boxes to be more expensive than them, and I don't recall them having upgraded a box with the same warscroll.
  20. I could see StD lose their Marauders, Marauder Horsemen, Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights. They already have chosen and Varanguards, and things like the Kairic Acolytes could well be the way forward, with Warcry sets having that nice expensive stopgap for the tiers under chosen. It would also retain their "kill all horses" theme.
  21. Before I buy a new set, I will need to see more than paper commitment. That things would unsettle the fanbase does not seem to phase them one iota.
  22. Something like Theodore Bruckner on reaper would be nice. I'm not holding my breath (holding my breath for things that you do not want to measure in minutes is unwise).
  23. So, for everyone, if GW is not making new models for your army, they are simply collecting money until they find it too inconvenient to have you in the game any longer. If CoS reveal is without new models for Dark elves, they will be the next to be removed. If there are no models for Free people, they are on a timer. If there are no models for Disposessed, they'll be phased out. Similar for the last few remaining high elves. Wanderers seem to fit the Kurnothi, so they are saved in a way.
  24. They are not repackaged. If that would be the case, the last sentence would not be "They're going fast and they're not coming back" in the email sent after half of the models were already sold out. If there were new sculpts for these models, it would have made sense to display them at GenCon. The next chance will be at CoS release. If there are no models at CoS release, they've made clear that that book is just a temporary way to milk more money, but they won't support any of the armies in it long term.
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